First and foremost, i have to say i searched a lot about Dbol and found a lot but you'll agree nothing match personal experience, right?
So i got two friends, one Manu and the other,Yohan.
Manu as been on Dbol for 2 years now, with a good anti-e, but never cycled off - yes i repeat never cycled off. he's been taking 30md/day and have no visible sides except that he's 190lbs lean and that's what amazed me. I know that you theorically get bloated with Dbol, but he does not!!!
and that considering he never cycle off, that's stunning!!
Yohan is taking 50mg/day and doesnot have any sides neither nor bloating problem!!
How can you explain that, i mean you guys usually say that you gotta stack Dbol with test and BTW you get kinda bloated....

So is someday able to explain me that weird fact?Is Bloating always something to expect with Dbol or not

PS:Yohan told me that he had a frikkin Libido......exactly the contrary of all the posts i've read so far....