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  1. #1
    ward065's Avatar
    ward065 is offline Member
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    hgh $30,000 per year?!

    i was watching 20/20 and they were talking about HGH therapy for children who produced insufficent amounts of HGH, and thus, were much shorter than average.

    It was discussed that doctors perscribed them HGH, and these prescriptions cost AT LEAST $30,000 per year. they showed one child whose HGH cost $800 per week! and this was not even a large amount.

    So comes my question........i don't think these children are taking 200iu of HGH per week. Hell, that's WAY more than most bodybuilders take. So why is this human growth hormone being prescribed so much more expensive than the hgh we buy?

    i would have thought it would be the other way around
    Last edited by ward065; 10-28-2005 at 11:51 PM.

  2. #2
    elite2kr is offline Member
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    Feb 2005
    2 words

    docters and greed

  3. #3
    ThePump's Avatar
    ThePump is offline Member
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    Made In Ohio.
    dude are u serious?? a goz pad or however you spell it is like 30 cents and they charge you on a statement for like $2.50 or so... they completely over charge you on anything and everything.
    if i were that childs father then i would be looking into getting it like the rest of us all get it and save some serious ammounts of cash.

    i would think that sources charge so cheaply compared to the doctors too because they sell to so many people compared to doctors not selling to as many clients. who knows, i could be completely wrong... but elite might have the idea ... all greed

  4. #4
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ThePump
    dude are u serious?? a goz pad or however you spell it is like 30 cents and they charge you on a statement for like $2.50 or so... they completely over charge you on anything and everything.
    if i were that childs father then i would be looking into getting it like the rest of us all get it and save some serious ammounts of cash.

    i would think that sources charge so cheaply compared to the doctors too because they sell to so many people compared to doctors not selling to as many clients. who knows, i could be completely wrong... but elite might have the idea ... all greed
    exactly is all what u can get for it..same as ie beer
    get a 12 pack for say $9.50 (bud)
    go to a bar your paying $3.50-$4 a beer
    why cause they can

    also its all made out of country witch they can charge more for without question..ah who cares we get it cheaper

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