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Thread: deca only cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Question deca only cycle

    okay, so against all the advice i decided to take a deca only cycle. never will i do it again. my question is though - why am i getting tons of strength gains with no mass gains? doesn't strength accompany mass and vis/versa. spare me the a$$ reamings and just answer the question. thanks in advance to all you pros.

  2. #2
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    How was your diet, good to see you will never do it agian.

  3. #3
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    agreed, how was the sex life on deca only???? what was your BF% before and after. and then again, what is your weight before and after??? you might have gained a little bit more LBM and lost some BF. just a thought.

  4. #4
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    im still in my 7th week now. i do a shit load of cardio 5 days a week and try to 2.5 (2000-3000 cals/day)meals a day with at least 3 50gram whey protein shakes a day. probably not enough right? i think i'd rather do test - doesn't that pack it on no matter what you eat? or is that even possible? im still confused about mass = strenth.

  5. #5
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    YOU HAVE TO EAT TO GAIN WIEGHT! OH MY GOD!!! seriously? sorry, not trying to be an A$$, but thats not good bro. do you even lift wieghts? or just cardio? cardio will not put on weight brother. lifting heavy weights will. go to the diet forum, and then checkout how to eat there. I need to know bout your weight training though..............what is it?

  6. #6
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    I highly doubt you are even in a caloric surplus..heres an example of my diet I was just thinking about doing in a month to give you the idea on how you eat

    1. 1 1/2 cup oats, 12 egg whites
    2. 2 baked potatoes, 8 egg whites
    3. 1 large can tuna/ mayo
    4. preworkout shake 3 scoops whey/1 cup oats
    5. pwo 3 scoops whey 120g dextrose
    6. ppwo 2 chicken breasts 1 cup rice, 1 sweet potato
    7. lean meat 3 tbspoon natty pb
    8. 3 scoops whey 1.5 tbspoon flax

    cardio 1-2 times per week 40mins 70% MHR (what I plan on doing)

    That is WAYY too much cardio, I assume you plan on bulking and that is not even enough food for a cutting diet. I was pretty sure diet is your problem, and it is.

  7. #7
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New Orleans survivor
    im still in my 7th week now. i do a shit load of cardio 5 days a week and try to 2.5 (2000-3000 cals/day)meals a day with at least 3 50gram whey protein shakes a day. probably not enough right? i think i'd rather do test - doesn't that pack it on no matter what you eat? or is that even possible? im still confused about mass = strenth.
    limit your shakes. I consume shakes, as mentioned in the diet outlined above, pre/post workout and before bed. You do have 3 shakes, but you did not specify when you took them.

  8. #8
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    Limit your shakes? Shakes are how people get extra protein (and calories) in that would otherwise require alot of eating. I have a shake with every solid meal I eat. That's how you pack on or keep weight on.

  9. #9
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    Mass doesnt neccesarily= strength......just go take a look at any bloated m*thaf*cka in your local gym.

  10. #10
    Myka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    I highly doubt you are even in a caloric surplus..heres an example of my diet I was just thinking about doing in a month to give you the idea on how you eat

    1. 1 1/2 cup oats, 12 egg whites
    2. 2 baked potatoes, 8 egg whites
    3. 1 large can tuna/ mayo
    4. preworkout shake 3 scoops whey/1 cup oats
    5. pwo 3 scoops whey 120g dextrose
    6. ppwo 2 chicken breasts 1 cup rice, 1 sweet potato
    7. lean meat 3 tbspoon natty pb
    8. 3 scoops whey 1.5 tbspoon flax

    cardio 1-2 times per week 40mins 70% MHR (what I plan on doing)

    That is WAYY too much cardio, I assume you plan on bulking and that is not even enough food for a cutting diet. I was pretty sure diet is your problem, and it is.
    That is a lot of dex...even for a bulker...isnt it?

  11. #11
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    im stunned. i didn't realize it took that much food to really produce the results im looking for. im 175 6ft not sure on bf to be honest. the only reason i took deca was because some huge guy i worked with told me it was the best steroid out there - he never really elaborated. i do alot of cardio cause i box. can't avoid it really. but i don't know if i can eat that much!! does test put on the same mass as deca? my goal is to be in the cruiserweight division (no more than 200pds). about the shakes - one with breakfast and pre and post workout. thanks for the protein info. and about the mass = strength issue, still didn't answer my question. thanks for all the help bros, seriously.

  12. #12
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
    tryingtogetbig is offline Whiney Member
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    why answer this question for you now?? You didn't listen to the advice before about no test in your cycle, so why waste our time giving more advice that doesn't make any difference? Better things to do with my time. And, let me know what deca dick is like.



  13. #13
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    actually, i haven't gotten as many erections as normally - but who said that matters. it's not hard to get an erection and as a matter of fact i have had better stamina during intercourse. so far deca 's not been so bad for my junk.

  14. #14
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    there are far better treatments for premature ejaculations if that is a problem with you. Why fuk around with your hormones and risk everything that goes along with doing a cycle without test as the base. You seem to know more than any of us that have been in this game for a long time. Good luck whatever you decide...and with your premature ejaculation problems.



  15. #15
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYC BIG MIKE
    Limit your shakes? Shakes are how people get extra protein (and calories) in that would otherwise require alot of eating. I have a shake with every solid meal I eat. That's how you pack on or keep weight on.
    i agree completely. i throw down as many shakes as possible during the course of the day.

    chest6, why do you say to limit them?

  16. #16
    wolfyEVH's Avatar
    wolfyEVH is offline Anabolic Member
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    people like this give steroids a bad rep....

    i'm speechless......."didn't know you had to eat that much food".... wtf!?!?

  17. #17
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    i never said i was an expert on this stuff. i came here initially for the answer to one question and one question only, so ill state it again. how can someone have strength gains with no accompanying mass gains? is the strength something that is kept or lost? i know the bloated mother ****er can't push as much weight as someone the same size but leaner, right? oh, and hypothetically if someone is 7% bf, does that mean that 7% of their weight is fat? thanks for the help, ps. didn't know this site existed until 2 weeks ago - sorry i didn't read up on deca . im the one de****g with it now anyway

  18. #18
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    i agree completely. i throw down as many shakes as possible during the course of the day.

    chest6, why do you say to limit them?
    not a big fan of a lot of shakes personally, I think protein is better coming from solid foods. Id also rather eat solid food than down a bunch of shakes.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    not a big fan of a lot of shakes personally, I think protein is better coming from solid foods. Id also rather eat solid food than down a bunch of shakes.

    I'd rather eat solid food too. But it isn't feasable in a world where we have to work and scramble and be time effective. But if you wanna put extra calories on wthout uncomfortably jamming food down your throat, it is easier and more economical to drink a shake "with" a solid meal.

  20. #20
    Big's Avatar
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    Lean mass would be stronger than someone who is bloated or retaining fluids. Theoretically one could gain lean mass while losing fat or water, thereby gaining strength without any size gains initially.
    slightly off topic I suspect by your name you're a Katrina survivor. I am as well, still rebuilding. Good luck.

  21. #21
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    Yes, 7% bf means that 7 percent of your body is fat. Next!!!!

  22. #22
    powerliftmike's Avatar
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    hmm, looks like a flawed experiment. haha

  23. #23
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New Orleans survivor
    i never said i was an expert on this stuff. i came here initially for the answer to one question and one question only, so ill state it again. how can someone have strength gains with no accompanying mass gains? is the strength something that is kept or lost? i know the bloated mother ****er can't push as much weight as someone the same size but leaner, right? oh, and hypothetically if someone is 7% bf, does that mean that 7% of their weight is fat? thanks for the help, ps. didn't know this site existed until 2 weeks ago - sorry i didn't read up on deca . im the one de****g with it now anyway
    technically, bloat and water are considered lean mass. if that guy with 7 % bf was bloated and watery he would be pushing even more weight probably.

  24. #24
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    i think this will answer your question better. if peter is 250 pounds at 7 % and and dry and depleted, you really wont know with out seeing who will be stronger when compared to josh at 250 pounds at 18 % and bloated at the same height. it could go either way. but i gaurentee if peter maintained that low bf and got his bodyweight up to say 265, more bloated and carbed up muscles but mainted hat 7 percent, he'll be pushing more than josh

  25. #25
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    Are Peter and Josh related by any chance?

  26. #26
    IronReload04's Avatar
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  27. #27
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    Ahaha. Good one.

  28. #28
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    do you agree?

  29. #29
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    I think with equal height and weight the guy with less bodyfat technically has more LBM of which muscle is a part of. Having said that, theory doesn't always translate to practicality.

  30. #30
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    related, lol. i got the answer i was looking for, well done!! thanks for all your help guys, really. good luck to u 2, IMAGETBIG.

  31. #31
    Fastandfurious is offline New Member
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    I've done this ! 2 years straight deca alone mostly.
    The mass will come,no doubt.Eat enough protein and increase the reps.
    Don't hear the negatives.Only problem is gyno.If you need libido booster just take some proviron .

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by New Orleans survivor
    okay, so against all the advice i decided to take a deca only cycle. never will i do it again. my question is though - why am i getting tons of strength gains with no mass gains? doesn't strength accompany mass and vis/versa. spare me the a$$ reamings and just answer the question. thanks in advance to all you pros.
    Why won't you ever do it again? Have any side effects?
    If you didn't grow don't blame the deca , blame your workouts and diet.

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