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  1. #41
    Anavar Man's Avatar
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    Whats funny

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    I refuse to get into this debate agene. for you guys that think sust should be shoot 2x a week go right a head. i dont really give a shit what you do. But if you wont to most bank for your buck shoot ed or eod.

    Why not argue bro?? Sustanon wasnt originally made to be shot ED or EOD nor i heard about doctors prescripe it to be shot ed.Another thing why doctors prescripe it to people if its harmful if not shot ed or eod while knowing that no one like the needle, every easter take its time & then get out of your system am replyin because ive tried it eod with very minimum results thats why but it still everyone is different & a matter of opinion.

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  3. #43
    G-1000's Avatar
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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr

    A very nice way to argue bro "who gives a f***"

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  5. #45
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ][-][ ][-][ ][-][
    Why not argue bro?? Sustanon wasnt originally made to be shot ED or EOD nor i heard about doctors prescripe it to be shot ed.Another thing why doctors prescripe it to people if its harmful if not shot ed or eod while knowing that no one like the needle, every easter take its time & then get out of your system am replyin because ive tried it eod with very minimum results thats why but it still everyone is different & a matter of opinion.

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][
    i think ur right man i donno y every body insists on using the fu(king 30 mg of prop while leaving the 220 mg i tried sus with every possible way the only difference was when i increase its dose i c more gains i tried it 25o mg eod & 500 mg 2x week with no difference in gains so if u wanna benifite from a short ester then use prop by itself & i dont think any of u guys use less than 100 mg of prop ed or eod so what can 3o mg of prop add 2 u even by daily use i think the aswer is NOTHING so think again about this silly repeted subject

  6. #46
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  7. #47
    MASTER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    I refuse to get into this debate agene. for you guys that think sust should be shoot 2x a week go right a head. i dont really give a shit what you do. But if you wont to most bank for your buck shoot ed or eod.
    Def bro, I always shoot eod, ive tried ed, but I didnt notice any considerable difference, so i stick with eod. Imo shooting any less often than this, is pointless and doesnt do sust justice.

  8. #48
    MrMe's Avatar
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    This is my first cycle and I was planing on doing 12 weeks at twice a week, monday and thursday. Should this be enough of should I up this? Im at week 7 this week.

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