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  1. #1
    operationgetbig's Avatar
    operationgetbig is offline Senior Member
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    supplements to take while on juice

    i plan on taking animal pak (2 paks a day), glucosamine, protein shake, cell-tech

    what do u think?

  2. #2
    TADOLFI's Avatar
    TADOLFI is offline Member
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    If you plan on all that - how do you know what the gear is really doing for you?

    I say just do the protein.

  3. #3
    Juice2Win is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TADOLFI
    If you plan on all that - how do you know what the gear is really doing for you?

    I say just do the protein.
    Yeah, true stick to the protein and maybe a muti vitamin

  4. #4
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TADOLFI
    If you plan on all that - how do you know what the gear is really doing for you?

    I say just do the protein.

  5. #5
    Giantz11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TADOLFI
    If you plan on all that - how do you know what the gear is really doing for you?

    I say just do the protein.

    I'm fairly certain that creatine, glucosimine and vitamins will certainly not be mistaken for AAS. If not, I need to get some of the Creatine you're taking!

  6. #6
    Giantz11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by operationgetbig
    i plan on taking animal pak (2 paks a day), glucosamine, protein shake, cell-tech

    what do u think?
    First and foremost what are you taking, AAS wise?

  7. #7
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by operationgetbig
    i plan on taking animal pak (2 paks a day), glucosamine, protein shake, cell-tech

    what do u think?
    I think cell teck and animal pak are taking you to the cleaners... There are just as good multivitamins at a better price. Go get the cheapest creatine and mix it in with your pwo meal(the protein shake). I would say that between protein and maybe BCAA you should be good, I would take 10g of bcaa before work out.

    Milk thistle for liver protection
    b6 for prog issues
    b5 for acne
    ala for insulin sensitivity/liver protection
    Policosanol for colesterol(I have not used yet)
    Garlic for blood pressure
    cranberry extract for kidney
    uva ursi for kidney
    saw palmetto for dht sides(though I do not as I believe it downregulates androgen receptors)
    Multi oils(such as flax and fish, maybe primrose) for overall health concerning liver, cardiovascular support

    The list could be endless...

  8. #8
    freakintraining's Avatar
    freakintraining is offline Associate Member
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    the early post are will know if your aas are legit or not creatine wont over power any steroid .....if you got the cash buy up the supps use it as a reason why you are growing like a weed

  9. #9
    climbr13 is offline Junior Member
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    where can u geta supplemental form of potassium

  10. #10
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by climbr13
    where can u geta supplemental form of potassium
    gnc, any healthfood store, walmart, walgreen, cvs pharmacy... list can go on and on

  11. #11
    sniper320's Avatar
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    mesomorphyl you have the funnist avatar ive seen, i love cheppelle show. (p.s sorry to jack the thread)

  12. #12
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sniper320
    mesomorphyl you have the funnist avatar ive seen, i love cheppelle show. (p.s sorry to jack the thread)
    I video taped my buddy narkissos mowing my lawn... oh, you already seen charlie murphy on cheppelle, huh?

  13. #13
    sniper320's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    I video taped my buddy narkissos mowing my lawn... oh, you already seen charlie murphy on cheppelle, huh?

  14. #14
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    what is a good dosage for the B5?

  15. #15
    IndianGodMan is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TADOLFI
    If you plan on all that - how do you know what the gear is really doing for you?

    I say just do the protein.

    Is this your first cyclee?

    I ask because if so you may want to just run the aas to see what kind of gains you can expect in the future and also to have a base so when they vary in the future you can figure out why alot easier.

    Now doing all that shit will only help you on your cycle so if you got the money go for it!

  16. #16
    powerliftmike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TADOLFI
    If you plan on all that - how do you know what the gear is really doing for you?

    I say just do the protein.
    That is quite stupid advice. First vitamins/minerals are to prevent deficiencys and not build muscle. Seoncd cell tech is a bunch of overpriced sugar with a little creatine throw in. It sounds like your diet is way off and so you should hold back on the AASs until you get it worked out.

  17. #17
    operationgetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    That is quite stupid advice. First vitamins/minerals are to prevent deficiencys and not build muscle. Seoncd cell tech is a bunch of overpriced sugar with a little creatine throw in. It sounds like your diet is way off and so you should hold back on the AASs until you get it worked out.
    my diet is way off?? what are you talking about. i never even listed what my diet is. just because i want to take a multivitamin, glucosamine and a little creatine, that makes my diet way off

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