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  1. #1
    byu is offline Junior Member
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    My third cycle...Sust/primo/var

    this will be my third cycle and I could use a lil help with it...

    I'm 6'3" 192lbs 7.1%bf and a minor league baseball player. I am on a time limit with detection. Need to be clear by Late February.

    First cycle was Sustanon 250 only.
    Second was sust/deca for 10 weeks.
    I did 4 weeks of Anavar about a year and a half ago also...

    Here's the newest:
    1-3 30mgs D-bol ed (can do with or without dbol )
    1-10 750mgs Sust eod
    1-10 400mgs Primo eod
    7-12 50mgs Anavar ed
    1-18 10mgs Nolvadex
    1-18 .25mgs Liquidex
    14-18 Clomid in standard form

    I'm looking for some solid mass gains in the legs but mainly strength. What do you guys think? Anything I could add to up the mass gain?
    And what about about manufacturer's? Underground states labs...or Mexican shit?

    Thanks a lot bro's

  2. #2
    byu is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by byu
    And what about about manufacturer's? Underground states labs...or Mexican shit?

    Thanks a lot bro's

    Well sometimes you have to go with what you can.. Some people have the luxury of options, others have to take what they can.

    As far as the cylce goes this is a huge leap from what you're used to. I dont know if you notice that your thiking about doing over 2g of Sust a week. That's 90 amps of Sust over the cource of 10 weeks!!!! Not to mention 1200mgs of Primo which is VERY expensive.

    Ge back to us on what you previous dosages were on the Sust/Dec cycle and you results. Then we'll take it from there. I would love to help.

  4. #4
    byu is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks brotha..
    I know about the expense of primo and anavar ...which kills me...but oh well. Kinda the price you pay. I have access to an american UG lab, or any of the mexican brands, QV, AP, Brovel...
    Previous cycle:
    first was 250mgs Sust once a week for 6 or 8 weeks...I was 18 and dumb.
    second cycle:
    1-9 250 mgs sust
    1-9 600 mgs Deca
    I gained around 30lbs, had 6% bf and felt unbelievebly strong. I fractured my shoulder when I was pitching tho...and wasn't able to work out after..I still ended up maintaining about 13lbs LMM.
    I know about the amount of Sust...but I've taken soo much sust in the past...I'm not sure what dosage will help me get the mass I'm looking for. I know that primo is not the best mass builder, but it seems to have good keepable gains and isn't too taxing on the liver.
    Of course I would like to keep the price down...but I am on a time limit.

    I really appreciate your help...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by byu
    this will be my third cycle and I could use a lil help with it...

    I'm 6'3" 192lbs 7.1%bf and a minor league baseball player. I am on a time limit with detection. Need to be clear by Late February.

    First cycle was Sustanon 250 only.
    Second was sust/deca for 10 weeks.
    I did 4 weeks of Anavar about a year and a half ago also...

    Here's the newest:
    1-3 30mgs D-bol ed (can do with or without dbol )
    1-10 750mgs Sust eod
    1-10 400mgs Primo eod
    7-12 50mgs Anavar ed
    1-18 10mgs Nolvadex
    1-18 .25mgs Liquidex
    14-18 Clomid in standard form

    I'm looking for some solid mass gains in the legs but mainly strength. What do you guys think? Anything I could add to up the mass gain?
    And what about about manufacturer's? Underground states labs...or Mexican shit?

    Thanks a lot bro's

    You need to not worry about steroids and worry about whats wrong with your diet and workout routine.If your looking for mass gains in the legs, you gotta squat heavy and eat heavy.

  6. #6
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    seein as you were only runnin 250mg sus weekly for both your prev cycles mate no need really to go over 500-750mg weekly not eod way too much!also you should run deca at a lower dose than the test on the prev cycle,way too much primo as well,not sure if you meant weekly with those doses not eod?hope so.

  7. #7
    byu is offline Junior Member
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    k, what's wrong with it?
    3700+ calories per day.
    270 grams protein minimum. Low sugar intake, no processed grains. Supplement natural food with protein shakes and bars. Veggie intake with every meal...all the colors of the rainbow..
    My favorites are boneless skinless chicken, brown rice, yams, tuna, crab, swordfish (even with the recent reports of high mercury), red meat a few times a week, 100% Juice, Whole Grain multi-grain bread, turkey, moderate cheese, potatos, tomato's, cottage cheese, apples, banana's, oranges, pears, cantalope.

    As you might be able to tell, I'm not extremely worried about bf, it sits in the high 6 range all the time.

    Workout routine is sport specific. Dynamic motion, plyo's, with mixed free weight. I currently cut the cardio down to 20min every other to every third day. The weight routine is scheduled by the organization, from guys that have been doing it at least as long as you, and have access to information you have no idea about..

    don't come on here with your "diet and workout routine" bullshit. I've been on this board a lot longer than you, and apprently know a lot more about board etiquette. Not only that, but I'm looking for constructive help on a STERIOD CYCLE. Did my first post look like a newbie's post?

  8. #8
    byu is offline Junior Member
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    oh shit...I see the fault...
    I meant:
    750mgs sus weekly with injects eod
    400mgs primo weekly with injects on the same cycle...eod
    I apologize....

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by byu
    k, what's wrong with it?
    3700+ calories per day.
    270 grams protein minimum. Low sugar intake, no processed grains. Supplement natural food with protein shakes and bars. Veggie intake with every meal...all the colors of the rainbow..
    My favorites are boneless skinless chicken, brown rice, yams, tuna, crab, swordfish (even with the recent reports of high mercury), red meat a few times a week, 100% Juice, Whole Grain multi-grain bread, turkey, moderate cheese, potatos, tomato's, cottage cheese, apples, banana's, oranges, pears, cantalope.

    As you might be able to tell, I'm not extremely worried about bf, it sits in the high 6 range all the time.

    Workout routine is sport specific. Dynamic motion, plyo's, with mixed free weight. I currently cut the cardio down to 20min every other to every third day. The weight routine is scheduled by the organization, from guys that have been doing it at least as long as you, and have access to information you have no idea about..

    don't come on here with your "diet and workout routine" bullshit. I've been on this board a lot longer than you, and apprently know a lot more about board etiquette. Not only that, but I'm looking for constructive help on a STERIOD CYCLE. Did my first post look like a newbie's post?

    Nice attitude and obviously your diet and wieght routine is off if your ONLY 6'3'' 192.Oh wait no i take that back your diet is perfect for someone wanting to be skin and bones your right, because you have proved that to be correct, and by the way your weight training must be garbage if youve done 3 cycles already and still are not able to achieve what some 5'10'' 9th graders can in weight.So next time take the advice and do it, maybe you will be satisified with the hard work and not always trying to take the easy route.

  10. #10
    byu is offline Junior Member
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    yeah, I know I should have run more test than deca ...I messed that one up...but that cycle was three years ago and I'm ok now.
    also, as I just said, those were weekly mgs figures...I meant the injects were going to be every other day.
    thanks bro.

  11. #11
    byu is offline Junior Member
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    thanks Hellmask...
    You're dismissed. It's called a natural plateau and the fact that I'm destroying my muscularity for 6 months of the year in baseball season. And, if you had read the first post more carefully, I wasn't asking for help with my diet and workout...that's set.
    3700calories per day is a minimum as it said, often days it is much more.
    And the word is "you're", coma's are not where you start a new sentence, and there's a space after a period.

    For anyone willing to help: I'm not looking to get big, or be ripped up (although that would be a nice by-product). I'm looking for the strength and mass gains.
    Thanks again

  12. #12
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    the cycle looks ok to me although i would maybe up the primo to 600 mgs weekly as its not really a strong compound,also start the clomid therapy the day after the last var tab and extend the var to 18 days past the last sust jab,this way all of the compounds will bve finished with together,good luck.

  13. #13
    byu is offline Junior Member
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    600 mgs even for a first timer?
    What about the increase in DHT? how would I offset those effects?

    So, Var in weeks 8-13? is that a better idea?

  14. #14
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by byu
    oh shit...I see the fault...
    I meant:
    750mgs sus weekly with injects eod
    400mgs primo weekly with injects on the same cycle...eod
    I apologize....

    Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh OK!!!!! At first I thought you were a newbie b/c you said EOD. But I figured you knew you stuff b/c you speak well and your diet looks great.

    I would cut out the D-bol out at the begging of the cycle. I know that you're trying to gain some weight but when most people take D-bol it effects them cardiovascularly as well as BP. Those are 2 things that you have to control seeing that you are an athlete. Those Dynamic exercises and plyometric movements will beat you up if you're huffin and puffin. Plus you dont want to run 2 17aa's within 3 months. I say move the Var to the front of the cycle to give you a boost.

    Otherwise, this cycle looks clean and ready to rock. PM if you want to talk some more or just post again.


  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by byu
    thanks Hellmask...
    You're dismissed. It's called a natural plateau and the fact that I'm destroying my muscularity for 6 months of the year in baseball season. And, if you had read the first post more carefully, I wasn't asking for help with my diet and workout...that's set.
    3700calories per day is a minimum as it said, often days it is much more.
    And the word is "you're", coma's are not where you start a new sentence, and there's a space after a period.

    For anyone willing to help: I'm not looking to get big, or be ripped up (although that would be a nice by-product). I'm looking for the strength and mass gains.
    Thanks again
    byu, im not gonna argue with you.Your a loser. Stick those commas and periods up your ass, im done with this thread.

  16. #16
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    chill out guys. Take it easy beore things get out of hand any more then what I have seen.


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