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  1. #1
    MikeNY is offline New Member
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    Question New Member-Deca Question

    Hey guys, new member here. Let me start off by saying that the information you guys put out there for everone is great! I have learned alot from reading the posts and replies, which leads me to my question:

    I will ( hopefully!) be starting my first cycle within the next 2 weeks. I was planning on taking Deca for 10 weeks, probably around 300-400mg/week.
    Before even considering doing a cycle, I tried to reserch as much as I could, looking for an A S that gave good results, with minimal side effects. After reading what I could find about Deca, I thought that would be a perfect choice.....
    Now that I have looked through the message board here, I have seen alot of posts regarding Deca gyno. I am very conserned by this side effect. I was wondering:
    1)How common is Deca gyno? ( I realize this depends on the person and the dosage, so you guys may not be able to answer this)
    2)If I also stack Deca w/ winny, would this decrease the chances of gyno?

    Any help, advise or personal experience with deca you guys have would be extremely helpfull. I want to get the most out of my first cycle, but want to play it safe as well. Thank you in advance!!!

  2. #2
    ROOKIE22 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2002
    1. At low dosage you should be fine.
    2. Yes the winny would help you
    3. You said you want to get the most out of the cycle. Add some test. Any of them would be good but IMO I would go with enthanate or cyp.

  3. #3
    Kaz's Avatar
    Kaz is offline Member
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    Some guys look at a vial of deca and get itchy nips, some take loads and love it. You wont know until you try it!

    As for the winny - There has been some hot debate that winny might even encourage deca gyno - Id do a search on these things and see if you cant find some of those posts.

    For myself I have used deca lots of times and never had any problems with it. Its nice but there are other things I like more. Also remember that a higher dose increases the chances of gyno. I have NEVER used more that 200mg per week of deca and I still get gains on it after 10yrs juicing!

  4. #4
    Iron horse's Avatar
    Iron horse is offline Anabolic Member
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    many many people think winny doesnt help deca gyno at all.

    mabye do a deca/dbol for a cycle. if you have the money threw in some test.

  5. #5
    MikeNY is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the quick response guys!

    Im going to have to do more research on the deca /winny stack. Would you guys reccomend sticking to just 200mg/week of Deca? Would an 8 or a 10 week cycle be better?
    As far as adding test....I dont know, I think test might be a little heavy for my first cycle, and I dont even know if I have access to it. Well see I guess-Thanks again!

  6. #6
    ROOKIE22 is offline Junior Member
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    If you are going to just do deca i would bumb up the mgs a little. If you add test 200mg would be fine. Just remember the 1st cycle usually is the best so take advantage of that. You will like what the test does for you. That stuff will make you a sexual tyranasaurous.

  7. #7
    Kaz's Avatar
    Kaz is offline Member
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    Id been inclined to include some test and keep them both at about 200mg per week - keeps you pretty much in the safety margin of both and avoids the worst of the sides if you are prone to them

  8. #8
    MikeNY is offline New Member
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    I'll see if I can get my hands on some Test...if not, I'll probably just up the mg/week of Deca a little. Thanks guys!

  9. #9
    MikeNY is offline New Member
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    From what I've read in the boards, I should also start taking clomid about 3 weeks after the cycle ends. Is that correct? And what doses of Clomid should I take daily and for how long?

  10. #10
    Douglas Quade's Avatar
    Douglas Quade is offline Junior Member
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    Test should be the base of your cycle. If you're worried about progesterone gyno, then take eq in place of the deca .

    day 1: 300mg
    day 2-11: 100mg
    12-21: 50mg


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