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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar

    Steroids and recovery...

    Is this true that being on juice speeds up the recovery of your broken down muscles? If it does, how much does it help?
    Does this hold true to all steroids or just some?
    Like t-bol for example would it help in recovery or not?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Beyond Swole
    Anabolic = promotes muscle growth

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by NYC BIG MIKE
    Anabolic= promotes muscle growth

    But I hear alot about people training only 4 days a week while on juice. Hell I trained more days a week then that natural at 16. If it speeds it up so much why don't more people lift more often? Does t-bol help in recovery much?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Beyond Swole
    Nothing is written in stone. I personally know pros that say in magazines that they only lift 4 days a week, then I see them doing 2 a days with a 2 on, 1 off split. I personally love a 3 day split. M chest/tri W shoulders am legs pm F back/bis/forearms. I workout at nights alot and there are some older pros that use this same split. Most pros will tell you they bust their asses to get to a point then maintain it. All the intensity is still there, but they got smarter as they got older. I'll share a story I tell some of the younger big guys in my gym. In the late 80's I was in SC doing biceps with a former Mr "O", and I was lugging 75 pound dumbells doing alternating supination curls. Mr "O" was using 50 pound dumbells.....I said, "what's up with that?" He told me with perfect timing (as if he'd done it a million times before), he said, "shit, it took me 20 years to build arms like this, you think I'm gonna fvck 'em up in a second?" Makes sense now that I'm older.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by NYC BIG MIKE
    Nothing is written in stone. I personally know pros that say in magazines that they only lift 4 days a week, then I see them doing 2 a days with a 2 on, 1 off split. I personally love a 3 day split. M chest/tri W shoulders am legs pm F back/bis/forearms. I workout at nights alot and there are some older pros that use this same split. Most pros will tell you they bust their asses to get to a point then maintain it. All the intensity is still there, but they got smarter as they got older. I'll share a story I tell some of the younger big guys in my gym. In the late 80's I was in SC doing biceps with a former Mr "O", and I was lugging 75 pound dumbells doing alternating supination curls. Mr "O" was using 50 pound dumbells.....I said, "what's up with that?" He told me with perfect timing (as if he'd done it a million times before), he said, "shit, it took me 20 years to build arms like this, you think I'm gonna fvck 'em up in a second?" Makes sense now that I'm older.

    He just said that because he didn't want to admit he's all beach muscles.

    Interesting post big mike

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Beyond Swole
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    He just said that because he didn't want to admit he's all beach muscles.

    Interesting post big mike

    I have my moments.

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