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Thread: How to get cut?

  1. #1
    CarbonCopy's Avatar
    CarbonCopy is offline Member
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    Smile How to get cut?

    Hey guys newbie here.. I first want to say that the web page rawks! It has helped me gain a lot of knowledge on the subject of steroids . I have been reading the site for about a year off and on, but I decided to join just today. Ok enough with the endorsements. My question/story is this.. I am 26yr old 6’2 190lbs and I am in above average shape, but for some reason I guess by way of bad genetics I have never been able to get the hard lean look that so many of us want. I know that I could take better steps in the way of diet to harden my body up. But, even when I get thin from working my ass off my body is still soft. I really hate this! What I would like to do is gain hard muscle and yet not bulk up. Any ideas or suggestions? I don’t want to do a big cycle of many different steroids to get cut. I would like to limit my steroid intake to 1 drug. I was thinking of doing some winny? Could anyone please give me some suggestions of what steroid is best for cutting? And the dosage, and number of weeks I would need to be on the steroid.

    Thanks all,


  2. #2
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    First of all welcome aboard my fellow iron bro. Good first post, you have showed that you've been researching, you have given us your stats and you have told us what you want to achieve. Lets begin...

    Aside from the obvious, such as tweaking your diet and increase in lean body mass will not only give you a leaner appearance but it will increase the rate at which you burn fat when resting (muscle burns fat). You mentioned winstrol which is a good choice, however I strongly recommend stacking it with a base drug such as deca . This is the exact stack I ran for my first ever cycle and I asked Mike the exact same question "Is it OK to use just one steroid ?" This stack will give you an increase in lean mass (10-20lbs) and will give you that hard look. Your cycle should look like this:

    weeks 1-10 deca 400mg/week
    weeks 3-8 winstrol 50mg EOD
    week 13 clomid 300mg day 1, 100mg x 10 days, 50mg x 10 days


  3. #3
    CYCLEON Guest
    pete's advice is good but if you are jsut looking to cut up further then there are a number of drugs that u need to look at that are not AAS such as clen /ECA/DNP /T3 etc. - If u only wanted to use one AAS I would recommend anavar as it is fat cutting and will give u fantastic strength increases but it wont do wonders for size

  4. #4
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    Like this Pete Nice one,

    I would go

    1-10 Eq. 400mg
    6-10 Winny 50mg ED
    1-4 Anavar 30mg ED

    Clomid as peter said.

    However, I agree with cycleon go for a clen /ECA cycle with some T3 if you really want to get lean.

  5. #5
    CarbonCopy's Avatar
    CarbonCopy is offline Member
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    Hey thanks guys for all the info! Also, just wondering what Anavar is and does it have a generic name? Like I said in my first post, I know that when my body weight goes down I lose a lot of muscle and even though I am thin I don't get ripped. Maybe with the help of some of the gear you listed I would mantian and even gain muscle when I lose all the weight? I am looking at a 6 month training schedule and looking to lose about 10lbs. Once I have collected the right info and gear to do the job I will start.


  6. #6
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Outside your bedroom wind
    Originally posted by CYCLEON
    pete's advice is good but if you are jsut looking to cut up further then there are a number of drugs that u need to look at that are not AAS such as clen/ECA/DNP/T3 etc. - If u only wanted to use one AAS I would recommend anavar as it is fat cutting and will give u fantastic strength increases but it wont do wonders for size

    Don't listen to this punk. He's got something comin to him....SOON!!!!......RIGHT C.O.???! LOL

    Just kidding, lthese guys will guide you the right way.

  7. #7
    El Rey is offline New Member
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    There's NO SUBSTITUTE for a good diet to get ripped. If you stay smooth looking even hen you're losing weight, perhaps you're taking in too many carbs. Many people have this problem. I can't look really ripped unless I'm keeping my carbs to about 50%. And make them as complex a carb as you can. Don't mean to rant on if this isn't what you're asking about, but no magic pill in the world will cure a bad diet.

  8. #8
    CarbonCopy's Avatar
    CarbonCopy is offline Member
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    Yeah I know you are right El Rey... But, still I would think that w/o a jolt of some AS it might be very difficult to get lean and hard no matter what your diet. I say this only from my personal experience.


  9. #9
    CYCLEON Guest
    an origional haiku for PaPaPump -

    The dogs bark
    but the MAN continues
    down the street.

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