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  1. #1
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    HGH causes pot bellies????

    Not really, but if people say HGH destroys fat cells, and that where they shot it, fat doesn't grow back, then explain this to me. Why do all the pros have such big pot bellies in the off season? Do they just not shoot it in their stomachs because they don't know about it's fat reducing capabilities? Are those guts solely the product of massive water retention (don't think so)? So why do they get fat again even though they all use HGh???

  2. #2
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    Anybody wanna just take a shot at this one????

  3. #3
    samoth's Avatar
    samoth is offline Member
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    Don't quote me on any of this, but here goes: To my knowledge, HGH, as well as insulin , are shot in the stomach area for absorption reasons, not because it is supposed to burn off the fat from the stomach. I have never heard that HGH _destroys_ fat cells either, only shrink. The main reason [most] pros have 'pot-bellys' in the offseason is because they proably intake four times the calories, reduce/cut out cardio, and really bulk up for the following years competitions.

  4. #4
    murph's Avatar
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    HGH make your organs grow aswell as your muscles,......and it does wonders for fat too,...........(but when your organs grow, they push out your belly a bit,and makes it stick out, looks bloated but it's not fat)....

  5. #5
    A_Nice's Avatar
    A_Nice is offline Associate Member
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    Yea, I read that your intestines all grow on HGH. Think about it, they are big organs to begin with, so they fill up your gut area...

  6. #6
    McBain is offline Member
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    I was under the impression that you can not destroy adipose tissue, you can only shrink or expand it.
    Last edited by McBain; 04-30-2002 at 10:50 PM.

  7. #7
    ripped_82's Avatar
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    HGH make your organs grow aswell as your muscles,......and it does wonders for fat too,...........(but when your organs grow, they push out your belly a bit,and makes it stick out, looks bloated but it's not fat)....

    This is exactly the reason why they look so bloated, and the fact that they are running cycles that make them retain water.

  8. #8
    ryan26 is offline Junior Member
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    Originally posted by McBain
    I was under the impression that you can not destroy adipose tissue, you can only shrink or expand it.
    You're absolutely right.

  9. #9
    ironmaster's Avatar
    ironmaster is offline Associate Member
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    There is absolutely NO research that supports the organ growth theory of exogenous GH supplementation......nor is this an "adverse reaction" listed by any of the companies that produce somatropin.
    This whole argument comes from several findings that body mass increases occur in GH users, not muscle mass increases (without steroids ). The top scientists in the field (Jorgenson, Ney, Yarashevski, etc.) all have different theories. Some say increased bone mass, some say water retention, some say denser connective tissue accounts for this. Only one researcher advances the organ growth argument, but there are no studies one way or the other.
    Personally, I think it is water retention........GH's anti-diuretic properties are well documented.......and a thickening of the abdominal connective tissue, along with neglect of proper training of the abdominal area.
    Also, site injections of hGH causes atrophy (not elimination) of adipose tissue. In fact, it will atrophy muscle tissue as well, which is the best reason for subcutaneous injection.
    Last edited by ironmaster; 05-01-2002 at 02:14 PM.

  10. #10
    androplex is offline Donating Member
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    Ironmasterm is correct.

    See my post on the general forum, titled would you be willing to take hGH... or something like this.......

    I list several studies and the docs that did the study.

    I have done a lot of research on this and I have not read anywhere in a study that your stomach sticks out do to your organs getting bigger.

    Keep in mine folks, these studies are done in controlled environment where the patients are NOT taking 6 iu a day (SHIT thats a lot) it more like 7 iu's a week.

    If those that choose to take large amounts of hGH above the recommend GH therapy level by the AACE (i have post that give the dosage amount too) then they are messing with fate in my opinion.

    I dont mean to flame anyone here but if anyone is taking hGH and doing more than 10 iu's a week without a doctor's reason and not getting your IGF-1 levels checked I want to be in your will. Really be carefull members.

  11. #11
    McBain is offline Member
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    Also the deformation of bone growth, some of the pictures I have in my biology book of people with naturally high levels of growth hormone in their system (forget what it's called, Andre the Giant had it), is pretty scary. From my reading it seems it's better to stick with AAS and then maybe checkout HGH if AAS isn't cutting it. Unless you don't mind the E.T. look

  12. #12
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    I think it's called acroplexy Mcbain. Thanks for all the informative posts guys. So I guess what you're all saying in a way is that contrary to what some people on this board have said about fat never growing back in areas they injected GH, and contrary to the general perception that GH makes your organs grow (I hate that sportscenter commercial), we really just don't know for sure what it actually does. I have always been curious about it, but I know for sure now that I will stick to AS.

  13. #13
    ironmaster's Avatar
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    The bone growth problem is called acromeglia......this is a is not caused by exogenous GH.
    Yarashevski's study subjects used 12iu of GH a day, andro....he found no internal organ growth even at this dose. (He was not much impressed with the results in weight trained young adults, but found down right remarkable results in GH deficient old farts like me). Most researchers believe that the body's defense mechanisms negate the effects of massive doses of GH. Those who lack these defense mechanisms have acromeglia.

  14. #14
    McBain is offline Member
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    Thanks for clearing that up. So if I understand you correctly, you are proposing that there are no negative side effects from GH usage unless you are predisposed to acromeglia?

  15. #15
    ironmaster's Avatar
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    No, there are some negative side effects in very small percentages of users. Less than 10 percent report one of the following: swelling of the hands and feet, wrist pain, overall joint pain, allergic reactions, water retention, and a very few state that existing tumors grew in size.
    Obviously, carpel tunnel or serious allergic reactions indicate that you should leave GH alone. Hey, some people are allergic to steroids .....wouldn't that suck.?
    Anyway, I have regularly used synthetic GH for years with nothing but good results. No way I stay big and lean and vascular and without a lot of wrinkles at age 53 with no GH.

  16. #16
    McBain is offline Member
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    Ah ok that makes sense. Especially since you are 53, it makes sense for you to use it, as your natural growth hormone release has declined with age. I've heard from most that GH shouldn't be used unless you are over 40. Any opinions on that?

  17. #17
    ironmaster's Avatar
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    Results are definitely better for older lifters. By my age, you lose 60% of your natural production. For me, it's like the fountain of youth. My skin texture improved, my strength went way up without injuries or joint problems, and my BF composition is the best it's ever been. I actually "grew" an inch when I started GH......I don't think I grew in the sense that my bones lengthened, but because of the thickening of connective tissue, bone density, and resultant improved posture.
    I recommend GH to older lifters AND to serious competitive BB'ers of any age (not young, recreational weght lifters). It's damn near impossible to win the big shows these days without the "look"......paper-thin skin, extremely lean mass, awesome vascularity........that GH provides.

  18. #18
    McBain is offline Member
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    Do you cycle it since your production is naturally low? Or do you just cycle in higher dosages and lower dosages, but you are constantly on.

  19. #19
    popeyethasailah's Avatar
    popeyethasailah is offline Junior Member
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    ironmaster, is that avatar you have over to the left an actual picture of the 53year old you? if so, i am fucking amazed, and give you props. i just have two questions, is hgh the same as gh? i have heard stories about ARNOLD S. having to go on life support everynight because he is so fucked up from drug usage... do you know if that is true, or do you know what types of gear or GH he actually used? you seem like you know your shit, figure you might know a little about good ol' ARNOLD...?

  20. #20
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    yea, they're the same thing, but he couldn't have used synthetic, HGH, he must have used the stuff extracted from cadavers. BTW, gotta agree with popeye, you look great iron

  21. #21
    McBain is offline Member
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    I was under the impression Arnold did not use any GH. Am I wrong?

  22. #22
    ironmaster's Avatar
    ironmaster is offline Associate Member
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    Sure that's my photo in the you think I would use someone elses? Thanks for the kind words, fellows. You don't have to give in to age.
    McBain, yes I am ''on" all the time now. But I do alternate light and heavy. I have used as much as 12iu a day, but now believe this to be a waste. I get great results from 4.5 to 6iu a difference. Right now I am using only 2iu, and so far after 5 weeks, I see no losses.
    I always use steroids and insulin with GH. If cutting, I taper back the insulin and use anabolics instead of androgenics. If bulking, heavy test throughout and a fair amount of insulin.

    I don't think Arnold used GH in his competition days. Maybe way later in his movie career...... most old actors are on HRT. I'm telling you, when we first got steroids , it was dbol only, and doses were light......however, I gained 20 pounds right away during football conditioning, and was hooked for life. Back in the 60's, GH was known, but rarely seen. It was extracted from the pituitary gland of cadavers, and did transmit certain diseases to the user. This is likely what did in Alzedo, although he tried to blame it on steroids.
    I have used cadaver hGH, no problems.....fortunately this was pre-AIDs......but the synthetic somatropin of today is superior in every way.

    For illustration, in the photos - Gh with light insulin and anabolics, bottom - heavy on the androgens and insulin:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails HGH causes pot bellies????-image3.jpg  

  23. #23
    Nate_Dog's Avatar
    Nate_Dog is offline Member
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    I have said it before and I will say it again... IRON MASTER YOU ARE A DEMON!!! Much respect!

    Thanks ofr the comparison pictures. I see what you mean by paper thin skin... and those veins.. Holly MOFO!

    A few questions...

    Please reflect on your insulin use ( I have tried it on a cycle, and enjoyed it). Your opinons on using insulin for a bridge between cycles. Maximum time to stay on slin ? Do you take Morning and Post training? How effective do you find just slin and gear.

    Q's on gear,.... are you constantly on ? Or do you cycle? What dosages do you take? Length of your cycles? Favorite gear? Fav stack ? Thought on retaining gains from dbol ?

    Sorry about all the questions, I find you thorough in your explainations. And you physique shows that you know what are talking about.


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