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Thread: Anadrol

  1. #1
    Samson1 is offline Junior Member
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    Question Anadrol

    I am thimking about trying Anadrol I understand how harsh this drug is and all the side affects associated,My main conceren is people complain about losing all their gains pct,I understand that anadrol causes a lot of water retention so you will lose weight from that BUT DO YOU LOSE ALL THE STRENGTH AND MUSCLE GAINED POST CYCLE FROM ANADROL


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    The South Side
    If you do a search you'll find varying answers. Some say you keep the strength and a little mass, others say that you keep most of the gains. The thing is you NEED to take it with test....and Deca would also be good to add in. The deca increases the number of RBC significantly and the anadrol increases the size of the RBC's, which equates to an enormous pump. Just read up on anything you're going to take and follow up with proper pct and you'll be happy with the gains you keep

  3. #3
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
    Alpha-Male is offline Senior Member
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    yeah, prop is absolutely killer with AD, and i think eq will raise your rbcs higher than deca ??? but proper pct, diet and training, and you can keep your gains just as well as any other cycle IMO...


  4. #4
    ward065's Avatar
    ward065 is offline Member
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    50-75 mg per day seems to be good for some of the people i know, for 3 weeks, 5 weeks most.

    you will keep most of ur gains if you use anadrol like dbol , for the first few weeks of your cycle only, doing injectables like test with it. you do not want to run it too long because it can be damaging to ur body. and you do not want to take too much for this same reason.

    like dbol, never run anadrol by itself!

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