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  1. #41
    joeton is offline New Member
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    Maybe, but honestly the not into me thing isnt it im sure. Not just because of the physical either, but i could be wrong.

  2. #42
    shortie's Avatar
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    Ttu, not to totally hijack this thread for my enjoyment, but what is a safe/recommended dose of C for a woman?

  3. #43
    ttuprincess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    Ttu, not to totally hijack this thread for my enjoyment, but what is a safe/recommended dose of C for a woman?
    Im given 10mg's... I prefer to take 20/30mg's lol thats when i get drunk and take control of the bottle of Cialis.. lol

  4. #44
    shortie's Avatar
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    LMAO! Thanks Ttu.

  5. #45
    ttuprincess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    LMAO! Thanks Ttu.
    no prob hope you next semi annual sex is great!! lol

  6. #46
    shortie's Avatar
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    Oh no, not semi-annual, we been married long time, it's down to annual now.

  7. #47
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    Oh no, not semi-annual, we been married long time, it's down to annual now.
    Slip it in her morning coffee.

  8. #48
    shortie's Avatar
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    Yeah, roofies really weren't developed for dating, they were made for marriage!

  9. #49
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    Yeah, roofies really weren't developed for dating, they were made for marriage!
    haha, meant cialis, but whatever works!

  10. #50
    edmen2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeton
    A doctor friend of mine told me that Test will boost sex drive massively for a woman, but to not continue with it after the first dose and to use ginsing and some herbal treatment once the sex drive is jump started again.
    i talked to a female friend of mine that used to compete. she has that masculine jaw and funny voice she told me that she doesnt recommend test for any woman unless she is competing and it did nothing to her sex drive except give her stomach pains. why would a male hormone increase a womens sex drive anyway? if anything i would think since estrogen dont make men horny why would test make a woman horny. unless ur married to a tranny i wouldnt recommend it!

  11. #51
    shortie's Avatar
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    Form a BBC article regarding a pump spray testosterone for women

    "Spray to boost female sex drive

    Spray works for young women
    A spray that helps increase women's enjoyment of sex has undergone successful trials.
    The spray, developed by Australian company Acrux, contains the male sex hormone testosterone.

    It was initially designed with post-menopausal women in mind, but has also been shown to work for young women with a low libido.

    Acrux plans to carry out larger trials, and does not expect the spray to come to market for several years.

    The spray could make an enormous difference to the quality of many women's lives

    Professor Susan Davis
    The spray was tested over four months in three doses on 261 women with a low sex drive and low testosterone levels .

    Researchers found a statistically significant rise in the number of satisfying experiences at the end of the fourth month for women taking the second highest dose of the spray.

    The only apparent side effect was a small increase in body hair among some of the participants. This prompted two women taking the highest dose of the spray to drop out of the study.

    The spray delivers testosterone and a substance to ensure the hormone is held in the skin and absorbed over 24 hours - similar to the way sunscreen remains on the skin."

  12. #52
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    Hormone patch boosts female sex drive
    By Associated Press
    Published October 20, 2004


    PHILADELPHIA - Menopausal women had more sex and were happier about it when using an experimental hormone patch hailed by some as a possible female equivalent of Viagra, doctors reported Tuesday.

    Women on the testosterone patch had sex about four times more than they usually did in two months compared to only one additional session for women given a fake patch containing no hormone, a study found.

    Those who got real patches also reported more arousal, pleasure and orgasms, and had better self-images.

  13. #53
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    And the most important part of this is the dose-check this out

    "Patients were randomized to receive a placebo patch or the female testosterone patch designed to deliver 300 micrograms (mcg) of testosterone per day. All patches were changed twice each week."

    Only 700mcgs/day away from a full mg. How would one divide up his 200 mg test e for this, just get the pin wet?

  14. #54
    edmen2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    Hormone patch boosts female sex drive
    By Associated Press
    Published October 20, 2004


    PHILADELPHIA - Menopausal women had more sex and were happier about it when using an experimental hormone patch hailed by some as a possible female equivalent of Viagra, doctors reported Tuesday.

    Women on the testosterone patch had sex about four times more than they usually did in two months compared to only one additional session for women given a fake patch containing no hormone, a study found.

    Those who got real patches also reported more arousal, pleasure and orgasms, and had better self-images.
    i could be wrong but as far as i know viagara doesnt increase libido it just gets u ready to perform. ive never taken it so enlighten me if im wrong.

  15. #55
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    um hello??? 3 shots of tequilla and a beer... good to go

  16. #56
    Booz's Avatar
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    why bother postin a question when your obviously gion2 give her the shot anyways mate????

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmen2
    i could be wrong but as far as i know viagara doesnt increase libido it just gets u ready to perform. ive never taken it so enlighten me if im wrong.
    No, you are right for the most part, it has always been assumed that the male problem was inability to perform, not willingness(viagra solves this). It was also assumed that women have the opposite problem, they can perform but choose not to. This low dose test patch interestingly enough according to the studies increased sexual desire about 4 fold, thus adressing the women's problem. But as far as I know Edmen the comparison to viagra is a metaphor, and not a direct correlation. Still ,makes me want to go down and buy a box of them patches......

  18. #58
    thunderin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ttuprincess
    NO! and yes an IUD can cause loss of sex drive.. her body may have an issue with the hormones in the IUD
    I thought that IUD's were taken off the shelves due to their propensity to cause infections and possibly cancer?

    The Dalkon Shield IUD was a defective intrauterine birth control device manufactured and sold by the A.H. Robins Co. of Richmond, Virginia from January 1971 through June 1974. It caused numerous injuries, including miscarriages, loss of female organs and infertility.

    A.H. Robins entered bankruptcy on August 21, 1985. There were over 300,000 Dalkon Shield claims filed in the bankruptcy court. The law fir of Brown & Szaller Co., L.P.A. represented many of the seriously injured victims throughout the world. Of the victims represented by Brown & Szaller, about 40 will end up going to jury trial. It is expected that within 4 years (a very long time for those who have not yet resolved their claims), all Brown & Szaller Dalkon Shield clients will have resolved their claims.

    Brown & Szaller houses the "Dalkon Shield Litigation II Depository". The Depository -- the largest Dalon Shield depository in the world -- contains all documents used in Dalkon Shield litigations. Over 100 law firms world-wide belong to the Depository. All cases involving the Dalkon Shield are monitored by the firm, and the results of that monitoring are made available to the 100 member law firms.

  19. #59
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    thunderin, they are still on the market, there are several risks to the iud but there are risks with every type of birth control

    but yes IUDs still exist

  20. #60
    james21's Avatar
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    Wouldn't test gel, the transdermal be better for this .. not an injection

  21. #61
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    Don't really have much experiece in this field though... the ladies are always all over me

  22. #62
    edmen2's Avatar
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    i wouldnt recommend giving a woman test. but there are always pioneers let us know, seriously, how it goes cause it sounds like u have ur mind made up.
    Last edited by edmen2; 10-14-2005 at 10:27 PM.

  23. #63
    LuckyDragon's Avatar
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    Who here tries ZMA? Sleep better on it so if nothing else that will help. Here is a quote:

    Brilla further explained, "The muscle strength increases may have been mediated by the anabolic hormone increases in the ZMA group. The ZMA group had 30% increases in free and total testosterone levels compared to 10 percent decreases in the placebo group. The ZMA group also had a slight increase in insulin -like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) levels compared to a 20 percent decrease in the placebo group. This study shows that anabolic hormone and muscle strength increases can be induced in already strength-trained athletes by using a novel zinc-magnesium preparation."

    These ZMA study results were presented by Dr. Brilla on June 2, 1999, at the 46th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine in Seattle, WA, and were published in the official ACSM journal, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Vol. 31, No. 5, May 1999.

    If she has a low sex drive and its not you causing it , have her get some ZMA, Cialis, good diet and routine and report back also do some research on that patch. There has got to be other stuff out there tho so keep it coming in
    Last edited by LuckyDragon; 10-14-2005 at 11:23 PM.

  24. #64
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Give her test and she will prob. outlift your ass in the gym and slap you around a little bit after sex.

  25. #65
    SexyKitty's Avatar
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    Personally it sounds like you have already made up YOUR mind as to what you want to do but you did not mention once in any of your posts what SHE wants to do. Have you even asked her? Or is this just a quick fix remedy your looking for so you you can continue to get some? Maybe she's stressed, maybe her hormones are out of whack, maybe sex has become painful or maybe to reiterate what TTU said, SHE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU.

    If she wants to fix this problem then SHE needs to get to a doctor ASAP, it's not your decision to force her to go, nor is it your decision to inject her with test when most likely she has no idea what the consequences would be (I doubt you told her anything about test and I really doubt that she has researched it herself). Yes the testosterone patch works and it is widely prescribed by physicians HOWEVER it is prescribed to POST MENAUPAUSAL WOMEN! Not young women, which I assume that is what your girlfriend is. Postmenaupausal women have NO testorsterone whatsoever, so adding that little bit extra along with estrogen replacement increases their libido and decreases vaginal dryness that has dissapeared as a result from going through menaupause and the loss of hormones. If your girls test levels are fine, then the patch would simply be a quick fix, would increase her test levels to higher than normal levels putting her at risk for side effects and the core of the problem is not being addressed. Dont you realize that with women the most minute amount of extra test can cause sides. Just like in men, extra estrogen causes gyno!

    So, what should you do? Ask her if she wants to go to the doctor and if she wants to fix the problem, that is the only reasonable, logical answer.

  26. #66
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    And BTW, no there is really nothing out there that has been specifically devolped to increase a womans libido. We are complicated, libido is affected by mental, emmotional, phsyical, hormonal aspects, maybe just one aspect or maybe a combination. Pharmaceutical companies have been working for years to try to identify something that willl increase the female libido, and for years they have been failing. I suggest we all buy stock in the company that can finally come up with something.

  27. #67
    SEBASTOP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeton
    A doctor friend of mine told me that Test will boost sex drive massively for a woman, but to not continue with it after the first dose and to use ginsing and some herbal treatment once the sex drive is jump started again.
    Maybe you should inject some estrogen to degrease YOUR sex drive!
    I think your doctor is nuts, if he indeed told you that. IMHO No reputable doctor would recommend hormone therapy without a blood test.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by SexyKitty
    Personally it sounds like you have already made up YOUR mind as to what you want to do but you did not mention once in any of your posts what SHE wants to do. Have you even asked her? Or is this just a quick fix remedy your looking for so you you can continue to get some? Maybe she's stressed, maybe her hormones are out of whack, maybe sex has become painful or maybe to reiterate what TTU said, SHE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU.

    If she wants to fix this problem then SHE needs to get to a doctor ASAP, it's not your decision to force her to go, nor is it your decision to inject her with test when most likely she has no idea what the consequences would be (I doubt you told her anything about test and I really doubt that she has researched it herself). Yes the testosterone patch works and it is widely prescribed by physicians HOWEVER it is prescribed to POST MENAUPAUSAL WOMEN! Not young women, which I assume that is what your girlfriend is. Postmenaupausal women have NO testorsterone whatsoever, so adding that little bit extra along with estrogen replacement increases their libido and decreases vaginal dryness that has dissapeared as a result from going through menaupause and the loss of hormones. If your girls test levels are fine, then the patch would simply be a quick fix, would increase her test levels to higher than normal levels putting her at risk for side effects and the core of the problem is not being addressed. Dont you realize that with women the most minute amount of extra test can cause sides. Just like in men, extra estrogen causes gyno!

    So, what should you do? Ask her if she wants to go to the doctor and if she wants to fix the problem, that is the only reasonable, logical answer.
    That was my first thought....

    If she wants to fix the problem, maybe it's not her that has to go to the doctor, but rather him who has to go to the gym... or pay more attention to her, take her out more often, etc...

    All of that being said, being involved with a woman on AAS is pretty awesome, sexually. Even 10mgs of var every day can turn your normal girl into a total nympho...luckily, the girl I was with who was using AAS was already a Nympho before the Var....

  29. #69
    ttuprincess's Avatar
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    maybe to reiterate what TTU said, SHE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU.
    That was my first thought....
    3 to 1.. YOU LOSE! lol

  30. #70
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    um hello??? 3 shots of tequilla and a beer... good to go
    that's my method

  31. #71
    beuleux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeton
    I was just wondering anybody knows any women that have tried it.
    A guy at the gym not my buddy just a guy I train with now and then gave some test cyp to his g/f after she showed an interest in weights and fitness, I think he gave her 100mg pw after a month her clit was the size of ur pinkie and she had a bit of bumfluff round the chin, she freaked out of course and they split up needless to say, who in thier right mind would inject thier lady with test, I wouldnt even inject a buddy, if we screw ourselves up its our own fault for not researching properly or whatever reason, but we dont have the right to screw anyone else up with bad judgement, if ur lady isnt getting hot enough maybe u should try reading an anatomy book and learn a little more about the female form or watch some porno flicks to see how the professionals do it.

  32. #72
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    A guy at the gym not my buddy just a guy I train with now and then gave some test cyp to his g/f after she showed an interest in weights and fitness, I think he gave her 100mg pw after a month her clit was the size of ur pinkie and she had a bit of bumfluff round the chin, she freaked out of course and they split up needless to say, who in thier right mind would inject thier lady with test, I wouldnt even inject a buddy, if we screw ourselves up its our own fault for not researching properly or whatever reason, but we dont have the right to screw anyone else up with bad judgement, if ur lady isnt getting hot enough maybe u should try reading an anatomy book and learn a little more about the female form or watch some porno flicks to see how the professionals do it.
    this thread is 8 months old. with no sex life theyre probably not together anymore so i dont think he cares about this advice anymore haha

  33. #73
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    My EX was on Proviron for a while, now that was fun, a time I never will forget!!!

  34. #74
    beuleux's Avatar
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    damn... i really should read the dates lol

  35. #75
    Pillbass's Avatar
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    The Doc has my wife on a very small amout of test and progesteron. I also give her Daminion look it up on th enet it's cheep.

  36. #76
    BG's Avatar
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    I dont know if anyone said it but I believe DHEA works well.

  37. #77
    Mobligator is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillbass
    The Doc has my wife on a very small amout of test and progesteron. I also give her Daminion look it up on th enet it's cheep.
    Sounds like your MD is giving her Estratest and Provera. My wife took that combo for a year or two but it messed up her period, i.e. having one about every 2 or 3 weeks. Changed MD's and he advised her to go off everything. Now she's been back to normal with her periods but the Estratest did seem to increase her libido. FYI, Proctor & Gamble Pharmaceuticals came out with small dose testosterone patches for women called Intrinsa but I don't know if they were ever approved by the FDA.

  38. #78
    OLDFART0124 is offline Junior Member
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    Try libidus... Do a google search. PM if you need help finding some in the states....

  39. #79
    one8nine's Avatar
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    my girlfriend prefers a solid dose of atleast 2 grams of test a week, a full gram on friday night just to make sure she has a great weekend. its great we have sex all day we quit our jobs and now we live at home with my mom just to have sex all day and all that hair isnt that bad really and as long as she doesnt talk i forget that her voice is deeper than mine

  40. #80
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    give her xanax xanee's drop pany's

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