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  1. #1
    Anavar Man's Avatar
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    Sustonan 250 What do you think?

    What is the general opinion of pharmacutical grade Sustonan, you guy's like it?

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anavar Man
    What is the general opinion of pharmacutical grade Sustonan, you guy's like it?
    most people on here would rather have a single ester compound, less injection and its easier to maintain blood levels, but i have had some serious gains from sus in the past, ive tried it many ways and for me to respond i have to inject EOD, this keeps the blood levels stable, also abit of a painfull shot but who cares, yeh i like it if its used correctly

  3. #3
    G-1000's Avatar
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    i liek sust but you need to shoot ed or eod. if you can do that it's nice stuff.

  4. #4
    Anavar Man's Avatar
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    To the best of my knowledge Sus has 4 active esters. Two of which are short acting and two of which are longer acting. I plan on doing a total of 500mg of test a week. I was going to shoot 250mg of Sus on monday mornings and 250mg of enanthate on thur. afternoons until I run out of the 10ml bottle of Sus. I will then continue the rest of the cycle with the Enanthate.I guess there will be approx. 7 days between stabs with the short acting ester.
    Last edited by Anavar Man; 12-16-2005 at 09:40 AM.

  5. #5
    goalseeker's Avatar
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    I ran sust at 500/wk on my first cycle.. it was alright... I think its more of a starter roid..IMO

  6. #6
    goalseeker's Avatar
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    beautiful avatar, by the way......

  7. #7
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    This is the way most people feel about inject freq w/ sust. they base this on the fact that it has prop in it. even though the prop makes up less than 15% of the coumpound.

    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    i liek sust but you need to shoot ed or eod. if you can do that it's nice stuff.

    anavar man,
    prop - 2 days
    phenprop - 4.5 days
    isocap - 5 days
    dec - 14 days

    I'd call it one short, two inbetween, and one long

  8. #8
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    Back in the day I used to run 500 mgs ED and there was nothing I prefered to it.

  9. #9
    harddrive's Avatar
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    Ass gets sore, but I like it so far, 3 weeks into the first cycle.


  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYC BIG MIKE
    Back in the day I used to run 500 mgs ED and there was nothing I prefered to it.
    them were the days,,,remember them well,,what a buzz at that dose

  11. #11
    goalseeker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYC BIG MIKE
    Back in the day I used to run 500 mgs ED and there was nothing I prefered to it.
    seriously? didnt the prop wreak havock on yourself?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    seriously? didnt the prop wreak havock on yourself?

    my middle name is "Havoc" ain't any different that doing prop everyday by itself cuz it's only 60 mgs of prop per 500 mgs of sustanon . And no it didnt hurt. Like my brother marcus said.....the buzz...........oh yeah

  13. #13
    MASTER's Avatar
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    sust is my favourite test, its always been good to me, gotta shoot eod day tho for it to be fully effective imo.

  14. #14
    PaulieM.'s Avatar
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    i've always read that after the long esters kick in-after 2 weeks to a month-it actually keeps your levels more stable than using single ester because cyp and enanthate can supposedly build up and cause levels to fluctuate. i go with sustanon

  15. #15
    Anavar Man's Avatar
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    I still think it can have good effectivness at two shots per week. There are so many opinions out there what do you believe?

  16. #16
    Tanker is offline Junior Member
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    My first cycle i was taking 250 mgs of sus every 5 days and loved it.My next cycle was test E 200 mgs every 3 days and the sides for me were horible plus my sex drive on the test E was not near as good

  17. #17
    Anavar Man's Avatar
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    Anybody else out there have any history on shooting sust at 250mg twice a week

  18. #18
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anavar Man
    Anybody else out there have any history on shooting sust at 250mg twice a week
    to get the best out of the sus it needs to be shot EOD, depends if you want the best out of it

  19. #19
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    500mg/week is too low for me but I know people who run it like this w/o problems.
    quesiton for all the die hard gotta shoot it ed or eod people. have you ever run the numbers to justify your positions? here is the formula:
    (mg of hormone)*2^(-time/half life) = active amount of hormone in system at current time
    where the time is given in same units as the half life. i.e. if the half is in days the time is in days.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anavar Man
    Anybody else out there have any history on shooting sust at 250mg twice a week

  20. #20
    goose is offline Banned
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    I`m not a fan of test Sust.But for the dude who is injecting 4 ampules of Sustanon per week, there is no advantage over other testosterone products. In fact, the high price tag for Sustanon usually makes it a very poor buy in the face of cheaper testosterone,so by saving money you can save up for another AAS.


  21. #21
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic
    This is the way most people feel about inject freq w/ sust. they base this on the fact that it has prop in it. even though the prop makes up less than 15% of the coumpound.

    anavar man,
    prop - 2 days
    phenprop - 4.5 days
    isocap - 5 days
    dec - 14 days

    I'd call it one short, two inbetween, and one long

    Then what is the point of running sust if you dont shoot eod or ed. you will not be getting effect from the prop at all.

  22. #22
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic
    500mg/week is too low for me but I know people who run it like this w/o problems.
    quesiton for all the die hard gotta shoot it ed or eod people. have you ever run the numbers to justify your positions? here is the formula:
    (mg of hormone)*2^(-time/half life) = active amount of hormone in system at current time
    where the time is given in same units as the half life. i.e. if the half is in days the time is in days.

    Do your self a favor go and learn something new today.

    Sustanon and why you shouldnt use it

  23. #23
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    You get the effect but it's like a parabolic curve because it's not steady with respect to the amount of prop in the bloodstream at any given time.

  24. #24
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Some of you nerds might find this interesting

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Some of you nerds might find this interesting

    Guess I'm a nerd, I liked that link.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    Then what is the point of running sust if you dont shoot eod or ed. you will not be getting effect from the prop at all.

    bro i dont understand why most of people look at sustanon as its prop its not it contains 4 esters most of the guys here look at it like they are using prop & forget about the other esters so what if you shot it twice a wk ok the prop will get out of the system but there are 3 more esters working in your body & there many people had great success shooting it twice a week can you explain that btw i did my first cycle susta 500mg eod & i had minimum gains i'll try with my next cycle this wk to shoot it twice a week & see how it will work with me.

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  27. #27
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    the reason why people say that isnt because they look at it like that. its because they look at the hormone levels in your blood fluctuating due to not shooting prop ed. fluctuating hormone levels = side effects, so if your not shooting at least eod you are kinda screwing yourself over a bit.

  28. #28
    Anavar Man's Avatar
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    Looking for some more feedback on taking sust. twice per week at 250mg. I realize that ED or EOD is the proper way to use it. I will take it for 5 weeks and then switch to Test E at 500mg pwk.


  29. #29
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anavar Man
    Looking for some more feedback on taking sust. twice per week at 250mg. I realize that ED or EOD is the proper way to use it. I will take it for 5 weeks and then switch to Test E at 500mg pwk.

    i cant see why you wont take the advice of most people on your thread, first if your using sus it should be shot at EOD, this is the best way to get the best out of the sus, also i wouldnt change it after 5 weeks and go on test E, either choose one or the other, i think that would be the best bet for you..

  30. #30
    G-1000's Avatar
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    This is for the lazy assholes that wont clik on the link.

    A new look into doing Sustanon250 by basskiller

    As you can see by the numbers, the quickest way to get the sust levels in your blood stream at a constant maximum level is to shoot ed.
    By the middle of week 1, your there, except for a few milligrams.

    On a 3cc case, each hash mark equals 25mgs of sust
    So to shoot
    200mgs would be 8 hash marks or a little over 3/4 of a ml
    150mgs would be 8 hash marks or a little over 1/2 of a ml
    100mgs would be 4 hash marks or a little under 1/2 of a ml

    Also to do this you will need a sterile 40 or 50 ml empty vial to switch all the sust amps into.

    days.. amount taken.......the amount in the blood stream
    1 ..............200mgs ................190mgs
    2 ..............200 .......................351
    3 ..............200 .......................487
    4 ..............150 .......................555
    5 ..............150 .......................612
    6 ..............100 .......................613
    7 ..............100 .......................614
    Week 2
    8 ..............100 .......................615
    9 ..............100 .......................616
    10.............100 .......................616
    11.............100 .......................617
    12.............100 .......................617
    13.............100 .......................617
    14.............100 .......................618
    Week 3
    15............100 .......................618
    16............100 .......................618
    17............100 .......................618
    18............100 .......................618
    19............100 .......................618
    20............100 .......................619
    21............100 .......................619
    Week 4
    22............100 .......................619
    23............100 .......................619
    24............100 .......................619
    25............100 .......................619
    26............100 .......................619
    27............100 .......................619
    28............100 .......................619
    Week 5
    29...,........100 .......................619
    30............100 .......................619
    31............100 .......................619
    32............100 .......................619
    33............100 .......................619
    34............100 .......................619
    35............100 .......................619
    Week 6
    36............100 .......................619
    37............100 .......................619
    38............100 .......................619
    39............100 .......................619
    40............100 .......................619
    41............100 .......................619
    42............100 .......................619
    Week 7
    43............100 .......................619
    44............100 .......................619
    45............100 .......................619
    46............100 .......................619
    47............100 .......................619
    48............100 .......................619
    49............100 .......................619
    Week 8
    50............100 .......................619
    51............100 .......................619
    52............100 .......................619
    53............100 .......................619
    54............100 .......................619
    55............100 .......................619
    56............100 .......................619

    Also you can see by the numbers...
    Your shooting 700mgs a week, with the exception of the 1st week,
    That your only really doing 619mgs.


    So we all have heard that more even T levels (ED injections) means less side effects, right? Why is that? Can someone briefly expand on this idea? What are some other reasons for keeping our T levels as even as possible? Looking for input here to put a reason behind the technique...

    as posted by 46and2aheadofme (the same who made the graph) Thanks 46


    Ok lets see if we can put this into perspective... I've asked some of who I feel are the most knowledgeable guys on these boards about this to see if they agree and yes, so far everyone seems to be on the same page

    The best way to put it is as Andy said .. I'm paraphrasing here

    Many, guys say that dbol is many times more effective when taken throughout the day, Bill Roberts included.
    There seem to be less sides and more gains as opposed to just taking it 1 or 2 times daily....

    The only difference between taking it 1 to 2 times a day and throughout the day is the stability in the blood .

    The higher injection frequency = stable blood levels = better gains and or less sides is simply an extension of this analogy.

    There's no doubt that people gain from injecting sustanon 1x/week... But, at least in theory, it would be better if split up..
    The magnitude of the difference in blood levels increases with dose..
    So the need to split up the injections increases with the dose and may not be that big of a deal on small cycles.

    Here is the normal 3 times a week chart

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday shots
    It never gets stable, just Here is Monday, Wednesday, Friday shots
    It never gets stable, just develops a pattern after week 7

    1 ...250 .......................238
    2 ...0 ..........................201
    3 ...250 .......................409
    4 ...0 ..........................346
    5 ...250 .......................532
    6 ...0 ..........................451
    7 ...0 ..........................384
    Week 2
    8 ...250 .......................566
    9 ...0 ..........................480
    10...250 .......................646
    11...0 ..........................547
    12...250 .......................703
    13...0 ..........................595
    14...0 ..........................507
    Week 3
    15...250 .......................672
    16...0 ..........................569
    17...250 .......................722
    18...0 ..........................611
    19...250 .......................758
    20...0 ..........................642
    21...0 ..........................547
    Week 4
    22...250 .......................706
    23...0 ..........................598
    24...250 .......................747
    25...0 ..........................632
    26...250 .......................776
    27...0 ..........................657
    28...0 ..........................560
    Week 5
    29...250 .......................717
    30...0 ..........................607
    31...250 .......................755
    32...0 ..........................639
    33...250 .......................782
    34...0 ..........................662
    35...0 ..........................564
    Week 6
    36...250 .......................721
    37...0 ..........................610
    38...250 .......................757
    39...0 ..........................641
    40...250 .......................784
    41...0 ..........................663
    42...0 ..........................656
    Week 7
    43...250 .......................722
    44...0 ..........................611
    45...250 .......................758
    46...0 ..........................642
    47...250 .......................784
    48...0 ..........................664
    49...250 .......................566
    Week 8
    50...250 .......................722
    51...0 ..........................611
    52...250 .......................758
    53...0 ..........................642
    54...250 .......................784
    55...0 ..........................664

  31. #31
    G-1000's Avatar
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    I refuse to get into this debate agene. for you guys that think sust should be shoot 2x a week go right a head. i dont really give a shit what you do. But if you wont to most bank for your buck shoot ed or eod.

  32. #32
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    shoot 250mg on monday and thursday with sust and you will be fine.
    Alot of what you need to understand is that you dont know what these guys are shooting or most of that for that matter dont know either. By that i mean. we have the UG guys most of who have NO clue as to what dosage they are taking or if what they are taking even has what they think it has in it. They see one lab test on one batch and all of a sudden the shit is legit!
    Further more there is another group who **** with the VET drugs. They again are NOT the same as Pharm drugs. Take two LEGIT amps of sust 250 by organon, or omnadren by jefla a week and i think you will understand what im talking about. BTW i didnt see is this your first cycle? you are 37 so im wondering? if it isnt you should add a few more things to that. If it is your first you need to make sure you have your PCT correct.

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  34. #34
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    just to clarify, 500 isnt the end all be all... but if its your first cycle and you are new 1g of test is not needed... but i am taking 1500 right now. As marcus said it works well for him. I agree works well for me too.

  35. #35
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    speaking of which... its pokey pokey time. brb

  36. #36
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    I refuse to get into this debate agene. for you guys that think sust should be shoot 2x a week go right a head. i dont really give a shit what you do. But if you wont to most bank for your buck shoot ed or eod.
    totaly agree
    ive done them all and above is correct

  37. #37
    Anavar Man's Avatar
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    This is my second cycle in the last 1 1/2 years. I did two others in my early twenties. I appreciate your take on the legit pharmacy gear. I will go with the 250mg's twice a week and see what happens. I seem to respond pretty well to test.


  38. #38
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    id add deca @ 400mg a week and dbol at 30mg a day for 6 weeks. also. 500 mg is a newbie test cycle.

  39. #39
    Anavar Man's Avatar
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    I will be doing Anavar at 50mg per day weeks 4-12 of a 15 week cycle.I think 500mg will be ok, my receptors should be fairly clean. 1-5 will be the Sust. and 6-15 will be the Test E.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    Click image for larger version. 

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    that shit is funny.

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