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  1. #161
    305GUY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    Why don't you look at hookers avatar.
    I cant tell what it is, its too smal to readl. care too enlighten me.
    And what about doctored lab tests, thats some heavy shit to be throwing around.

  2. #162
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    damn this thread is gettin way over the top

  3. #163
    305GUY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    damn this thread is gettin way over the top
    I love that emoticon. But apparently Truman isnt talking shit.
    Last edited by 305GUY; 11-08-2005 at 12:56 AM. Reason: because i can!

  4. #164
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    Banned on BB4L for a VERY clear reason; I asked questions that indicted them on modifying members posts... deleting PM's because they had been read without the users permission, doctored lab tests, and suggested that a trusted Mod be allowed to review the circumstances. Feel free to look through the threads... I feel QUITE confident that my position there upheld the ethics of the BEST interest of the members of this community. I KNEW I WAS GOING TO GET BANNED! I WAS ENDICTING THEM. IT WAS A MATTER OF TIME. WHICH IS WHY I KEPT SCREEN SHOTS OF THE THREAD. Thus, I did this KNOWING my $40 contribution would be lost ... and I did it because my ethics told me it was the right thing to do. Anyone who has a problem with that... Anyone who brings that up as a character reference does so in complete disregard for the COLLECTIVE good ... which I PAID THE PRICE FOR.
    Wow! If this is true then I applaud you, man. I heard some things about this situation but I always figured them to be hearsay. That is some shady stuff, and you did a good thing.

  5. #165
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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  6. #166
    305GUY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    Yup, it looks like the end of BB4L is coming soon.

  7. #167
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    I knew it was coming when I pressed the issue. They have a "classifieds" section there... all about dealers openly posting to sell AAS... WW charges people to be authorized dealers no doubt... and thus, probably benefits from revenue directly ... so a product having good lab results surely does offer incentives ... It's scary, and I know there are Vets here that are Vets there ... that will want to suppress me - but I didn't bring this up, I was asked, or pressed in to discussing that circumstance... and I did what I believe to be right. So, let the fvcking cookie crumble. I'll take my whipping if someone decides to ban me here for unpopular speech... thats just the kind of guy I am.

  8. #168
    305GUY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    I knew it was coming when I pressed the issue. They have a "classifieds" section there... all about dealers openly posting to sell AAS... WW charges people to be authorized dealers no doubt... and thus, probably benefits from revenue directly ... so a product having good lab results surely does offer incentives ... It's scary, and I know there are Vets here that are Vets there ... that will want to suppress me - but I didn't bring this up, I was asked, or pressed in to discussing that circumstance... and I did what I believe to be right. So, let the fvcking cookie crumble. I'll take my whipping if someone decides to ban me here for unpopular speech... thats just the kind of guy I am.
    What you did was right. I'm sure certain people can not speak up for whatever reason. You have nothing to lose so might as well. Besides theres no way you should get banned here for that.

  9. #169
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    deleting PM's because they had been read without the users permission, doctored lab tests
    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    Yea i saved those to my Pc too.

    Anyway...this thread has lost it's perspective and should be locked.

    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    What you did was right. I'm sure certain people can not speak up for whatever reason. You have nothing to lose so might as well. Besides theres no way you should get banned here for that.
    No...he should be banned here for this:

    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    Buy Long Term... you're a Vet because you're 956Vette's friend - not because of credentials, acumen, knowledge ... etc. Quit touting your position ... you didn't earn it. I wish there was a way I could call you out and take a test in which neither of us were allowed to use references...
    There's a difference between being a smart-ass and being an asshole...

    You Truman...are the latter

  10. #170
    305GUY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos

    No...he should be banned here for this:

    Your saying he should be banned for calling out BB4L and william wallace's corruption. I dont get it. Shouldnt other board members be aware that theres a site out there with doctored lab results, mods reading pm's AND THEN SOME?

  11. #171
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Apparently not.

    And I didn't BRING the subject up.... I was ASKED...

  12. #172
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    And who cares if this thread has deviated the subject from the title... it's of public interest to this board.

  13. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    I agree... of course, I'm the RESPONDANT, not the person INITIATING the problem. And personally ... I see no reason to allow people to jump on my thread and be assholes without putting them in their place.
    Ha ha ha ha your such a fool,again you respond,just as i predicted.
    Truman, you are the initiator with your smug attitude. As far as im concerned your nothing but a sad misdirected idiot who cant help rising because you feel you have to prove that your better than everyone else in order to prove your self inflated imagined intelligence levels,which brings me to your estimation of my IQ, well let me tell you skinny boy, my intelligence levels rise high above yours, you my have some basic litriture knowledge but so what,mine and many other members of this board supersude yours in every way and on top of that im bigger,stronger,younger and without a shadow of doubt much better looking.LMFAO at you

    You rising again ? NO? And you will say its because your better than that,when really youd love to try and fight back becaeuse you love the confrontation,i guess thats because in your life your unable to do this face to face.

    Truman do everyone a favour.........

  14. #174
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    Your saying he should be banned for calling out BB4L and william wallace's corruption. I dont get it. Shouldnt other board members be aware that theres a site out there with doctored lab results, mods reading pm's AND THEN SOME?
    Read it again, Nark is suggesting banning him for his childish, spiteful and personal attack on BLT, who was trying to suggest that Truman could have acheived his goals with less gear in order to help Truman to minimise any associated health risk - of course this was viewed as an attack by Truman as it did not fit in with his opinion.

  15. #175
    305GUY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    Read it again, Nark is suggesting banning him for his childish, spiteful and personal attack on BLT, who was trying to suggest that Truman could have acheived his goals with less gear in order to help Truman to minimise any associated health risk - of course this was viewed as an attack by Truman as it did not fit in with his opinion.
    Ok ok i get it.

  16. #176
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Apparently, you want me to read it three times.

    Diplomacy is the process of presenting an idea tactfully. The content of his message may have had good intentions, or good information - but he did it condescendingly...

    Smarter huh shadow of a doubt... here ya go...

    Click there, and then go ahead and prove it to me.

    And after that...

    Click here... and feel free to post your own... and prove that too.

    Maybe you're better looking... but maybe not - but since YOU again brought it up... feel free to compete in the open market and validate your claims.

    I guess while we're at it... you can you tell me what

    Supersude & litriture mean?

  17. #177
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Anyway, all the heat is on me ... regardless of the fact that you PICK the arguments...

    I never said I was the smartest person here - but I can CERTAINLY tell the difference between the intellectual contributions from the ones that are founded in ignorance. And all of those who are offended... well, DON"T READ MY THREAD! But all I asked for ... since the beginning ... was CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. And in ALL the posts where it was TACTFULLY offered, I responded with agreement, and open mindedness.

  18. #178
    305GUY's Avatar
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    Oh truman, we get it already your a smart dude. But try and be humble about it man. Throwing it in peoples faces is not the way to go about life.
    Anyways im out its late as fvck and i got class tommorrow. NIte ladies.

  19. #179
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    I WOULDN'T ... But people INSIST on instigating. Why don't you tell that brit c0ck holster the same thing?????

  20. #180
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    He IS the one after all who offered to whip our d1cks out and measure them. So, I'll oblige... Fvck, as always, I'm the goddamned RESPONDENT!

  21. #181
    305GUY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    I WOULDN'T ... But people INSIST on instigating. Why don't you tell that brit c0ck holster the same thing?????

    In all honesty Truman you left a bad taste in a lot of people mouths who read/posted in this thread. So expect the hatin to continue. you just have to be the bigger man and ignore their posts.

  22. #182
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    No, the assholes don't need to come here telling me how skinny I am, and how they gained forty pounds of muscle in a year... and displace their goals on mine. I requested the terms be focused around MY goals, and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. If they decide to be pricks, I'm going to continue telling them where they can fvck themselves and how they can get there. I posted my pictures, and they disrespected the humility it takes to do so by ripping on me. FvCK THEM!

  23. #183
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    As i predicted,Truman you are soooo transparent

  24. #184
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    and in spite the fact that NUMEROUS IDIOTS who can't take the time to read the whole thread, and INSIST that even tho I state clearly that I don't want to be huge, that I must SECRETLY wish to be... and therefore they're going to belittle my goals and accomplishments... which ISN"T the point... are the ACTUAL assholes, and it's not my job to accept their abuse. You show me a post where I was an asshole in which I wasn't properly provoked.

  25. #185
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Hey ExtraGay... You made the claim... no prove your point!

  26. #186
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    Hey truman!!!! We cant all be wrong,wake up boy,its official YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE!

  27. #187
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    I am an asshole... but I'm also objective, and quite capable of discerning condescension from constructiveness.

    Didn't you say you were better looking and smarter? When are you going to prove it?

  28. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    Hey ExtraGay... You made the claim... no prove your point!
    Dont tell me your childish traits are showing in the form of name changing, holy shit, was that meant to offend me? Try again big man,you gotta give hit me harder

  29. #189
    MuckDog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie8
    It looks like this thread has reduced itself to Truman hammering anyone that doesn’t think he has achieved great results. I looks to me by what I am reading that he is not really looking for any constructive criticism as he states earlier in this post, just accolades based upon his achievement relative to his goals. He wants to tell us why he is correct and everyone else is not but he does this nicely by stating that his goals are different than yours because he is tall and most of you with mass are short. I have asked several times in this thread for Truman to share with us his calorie consumption. I am sure that it is low, relatively speaking, which is why he has chosen not to share this with us and that’s cool too. Truman, you have received several props in this thread which should make you happy because it seems to me that is really all you are looking for. You have already decided what the right course of action for you is. It is not cool to slam others because based upon height, although I am sure most don't care. You use this for an excuse to discount their mass opposed to your lack of mass under the guise of your superior height. Trust me, there are a lot of men oh this board with huge mass that are your height and more, although I realize that you are not looking to be this way (at least that is what you say.) I am not so sure but I will never know what really lurks in your mind. I have never known anyone that hits the gym hard and takes AAS that doesn’t what to be big, you must be that one in a million. It is kind of like playing golf every day and saying that I would never want to play like Tiger Woods, he hits the ball way too far. I wonder if this is for real or if you have chosen the lean thin look because that is all that you think you can achieve. We will never know will we. As I said before, you do look good but certainly not like a body builder. If that is truly what you want, you have achieved it. That is my constructive criticism which is what you asked for.
    if you read some of trumans previous postings - u will see he is totally not like this. i dont know the dude from jack and im not blowing smoke up his ass but he is def not in this for reasons u state above.

  30. #190
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    I'm going to take your changing the subject to a concession ... so just don't bring that shit up about you being smarter and better looking next time.

    I couldn't remember you name, and I knew everyone would know exactly who I meant...

  31. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    I'm going to take your changing the subject to a concession ... so just don't bring that shit up about you being smarter and better looking next time.

    I couldn't remember you name, and I knew everyone would know exactly who I meant...
    Really? why?

  32. #192
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    Anyway,i gotta go now,time to train......u should try it some day skinny man. You carry on with your smartness if it makes you feel like a man...So long

  33. #193
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    fortunately for me... muscle can be built... but for you... brains cannot be however... So emphasize your one characteristic... maybe it will make up for all those you lack - actually, maybe that's why you try to have the excessive physique ... whereas I want a relatively normal looking one.

  34. #194
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    al capone is not happy

  35. #195
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Constructive criticism is about FUTURE suggestions= eat more your body is lacking in the food department, you will gain far more quaility muscle

  36. #196
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    come on Truman... u should relax a ittle.. the more I read this thread the more u end up looking like an ass - which I pretty much think u r not.. U have posted many interesting links etc.. I think if ppl say that u could have achieved ur gains naturally - well U r the only one who knows that. I dont critize u for juicing a this stage like some others but I do understand when some ppl claim that u could have achieved those results naturally. But then again it might have taken a hell of a longer time. WHY CANT WE ALL JUST GET A LONG.. sniff... damn clomid is making me sentimental... hate this.. HEHEH

  37. #197
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    Apparently, you want me to read it three times.

    Diplomacy is the process of presenting an idea tactfully. The content of his message may have had good intentions, or good information - but he did it condescendingly...

    Smarter huh shadow of a doubt... here ya go...

    Click there, and then go ahead and prove it to me.

    And after that...

    Click here... and feel free to post your own... and prove that too.

    Maybe you're better looking... but maybe not - but since YOU again brought it up... feel free to compete in the open market and validate your claims.

    I guess while we're at it... you can you tell me what

    Supersude & litriture mean?
    Hey Truman, take no notice of all the haters, after all you clearly love yourself enough to make up for it.

  38. #198
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Constructive criticism is about FUTURE suggestions= eat more your body is lacking in the food department, you will gain far more quaility muscle
    APPLAUSE!!!! this is the the FIRST man to realize this! THANK YOU!!!! APPLAUSE!

    To say negative of the past is to berate things I CANNOT change... which is to critisize without benefit. To make FUTURE suggestions is to be constructive... Marcus300 ... I only logged back in to say the EXACT thing you mentioned here. You couldn't be more accurate. Thank you ... thank you thank you!

    Obviously, from those who know me and offer support for the fact that I don't make it a point to be an asshole here... but do so only reactionary wise... thank you also...

    And this... is my last ... post ... in this thread. Anyone who cares to chime in when I bow out is just a coward... because I have quite the fight.

    Again, to those of you with the comprehension skills to focus on things I can do better in the future... THANK YOU!

  39. #199
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    OKAY, I guess this makes me a coward (cos you said so) but if you want some advice for the future...

    R E L A X !

  40. #200
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    Your saying he should be banned for calling out BB4L and william wallace's corruption. I dont get it. Shouldnt other board members be aware that theres a site out there with doctored lab results, mods reading pm's AND THEN SOME?
    re-read my post...he should be banned for being disrespectful to Vet.

    Regardless of his veiws on BLT's appointment, his statements set a bad precedence

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