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Thread: Anadrol

  1. #41
    kungen1234 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ODC0717
    I think this article is more relavent to reaching your peak blood plasma levels quicker. IF YOU WANT YOUR GEAR TO KICK IN QUICKER USE A SHORT ESTER INSTEAD. Why do people use prop at the beginning of their cycle? Because it has a short ester that allows you to start benifiting from the AAS in a short time instead of waiting 4-6 weeks for the longer esters to kick in. If I inject 500mg of test enth, or if I shoot 1000mg of test enth, it won't matter because it still takes 4 weeks for enth to fully kick in. You're simply reaching your predetermined weekly dose quicker. JMO. Oh yeah, I think anadrol sucks but I used it at 50mg ed only. Perhaps I'll give it another go with an altered protocol.

    Uhm no?
    The reason why a traditional 500mg a week injection of test enth doesnt "kick in" until 3-4 weeks is because there is a buildup of available test enth in your body. If you check it out you'll see by week 4 you'll have 930mg something of Testosterone Enth in your body, remarkably thats when it "kicks in" aswell. Thus if you inject 1000mg(or 930 if you want to be precise) it WILL kick in right away. It's a matter of how much test enth you got in your system, not a matter of some weird timing function esters have on your body. Read up..

    Imagine several cups of sand, at the bottom of each cup there is an opening of different sizes. In a fast acting testosterone you have a large opening, in a slowacting testosterone you have a tiny opening. Now if you open those openings the sand leaking out represents testosterone slipping out into your body and becoming active and free testosterone that will have an anabolic effect on your body. Obviously the cup with large opening(fast acting test) will dump all its sand(testosterone) quickly(into your body).

    Now if we add one tiny cup to the table(slowacting testosterone) and let it slowly pour out sand we wont have that much testosterone in our body right? But 1/5th through that cup we add another cup and open it aswell(a tiny opening one) and then another one and another one, all of a sudden we have 5 cups with tiny openings all pouring out sand to the equivalent amount of one large opening one, now we start to see results.

    Weird analogy but if you managed to keep up you deserve praise.
    Last edited by kungen1234; 09-09-2005 at 12:29 PM.

  2. #42
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
    TheDfromGC is offline Anabolic Member
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    a building
    spyder, what were ur doses of dbol and enanthate on ur first cycle??

  3. #43
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    yoookeeeedooookeey!!Whatever you say Mr.Knowitall.

    I dont know it all but i dont BASH what i dont know. i simply say let me see if this holds true, then commence researching unlike you. quick to bash sometimes do make you look silly, not saying you are because i see you have knowledge of a lot o fwhat you speak on, I commend you on that.

  4. #44
    BUDGIE is offline Associate Member
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    Just to mention if anyone concerned about drol dosing in the info leaflet u get with it the dose 4 anemics works out to some 10 or 12 tabs for a 200pd man

  5. #45
    StayJuicen34 is offline Associate Member
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    I feel that that is very true higher doese dosent always mean more gains and faster results, it can in a sence cause a reverse affect turing that testosterone into estrogen and leading you down a path of gyno. 50mgs is fine

  6. #46
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spyder
    I know you're probably right since you have the experience and all, but its always comforting for a newb(i just finished my first cycle) like me to hear more people approve on the advice they are given, sorry did not mean to offend in any way. I have already considered your advice of 100mg/day, and i want to run it for 4 weeks, do you think this is alright, or do i need to run it for longer? Keep in mind this is only my second cycle and first ever with drol.
    I have done drols and doing them now actually.

    OK #1, drols for me are the strongest steroid there is, not only will you see drastic changes in your body fast on them, but if you do over 25 to 30 mg at a time, you can actually feel a jolt hit you unlike any other steroid I have done. It also makes your stomach upset, and irrital bowell syndrome or even hemoroids are known sides do drols. They can worsen heartburn, ulcers or any other problems in your digestive track. It would be good not to do drols close to the time you take creatine because creatine can hold the drol for a while in the intestines where it can go on the attack. Normally if you do like 100 mg a day of drol, you want to do 33% in morning, then noon and again at night - divide up the dose for steady availibility in blood. I also notice on other steroids the highest my blood pressure ever gets is 120 over 70, on drols I never see it below 145 over 90 which is something to worry about. If I drop the drols a few days, the blood pressure returns to normal. Drols can pack on weight fast, but sadly its hardly worth doing because for example you can gain 10 lbs in 10 days on drol with proper diet support, (but see if you can eat with the drol upset stomachs), but sadly when you end the drols, you will loose 10 lbs in 10 days starting from day one!

    Not only that... trenbolone and anadrols are the 2 steroids "most likely" to cause roid rage . Nothing else gives me roid rage, the drols make me very irritable all the time.

  7. #47
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_C
    first off I don't wanna bash you bro, but i really know more about AAS than me, i know all about all the different esters, 10 years and 25+ cycles have tought me a little. So i don't have to read on esters, i simply said it was an interesting thread and I was curious about it, and you said the steroids don't differ?? Test is the steriod and the esters do differ, alot in fact, making the compound differ, thats like saying here is gas and here is gas with ethanol, there the same there not, they are both gas and do the same thing but with different added compounds in them.
    The ester is simply the oil its bonded to. Since oil disolves slowly in the watery environment of the human body, the oil adds a "time release" element to the steroid . The only difference in the ester is how long it takes for the oil to break down in water. Prop takes 3 days, enanthate takes 15 days, cypionate takes 16 days, decanate takes 21 days, sometimes more on all esters if shots are given repeatedly into scar tissue muscle.

  8. #48
    Spyder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDfromGC
    spyder, what were ur doses of dbol and enanthate on ur first cycle??
    dbol 30mg/day for 6 weeks
    test enanthate 500mg/week 10weeks

  9. #49
    Spyder's Avatar
    Spyder is offline Member
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    I could not believe the effectiveness of dbol , size and strength wise, all of you who bash dbol really need to get your act together.

  10. #50
    Spyder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    I have done drols and doing them now actually.

    OK #1, drols for me are the strongest steroid there is, not only will you see drastic changes in your body fast on them, but if you do over 25 to 30 mg at a time, you can actually feel a jolt hit you unlike any other steroid I have done. It also makes your stomach upset, and irrital bowell syndrome or even hemoroids are known sides do drols. They can worsen heartburn, ulcers or any other problems in your digestive track. It would be good not to do drols close to the time you take creatine because creatine can hold the drol for a while in the intestines where it can go on the attack. Normally if you do like 100 mg a day of drol, you want to do 33% in morning, then noon and again at night - divide up the dose for steady availibility in blood. I also notice on other steroids the highest my blood pressure ever gets is 120 over 70, on drols I never see it below 145 over 90 which is something to worry about. If I drop the drols a few days, the blood pressure returns to normal. Drols can pack on weight fast, but sadly its hardly worth doing because for example you can gain 10 lbs in 10 days on drol with proper diet support, (but see if you can eat with the drol upset stomachs), but sadly when you end the drols, you will loose 10 lbs in 10 days starting from day one!

    Not only that... trenbolone and anadrols are the 2 steroids "most likely" to cause roid rage. Nothing else gives me roid rage, the drols make me very irritable all the time.
    There is nothing more then i hate then an upset stomach, especially when there is dhiarrea involved, though at the same time i can't wait. Yes im also expecting a gain of atleast 10lbs every 10 days from it, but i will stack it with test and another steroid which i am not sure of yet so i don't think i will lose as much weight as you say i will.

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