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Thread: liquidex

  1. #41
    big'r's Avatar
    big'r is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_C
    First off little man..i've been cycling since before you ever saw the inside of a gym, if you ever have. Second, I know what works through experience, you know, experience...i do remember you saying experience means nothing. Well over 10 years cycling and 25 plus cycles in my pocket speak volumes over your cut and paste bullshit. I know how clomid works, and how and when to use it, same with nolva and arimidex (l-dex) so take your little worthless links to bullshit articles that can say the Earth revolves around the moon, the fact of the matter is it don't. I know when and what to put in my body, and 285 pounds on a 6' 5" frame speakes louder than your bullshit. God Bless America!!
    So at which of my points do you disagree mr. expert?

  2. #42
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rocky1388
    gotta love this thread and just wanted to know if you can run l-dex with clomid and nolva. got just a liitle confused thanks guys
    Sorry you got confused, the answer is yes. But I know those who would not(I am one of them). This after using adex with pct and without using adex with pct, I can say I recover faster without. Everybody is different... some do not use clomid, which I think is a mistake. OK?

  3. #43
    oswaldosalcedo's Avatar
    oswaldosalcedo is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rocky1388
    gotta love this thread and just wanted to know if you can run l-dex with clomid and nolva. got just a liitle confused thanks guys
    it depends, if the cycle was stronger or milder.

    you can.

    aromasin is stronger than arimidex , and evista or faslodex than nolva.

    clomid stands.


    1° generation serms: nolva,clomid (triphenylethylene family,both).
    2° generation serms: evista (benzothiopene family),fareston(triphenylethylene family).

    .-suicide inhibitors:aromasin (exemestane),lentaron(formestane).
    .-competitive inhibitors:arimidex (anastrazole),femara (letrozole ).

    .-faslodex (fulvestrant) is 100 % indiscriminate antagonist.
    Last edited by oswaldosalcedo; 10-13-2005 at 07:58 PM.

  4. #44
    mike2nice's Avatar
    mike2nice is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2005
    holy shit! And I thought that this thread would go unoticed

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