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  1. #1
    orosco is offline Associate Member
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    Cycle Critique...

    My goal is to gain a solid 15lbs...I want to harden up and put on quality mass..

    EQ 100mg ed or 200mg eod ( 1-15) ( im thinking ed to dilute the prop a little)
    Prop 100mg ed (1-6), 75mg ed (13-16)
    Cyp 200mg wk (3-10)
    Clen 60-100mcg (1-20) w/ benadryl every 3rd week
    T3 25-50mcg (1-6), (11-15)
    Nolv (10mg throughout cycle)

    Let me know what you think...Im taking a low dose of accutane, which is why you see no orals or winny in this cycle..If I can add anything please let me know..especially you VETS...

  2. #2
    magicstick2003's Avatar
    magicstick2003 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by orosco
    My goal is to gain a solid 15lbs...I want to harden up and put on quality mass..

    EQ 100mg ed or 200mg eod ( 1-15) ( im thinking ed to dilute the prop a little)
    Prop 100mg ed (1-6), 75mg ed (13-16)
    Cyp 200mg wk (3-10)
    Clen 60-100mcg (1-20) w/ benadryl every 3rd week
    T3 25-50mcg (1-6), (11-15)
    Nolv (10mg throughout cycle)

    Let me know what you think...Im taking a low dose of accutane, which is why you see no orals or winny in this cycle..If I can add anything please let me know..especially you VETS...
    im a little confused here. how come you're using prop and cyp? when not just run the cyp since you're already running a long ester (EQ)??? Actually upon looking at it again this is on messed up cycle bro.... so let me get this right you're gonna run 700mg of EQ a week 1-15. nothing in it is stable....
    for week 1-3 you areo nly running 700mg of test, then weeks 3-6 you run 800mg. Then weeks 6-10 200 mg, then from weeks 10-12 you have no test.... this might be one of the more messedu p cycles i've personally ever seen.
    Why not stick to cyp and run it consistantly throughout with your EQ, you can even end them on the same day so PCT lines up accordingly. I guess you could run the prop as a jump and at the end if you chose so.

  3. #3
    orosco is offline Associate Member
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    This is why I wanted cycle critiquing...I will change the cyp so it is throughout the cycle, so that stays stable...But I do want to keep the prop in their for the fast acting properties at the begining of my cycle then bang it out at the end of it as well...
    thanks for the const. critizism magic..

  4. #4
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Leave the cyp out and run the prop all the way through with the EQ.


  5. #5
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    Back in da box!
    Leave the cyp out and run the prop all the way through with the EQ.


    This would work, but being not a big fan of needles(any more than is neccessary) I would go with CYP/or E that way you have a long acting ester to go with the EQ. If you want a jump start you could use dbol , or do the first 5 weeks with eod prop injections to frontload, I just would not want 16 weeks of prop shots E/D or EOD. My 2 cents worth.

  6. #6
    orosco is offline Associate Member
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    Your right about that...There is no way im shooting prop ED for 4 months..I think im going to leave the cyp in the cycle and frontload with the prop...I may or may not use prop at the end of the cycle...

  7. #7
    magicstick2003's Avatar
    magicstick2003 is offline Anabolic Member
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    no problem bro. HOpe it didn;t sound too harsh lol. But seriously if i were you i would go with the EQ till week 16 and test cyp to week 16 as well that way you only have two shots a week rather then with the prop ED shots. You could jump the cycle with prop from like weeks 1-4 then end it from week 16-19 with prop (19 cause it's a 3 week lag between cyp and pct.
    also what cycle number is this for you. If it's a first i would say try just test. I say this cause if by chance you notice hairloss you really wont; know if it's from the EQ lor test in which case you can;t know for future cycles.

  8. #8
    orosco is offline Associate Member
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    I have done plenty of cycles...Most all my cycles seem to be obsolete..This board gets more and more technical each day...My hair is already falling out and I shave it so i guess its no big deal..After this cycle im probably oging to say **** it and break out the mach III and call it a day...

  9. #9
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by orosco
    more and more technical each day
    I'm not so sure about technical,but conservative for sure.In another year or so,you'll see the next crowd coming in saying to run 25mgs ED prop and 15 mgs Ed Fina.In the last year the Fina dose has dropped 25 mgs ED along with the prop dose as well.


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