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  1. #41
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr

    why did nark puss out. I dont mind the ed shoots. i just hat sticking 2 3 times a day.
    I asked him if he wanted to do prop/fina and all I got were half-assed responses. "Yeah, I guess", "Do we have to?" then he finally admitted he didn't want to inject ed with a standard pin.

  2. #42
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    were is the big wuss.

    i wont to hear his side. Why is he afraid of needles.

  3. #43
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    were is the big wuss.

    i wont to hear his side. Why is he afraid of needles.
    He's not afraid of needles. Just the thought of driving one into his hide 2-3 times

  4. #44
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    At first it was going to be a suspension cycle.

    Test S..........150
    Tren S..........100
    Bold base.......50

    But finding a quick easy recipe was a bitch.

    So it was going to be:
    Test prop.....200 ed
    Tren ace......150 ed

    Nark pussied out "but i don't wanna do ed shots!" fag.

    Now it's
    test e 1.1-1.2g
    tren e 1g (unsure)
    eq .6g
    masteron E .4g

    Or if something i'm working on comes through.

    Test E.......... 1g
    Boldenone E... .6g
    Closterbol E..... .6g
    Tren E............. .6g
    masteron E .4g
    Ahhhhhh stress!

    The cycle length would be until size/bf% goals were met. With regular blood work.

    Thanks for looking.
    ROFL see i WAS gettin redy to say.. Your narks buddy i bet your working w/ him.. but i was like NO nark dont due drugs.. atleast not alot .. kuz he is POOR nark doing ED LOL i remember when he did like 7 weeks of prop for a comp HE IS A CUTIE NO DOUBT!

  5. #45
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    greath when i come back everyones gone

  6. #46
    iwillsleepwhenidie's Avatar
    iwillsleepwhenidie is offline Junior Member
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    i have had the rhota virus it was the worst three days of my life.

  7. #47
    MASTER's Avatar
    MASTER is offline "I Own You"
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    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    At first it was going to be a suspension cycle.

    Test S..........150
    Tren S..........100
    Bold base.......50

    But finding a quick easy recipe was a bitch.

    So it was going to be:
    Test prop.....200 ed
    Tren ace......150 ed

    Nark pussied out "but i don't wanna do ed shots!" fag.

    Now it's
    test e 1.1-1.2g
    tren e 1g (unsure)
    eq .6g
    masteron E .4g

    Or if something i'm working on comes through.

    Test E.......... 1g
    Boldenone E... .6g
    Closterbol E..... .6g
    Tren E............. .6g
    masteron E .4g
    Ahhhhhh stress!

    The cycle length would be until size/bf% goals were met. With regular blood work.

    Thanks for looking.
    Fag indeed!
    It doesnt feel like a cycle unless im poking myself at least once a day!

  8. #48
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    ROFL see i WAS gettin redy to say.. Your narks buddy i bet your working w/ him.. but i was like NO nark dont due drugs.. atleast not alot .. kuz he is POOR nark doing ED LOL i remember when he did like 7 weeks of prop for a comp HE IS A CUTIE NO DOUBT!
    Ha! It's true. Wait Nark has done more shit than me. Sust, d-bol,winny, and test e i think but not 'real' cycles like you dudes.

  9. #49
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    yaeh i spend more on pins and syringes than gear LOL .. slin pins i go through about 4 a day >< and about 8syringe sand 16pins a week >< i need to start recycling them.. like put them in a crock pot or something and sterlize em

  10. #50
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    y'all are all bastards

    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    ROFL see i WAS gettin redy to say.. Your narks buddy i bet your working w/ him.. but i was like NO nark dont due drugs.. atleast not alot .. kuz he is POOR nark doing ED LOL i remember when he did like 7 weeks of prop for a comp HE IS A CUTIE NO DOUBT!
    doing 7 weeks of prop?

    That'd be insane... i've only ever shot prop in sustanon or sustanon clones.. bleh

    How's this current cycle going Tai?

    Big K told me to post up our cycles but i closed down the messenger window and lost it all just now

    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Ha! It's true. Wait Nark has done more shit than me. Sust, d-bol,winny, and test e i think but not 'real' cycles like you dudes.
    methyl-testosterone , methyl-1-testosterone, insulin , t3 (both cytomel and cynomel), clenbuterol

    Nothing exotic.. and for very short cutting periods

  11. #51
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    y'all are all bastards

    doing 7 weeks of prop?

    That'd be insane... i've only ever shot prop in sustanon or sustanon clones.. bleh

    How's this current cycle going Tai?

    Big K told me to post up our cycles but i closed down the messenger window and lost it all just now

    methyl-testosterone , methyl-1-testosterone, insulin , t3 (both cytomel and cynomel), clenbuterol

    Nothing exotic.. and for very short cutting periods
    Sus is for WOMEN u boob!

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