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  1. #1
    SpiderRico's Avatar
    SpiderRico is offline Member
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    numbness in hands

    Has anyone experienced numbness in your hands while on a cycle its at its worst in the morning when i wake up its like my whole forearm to my hand is asleep...i was looking at pics in a mag the other day i think it was muscle maga and there was a flyer i think either about protein or some energy suppliment( arent they all) and the guy posing a double front bi had the same features my hand has when i clench my fist where its clenched is all really pail around the hand and the other parts are all red and full of blood? is it anything to do with the cycle im on or what is it i just started a dbol deca test E last week

  2. #2
    clipper is offline Associate Member
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    The dbol makes me hold water. and i have carpel tunnel. So holding water makes it worse. It will make my hands go numb, more than normal. It may be that. Advil helps mine.

    If this is the case, it will get better in a week or so. And mostly go away when the dbol is done. Test does not do it as bad for me.

  3. #3
    SpiderRico's Avatar
    SpiderRico is offline Member
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    then thats what it is because my hands do feel swolen like .. ya i too never had this problem with test

  4. #4
    ranran is offline Junior Member
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    It sounds like carple tunnle syndrome (CTS) to me, I have the same sensations in both of my hands and wrists. My dr. diagnosed it as (CTS) and gave me some anti-inflamatories and some braces to wear at night. I do know that people who lift weights are more prone to experience this because of the compression of the tendons that run through the wrist. I first started having these symptoms in my early thirties and i have been batlling them since. Very aggravating!

    Man it gets so bad some nights that i have to wake up and shake them out just to get the feeling back in them again. Something as simple as writing (and typing!) causes them to "fall asleep," the next step he said would be surgery, but I am holding off as long as I can on that.

    Hope that helps,


  5. #5
    SpiderRico's Avatar
    SpiderRico is offline Member
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    wtf that sucks i didnt want to hear that but i know i really should have ya its at its worst when i wake up in the morning and the other day made me drop some weight on my bench do to the feeling in my hand i hope its only from the cycle because this just starting happening about 3 days ago and its started the next morning after i started my cycle and after a day of laying pavers for a patio which had me laying over on my wrist all day which is why i thought it could be that its only my right hand aswell

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