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Thread: hitting a vein

  1. #1
    flexshack is offline Member
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    Unhappy hitting a vein

    hey guys
    if you hit a vein while injecting and switch needles and try again but do it again, how can you tell that you hit one again. i mean isn't there blood already mixed in? will you be able to see new blood drawn in? also what happens if someone actually injects into a vein. no i never did this and don't intend on doing it but i was just curious. thanks

  2. #2
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    Hey bro read Billy's thread in the general forum, "my first injection".

    Bascially what you need to do if you draw blood is drain the blood out again through the pin, the consistany of the blood will mean this will drip out and leave the juice there.

  3. #3
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    ok, i read the "my first injection" post and now i have a question myself. i've taken 3 cycles, and i have yet to pull the plunger back after sticking the needle in. the only time i stuck my quads was during my last cycle, which was just test 200 alone. i did happen to pull out the needle once and blood gushed out. about had a heart attack there. but, figured i just busted through a vein on my way in, not actually injected into the vein. so i guess my question is, must you pull out? nurses and doctors never do when they shoot in your ass.

  4. #4
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by KeyMastur
    the only time i stuck my quads was during my last cycle, which was just test 200 alone. i did happen to pull out the needle once and blood gushed out. about had a heart attack there. but, figured i just busted through a vein on my way in, not actually injected into the vein. so i guess my question is, must you pull out? nurses and doctors never do when they shoot in your ass.
    That's because the as has less veins (and nerve endings) than the quad. If you're shooting correctly in the upper, outer quadrant of the glute, you're less likely to come across a vein in the first place. When you shoot in the quads (which means the outer side of the leg, abot halfway between the knee and the thigh - a "handbreadth" above the knee), there's a much bigger chance that you're going to hit something.

    I find that when I do quad shots, I hit a nerve more often than I hit a vein. Since the leg muscle tends to tighten with any kind of pain, I simply pull out the needle if I hit anything and use the other leg, which is still more relaxed.

    The key question is,did the blood gush out when you aspirated the needle (while it was in your quad) or after you pulled it out of your leg? If blood went into the needle when you were aspirating, yes, you should have pulled it out and used a different site. But if it gushed after you removed the needle from your leg, you either went through a vein or it was simply natural bleeding. Remember, almost all injections will produce some blood after the needle is pulled from the injection site - that's why a doctor's office or lab will put a band-aid or cotton on the site after a needle is removed (to clot and to stop any bleeding).

    That will be five cents, please . . .

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