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  1. #1
    juggernautPD is offline New Member
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    Oct 2005

    deca and sus for a new guys??

    Alright, I just got the word, its deca and sustuanon cycle. What kind of gains can I expect from this cycle, how should I take it, and what should my nutrition be? What do I need to know before I start this kind of cylcle and what if anything else should I have one hand? I was told by my guy. 400 of deca and 250 of sus a week, dose this sound right?

  2. #2
    tatteredxangelx is offline New Member
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    Oct 2005
    Hey, I just ordered the same. I was told

    1- 13 weeks of sust and
    1- 12 weeks of deca

    plus the post cycle therapy . As always eat as much as you can, protein carbs and fats and from what I hear 25-35 lbs of muscle is likely, but keeping it on is the trick.

  3. #3
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
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    1-13weeks 500 mg sust
    1-11weeks 400 mg deca
    nolva 10 mg ed

  4. #4
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by juggernautPD
    Alright, I just got the word, its deca and sustuanon cycle. What kind of gains can I expect from this cycle, how should I take it, and what should my nutrition be? What do I need to know before I start this kind of cylcle and what if anything else should I have one hand? I was told by my guy. 400 of deca and 250 of sus a week, dose this sound right?
    You need to slow down. This is like asking "I just got a car, how do I drive it and where should I go?" Personally, I dont want a deca and sustanon cycle. This is because sustanon gives more test blood level fluctuations than singe estered test and I avoid deca because of the long clearance time (I may be drug tested) and post cycle recovery difficulties. Give us some of your stats like weight, %bf if known, height, training experience, etc.

  5. #5
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by hosam4ever
    1-13weeks 500 mg sust
    1-11weeks 400 mg deca
    nolva 10 mg ed
    This is good advice tho.

  6. #6
    juggernautPD is offline New Member
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    Oct 2005
    Sorry, I was in a hurry last night when I put that up, I just wanted to get something on here to see what kind of feed back I could get by the time I got back home today. This is the stuff I know I can get my hands on, so I am hoping that this will do the trick…
    ME: 22y/o, 185ish, 5’9” 17%bf and have been working out on and off for a few years. I got back into the gym for good a few months ago and am training hard 5 days a week and getting as good as I can. My goal is to get a big as I can (safely), and then cut down come summer time. I am currently finishing up my RN, and starting my grad school for my NP, so I have a good grip on the medical side of things, but unfortunately “this” stuff wasn’t ever covered in school, so here I am not knowing to much about what a good cycle and post cycle are. Is that stuff going to work for a new guy, or is it a little over the top? And what is a good post cycle?

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