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  1. #121
    Perrypup's Avatar
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    Also if u read from the beginning he stated he gained 28 pound ... damn good gain if u ask anyone here.

  2. #122
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    I am that one in a million... like I said, I think BB physique is nothing short of disgusting in my personal view. But again, unless asked, I don't say that.

    Secondly, explain to me how constructive criticism and "you could have done this naturally" are congruent? If someone says, hey, your arms need work... or your chest, or your upper chest, or you could eat more, or anything like that (as many have) I agreed. I also said I lack perfect discipline - becaue I won't make my friends and work schedule for one revolve around my fitness goals... and I wont walk around with a can of tuna.

    I don't berate people for their height - I can just see a small man's complex coming a mile away... and where I DO accept the HUMBLING process of admitting that, good bad or otherwise, this was all I could do in my year of effort... I don't see the "high and mighty" ponying up the same kind of before, after and duration in between pictures...

    So, step off. I don't start arguments with people who have tact. But I DO, and WILL thrash all the assholes who want to tell me how much better they are than me because they did it naturally, and gained 85 pounds in a year...
    Unfortunately, AR does NOT allow thrashing.....Lets keep this civil everyone (though I have no idea where this thread can go from here)

  3. #123
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Truman, Looking great man! Love reading all ur threads and seeing your before and after pics, keep up the good hard work. To all the people that say taking that many AAS should make him bigger..... you are right! it should make him much bigger if he allowed it to. Like he stated before he doesn't want to be a monster or have as much muscle as possible. He likes the lean/ripped look which is great! He eats the way he wants his body to grow, obviously he isn't eating 5,000 calories a day of fatty foods filled with all kinds of carbs, but then again if he did do that he'd be a monster which isn't his goal. Anyway.... really good work Truman!

  4. #124
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...

    For someone who is apparantly hung up on facts & figures, if I have followed this thread correctly, he appears to have twisted someone saying they gained 45lbs in 1 1/2 years to 45lbs in 1 year then 85lbs in 1 year and confused who actually said it in the first place!?!

    So the original claim of 45lbs in 1 1/2 years averages to 30lbs a year - within 2lbs of Trumans gains, yet he questions it?

    And no, I'm not short, I'm 6'2" thanks!
    Last edited by NotSmall; 11-07-2005 at 04:01 PM.

  5. #125
    chest6's Avatar
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    Hey Truman..just a question here. Why are you running so much gear if you want to limit your size? With over a gram a week of test and 100mg ed of tren ..I would think you would want to be as big as possible? You say you are lazy, but couldn't you just work harder and save the juice until you wanted to put on some serious size? I am just confused here.

  6. #126
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Well, after this cycle I'll post my pictures again... Hows that?

    Plus, so far, I don't have any negative sides to Tren ... except a bit of insomnia ... so why WOULDN'T i do it? Because it's better to get to my goal more slowly?

  7. #127
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    Well, after this cycle I'll post my pictures again... Hows that?

    Plus, so far, I don't have any negative sides to Tren ... except a bit of insomnia ... so why WOULDN'T i do it? Because it's better to get to my goal more slowly?
    Due to your cycle history I think it would be wise to run less anabolic /androgenic compounds to reach your personal goals. Tren is one of the most androgenic compounds out there. I think you could reach your desired goal(s) running other less anabolic compounds such as EQ, Tbol, Anavar etc...

  8. #128
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    less anabolin? Or androgenic ? And what is your reasoning behind that?

  9. #129
    Join Date
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    Truman why are you such a ?
    Why do you try to beat everyone with words and talk down to them?
    IMO you are a sad lonley individual

  10. #130
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by xtralarg
    Truman why are you such a ?
    Why do you try to beat everyone with words and talk down to them?
    IMO you are a sad lonley individual
    I think it's cos he lied about his height, he's really 5'2".

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    I think it's cos he lied about his height, he's really 5'2".
    Theres definitely something wrong with the guy,he thinks he is so clever but yet makes himself look like a complete

  12. #132
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    less anabolin? Or androgenic? And what is your reasoning behind that?
    My reason behind it is that you will do your body less damage. Like I just said, Tren is a very androgenic compound, its harsh on your body. So why not run other compounds for your second cycle, rather than 100mg/ED of Tren and 1000mg/wk Test.

  13. #133
    Testostack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Hi Truman!I've been off the board for 2 weeks due to hurricane issues here in FL.I don't have time to read 3 pages of comments.
    All I can say is you look fit and healthy!That's the bottom line.Not everyone wants to be huge.Some just want to enhance thier physiques somewhat.Nothing wrong with that at all.So keep doing what you're doing and be content with yourself.
    Good luck on achieving your personal goals!!

    The master has spoken! Agreed

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall

    For someone who is apparantly hung up on facts & figures, if I have followed this thread correctly, he appears to have twisted someone saying they gained 45lbs in 1 1/2 years to 45lbs in 1 year then 85lbs in 1 year and confused who actually said it in the first place!?!

    So the original claim of 45lbs in 1 1/2 years averages to 30lbs a year - within 2lbs of Trumans gains, yet he questions it?

    And no, I'm not short, I'm 6'2" thanks!
    That's me eating 500mg of cottage cheese and oat right now at 0:48 am in my bedroom LMAO

  15. #135
    Testostack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    I think it's cos he lied about his height, he's really 5'2".
    That rude!!

    Quote Originally Posted by xtralarg
    Theres definitely something wrong with the guy,he thinks he is so clever but yet makes himself look like a complete
    Don't all be that rude on him.....we're here to help eachother, don't forget about it....criticize is not blaming....peace

  16. #136
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtralarg
    Truman why are you such a ?
    Why do you try to beat everyone with words and talk down to them?
    IMO you are a sad lonley individual
    I'm not sad or lonely... and the cases where I am lonely, it's because I like intelligent people, which is of course going to be the smallest subset of society... but there's no changing it.

    Sad? Ha... thats funny. I probably have about the highest regard for how lucky I am to have the opportunity to be ALIVE! Because I LOVE life, and my life... kicks ass! Hot girls, live in hollywood, make good cash, have smart friends, and everything I do... I do well.

    I'm pegging your IQ to be sub 110, right?

  17. #137
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    And for anyone who thinks I'm 5'2" ... here's me with one of my ex girl friends... she's 5-5... do the math.

    God, it's amazing... I predict my average "hater" here to be low IQ'd... you miss all my points - but it's not your fault ... it's hereditary.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 1 year separated before and after pictures-t-tami.jpg  

  18. #138
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    And for anyone who thinks I'm 5'2" ... here's me with one of my ex girl friends... she's 5-5... do the math.

    God, it's amazing... I predict my average "hater" here to be low IQ'd... you miss all my points - but it's not your fault ... it's hereditary.
    This thread is going no where.

    Whats your IQ? If your so intelligent why do you rise to other's comments? Rise above it.

    This thread has gone from being a nice insight into one's gains in 1 year (I must add, you look good) to childish arguing and flaming.

  19. #139
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    I agree... of course, I'm the RESPONDANT, not the person INITIATING the problem. And personally ... I see no reason to allow people to jump on my thread and be assholes without putting them in their place.

  20. #140
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    Well, after this cycle I'll post my pictures again... Hows that?

    Plus, so far, I don't have any negative sides to Tren ... except a bit of insomnia ... so why WOULDN'T i do it? Because it's better to get to my goal more slowly?
    How many weeks have you been on Tren ? Do you know any side effects of tren besides insomnia, night sweats, etc??? So you would rather speed through this and risk your health instead of slowing down and doing it correctly? People are trying to give you sound advice but you won't listen!!!! 1000+ of Test along with 100mg of Tren, masteron ,Var, and god knows what else you want to do, can and will do some serious damage in the long run. If you don't think that's true, I suggest you do some more research!!!! Take it from me. My last cycle I did big doses and guess what? My cholesterol was through the roof!!! 311 to be exact and it skyrocketed while doing TREN and TEST. I know this because I get blood work done every few months. We are trying to help you, but you won't listen. If you have been on Tren for several weeks and are barely getting sides at 100mg ED, I suggest you find out if your stuff is even legit. I've done 100mg of Tren and I've done 50mg of Tren. The only big difference is the sides. But you are superman and the rest of us are idiots. It's guys like you that always gives steroids a bad name.

    I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with you. I'm here to try and give the best advice. We all have a responsibility to help each other out. If you don't want to listen, thats your choice.


    Be safe,


  21. #141
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    I agree... of course, I'm the RESPONDANT, not the person INITIATING the problem. And personally ... I see no reason to allow people to jump on my thread and be assholes without putting them in their place.
    Seems to me you want to only put people in their place when they don't agree with you.

  22. #142
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Constructive criticism is about FUTURE suggestions... not about mistakes. Look, I can distinguish the difference between a person trying to build themself up at my expense, and someone making suggestions that are useful, and compatible with the things that I currently state to be my policies and beliefs.

    What bad name am I giving roids? I have had minimal sides ... occaisional night sweats, some insomnia. No acne. My BP I check regularly. If you think there's an aspect of this I haven't researched, please... test me. Ask me questions.

  23. #143
    305GUY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tedbear981
    Good progress Truman, You are def a prick but a lean prick!!!!
    That about sums it up right there. Truman, you really need to learn how to "let things go" my friend. Your getting all heated and typing up 5 paragraph responses to point out how "smart" you are, and how dumb everybody else is, who thinks you should have waited b4 jumping on gear.

    Take it easy Truman, i see guys like you all the time who think there so god damn smart, and think that their better than everyone. You know what happens to those guys, THEY END UP BY THEMSELVES BECAUSE NOBODY WANTS TO BE AROUND THEM! So chill out and learn how to let things go buddy.

    I thought you made decent gains, in regard to your height, but a gram of test/week and you dont want to get big? WTF..

    And please dont type up a page long respond to this, let this be the first step toletting things go."

  24. #144
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    Constructive criticism is about FUTURE suggestions... not about mistakes. Look, I can distinguish the difference between a person trying to build themself up at my expense, and someone making suggestions that are useful, and compatible with the things that I currently state to be my policies and beliefs.

    What bad name am I giving roids? I have had minimal sides ... occaisional night sweats, some insomnia. No acne. My BP I check regularly. If you think there's an aspect of this I haven't researched, please... test me. Ask me questions.
    Bro, we are giving you suggestions. Any smart individual will tell you that you don't need to do doses so high for a 2nd cycle. Those sides you talk about are the ones you see. It's the longterm/hidden sides you should be worried about. Get blood work done routinely. I'm assuming you've done that. But here is the point. I experimented a lot with my last cycle. Call me the guinea pig. I tried low doses, I tried high doses. I along others will tell you that you won't really get twice the gains. You will only get more sides. My point is this. You are trying to reach your goal way to fast by trying to do big doses. It just doesn't work that way. All you are doing is damaging yourself in the long run. Let's face it. No one does just one or two cycles and at the rate your going, you doses soon will be out of control!!!! Again, for a 2nd cycle you do NOT need to be running that much gear. Run the Tren and Test for now and save the other stuff next time around. If you think tren makes ones irritable, try adding the Masteron in the mix!!!! It's not fun!!!! I just want you to be safe, thats all I'm saying.



  25. #145
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    First, you're absolutely right. I should "let stuff go" ... and I should pick my battles ...

    Second, I don't envision changing from a stack that gets me successful gains with nominal sides, and I feel that the dosing I've chosen is something I'm probably going to stick to for my future cycles. I'll keep you posted how my "asshole factor" is affected by the addition of the masteron ... So far, I've been mellow while on the Tren ... go figure. Everyone's different. I will get blood work done after my cycle, and for now, I will stay focused on my BP.

    3rd, gains are ABSOLUTELY dose dependant, It's a medical fact... And I'm not exceeding the amounts by which the returns start diminishing. One of the best reasons to use tren... the gains are supposed to be nearly all keepable. One of the best reasons to use Masteron... it reduces SHBG. Best reason to do a stack of all three classes of drugs... 19-nor, DHT, Test ... you hit all three methods at once - and doing so with short esters are reported to be the most successful gains, and the most lipolytic.

    I'm not a know it all... I'm just doing what my research tells me to be smart ... If I'm going to be shut down, I'm going to try to maximize gains... simple as that.

  26. #146
    Reprisal 6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    I agree... of course, I'm the RESPONDANT, not the person INITIATING the problem. And personally ... I see no reason to allow people to jump on my thread and be assholes without putting them in their place.
    The reason to let it go is that it feeds until you get 10 pages of garbage talk.
    And as far as this being YOUR thread, this isn't a private journal that you write in at night and hide under your bed. You went public.

  27. #147
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reprisal 6
    The reason to let it go is that it feeds until you get 10 pages of garbage talk.
    And as far as this being YOUR thread, this isn't a private journal that you write in at night and hide under your bed. You went public.
    Correct... but they should stay focused on what my points are... and not reply having skipped through 3 pages of my earlier responses, only to make ignorant assumptions.

  28. #148
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    You look in a lot better shape now then you were............ but I think you could have done this without anabolics JMO. Even though good job because it takes discipline to get diet and training in check to change your body comp.
    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    Absolutely! Could have done it naturally... I just don't have THAT much discipline and patience... I wish... I wish. But, I'm contending with the things I know of myself, and working within those confines as best I can.
    Quote Originally Posted by james21
    1 year seperated ... i dont get it .... what are the goals .. your lean but shouldnt be juicin
    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    Oh yeah James...? Enlighten me. Why not?
    My reply?

    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    ... I just don't have THAT much discipline and patience..
    Granted you made improvements...

  29. #149
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Best of luck to you. I wish you nothing but success. But, I've been doing research for several years and I'm a Vet and MOD on several boards. I'm not sure where you got the information that says to do that kind of doses because any knowledgeable person will tell you that you are exceeding them. The only knowledge/research you have done seems to be from Hooker. Again, you are doing WAY TO MUCH gear. You can argue all you want, but that is a KNOWN FACT.....

    All I want the rest of you guys to know is this. Don't always pay attention to the normal sides in which we all talk about. Insomnia, night sweats, acne, etc.. It's the damage steroids can do to us internally that you have to pay closer attention to, especially when doing cycles like this one. Yeah, you might be ok for a few years, but longterm is what we all should worry about. Always be safe, always get blood work done, and don't try to build a body overnight. Your health is more important than what you look like on the outside.




  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    My reply?

    Granted you made improvements...
    NOthing else needs to be said.

  31. #151
    theshiz777 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    I know I have a ways to go. If you have something outright negative to say, keep it to yourself... we probably have different goals. If you have a crtique to offer, with suggestions for acheivement, I'm interested.

    If there was a cycle involved, you need to learn to train better. To be honest, I have gotten friends that were in about the same shape as you were and put then in better shape that your in now in 8-10months, with just good old nutrition, and proper exercise.

  32. #152
    theshiz777 is offline Junior Member
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    Honestly, you must not train very hard, and you must not eat very well...........Dont be a puss and work through the burn at the gym!!!!!!!!

  33. #153
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Buy Long Term... you're a Vet because you're 956Vette's friend - not because of credentials, acumen, knowledge ... etc. Quit touting your position ... you didn't earn it. I wish there was a way I could call you out and take a test in which neither of us were allowed to use references...

    I do work through the pain... I need to eat a bit more, and up the protein... I've acknowledged that 4 times ...
    Last edited by Two4the$$; 11-07-2005 at 11:30 PM.

  34. #154
    theshiz777 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    Buy Long Term... you're a Vette because you're 956Vette's friend - not because of credentials, acumen, knowledge ... etc. Quite touting your position ... you didn't earn it. I wish there was a way I could call you out and take a test in which neither of us were allowed to use references...

    I do work through the pain... I need to eat a bit more, and up the protein... I've acknowledged that 4 times ...

    honestly im not tryin to be an ahole, but i felt that you should have had better results over a years time especially if your bumpin the sauce......... You could look better, and i hope it was a trial and error learning experience for you, and that you have better results in your future training. Good luck. If you ever got training questions or need advice, feel free to ask.

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    Buy Long Term... you're a Vette because you're 956Vette's friend - not because of credentials, acumen, knowledge ... etc. Quite touting your position ... you didn't earn it. I wish there was a way I could call you out and take a test in which neither of us were allowed to use references...

    I do work through the pain... I need to eat a bit more, and up the protein... I've acknowledged that 4 times ...
    Damn, Truman didnt you get banned from bb4l for being such a smart ass. It looks like your heading the same way on this site as well. My suggestion to you is to delete this thread and start over with a different approach (nicer).

    I can gaurantee you that not one other person who reads this thread is going to compliment you on your accomplishments. All the newbs are going to post negative shit just to be a smart ass and get you riled up like youve been getting throughout this whole thread. All the experienced bros here will do the same. My suggestion delete it and start over cause this thread is going NO WHERE as it is. just my .02

  36. #156
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    My first cycle was a total mess actually ... my source ran out, I didn't have all my gear on hand ... I didn't frontload... and some of my gear was fake. So this cycle is CERTAINLY different than my last...

    Banned on BB4L for a VERY clear reason; I asked questions that indicted them on modifying members posts... deleting PM's because they had been read without the users permission, doctored lab tests, and suggested that a trusted Mod be allowed to review the circumstances. Feel free to look through the threads... I feel QUITE confident that my position there upheld the ethics of the BEST interest of the members of this community. I KNEW I WAS GOING TO GET BANNED! I WAS ENDICTING THEM. IT WAS A MATTER OF TIME. WHICH IS WHY I KEPT SCREEN SHOTS OF THE THREAD. Thus, I did this KNOWING my $40 contribution would be lost ... and I did it because my ethics told me it was the right thing to do. Anyone who has a problem with that... Anyone who brings that up as a character reference does so in complete disregard for the COLLECTIVE good ... which I PAID THE PRICE FOR.

  37. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW

    Banned on BB4L for a VERY clear reason; I asked questions that indicted them on modifying members posts... deleting PM's because they had been read without the users permission, doctored lab tests,
    Im assuming you have proof to these accusations? Cause those are pretty serious accusations.

  38. #158
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Why don't you look at hookers avatar.

  39. #159
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    and why would you DELETE threads that discuss missing PMs?

  40. #160
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Or edit them? All things that kind of serve as an "admission of guilt" in the legal world... hiding evidence ... and other expressions, like OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.

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