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  1. #41
    Gra's Avatar
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    I don`t think they will be able to shut them down. It`s still legal in mexico. Guess they are able to see who are reciving the packages.

    Quote Originally Posted by BOBBY D
    i dont know much about mexican products but IF these r major suppliers, how can they shut them down. if doctor's get roids prescribed for patient's, dont the manufactures sell thes roids to licensed pharmacists. so how can they tell what was sent legally or illegally to the usa. (oh yeah, i forgot serial #'s or lot #'s would show what was recorded as licensed or illegal). i dont know, maybe BUFF87 can u explain to me..

  2. #42
    musclehead1 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    You can buy meds that can kill you inside every drug store!

    You can buy beer, wine, spirits on every corner store!

    You can give yourself AND HUNDREDS OF OTHERS AROUND YOU CANCER from cigarettes and other tobacco, but ...

    thats corruption for you a lot of these companies/manufactures pay off people in political positions. i can almost bet that if a steroid manufacturer approached the right people in office that this whole steroid crack down would be not dwelled on as much. With alcohol and cancer sticks the govt makes money on it from the taxes and then if somebody has cancer they have to take expensive meds and do you think that the companies that produce/copyright these meds dont pay off people in office to keep those on the streets? (remember there is clear evidence that ciggs cause cancer and there is no rock solid evidence that steroids cause it). Heres a good example in canada the roads get very icy and well there was this brine developed that had an expensive start up cost but overall cost would be cheaper then sand salt mixture that is used and the clean up afterwards, and the brine is safe for your car meaning that it doesnt cause your car to rust....well do you think car manufacturers would have allowed this? So the brine was scraped i dont remember if they gave a reason or not. We usually dont see this type of corruption but it happens, I guess it true what they say "money makes the world go around"

  3. #43
    simster1 is offline Associate Member
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    Good analogy but brine is used here the US

  4. #44
    musclehead1 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by simster1
    Good analogy but brine is used here the US
    do u live a small town or a big/main city?

  5. #45
    system admin is offline Owner
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    No matter how you slice it guys... the govt is an unstoppable force that does what it wants to and with a topic like this... they will win. I hate to have a defeted attitude, but in this case, we will lose. We just have to go with the punches unless some major players step up to the plate. In the mean time, we will help keep teens off the shit and help the others play safe.


  6. #46
    Gra's Avatar
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    They can make it harder for everyone, but they can`t stop people from using roids.

    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    No matter how you slice it guys... the govt is an unstoppable force that does what it wants to and with a topic like this... they will win. I hate to have a defeted attitude, but in this case, we will lose. We just have to go with the punches unless some major players step up to the plate. In the mean time, we will help keep teens off the shit and help the others play safe.


  7. #47
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    We wonder why the outside world doesnt like Americans anymore, we say they hate because of our goverement but actually it because we sit back and let our gov. run wild. We have absolutly no say on what our laws are, and kept in the dark about so many subjects. Imagin this, our tax $$$ runs the whole thing, but we are ona need to know basis.

  8. #48
    system admin is offline Owner
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  9. #49
    moregunsthanroses's Avatar
    moregunsthanroses is offline Associate Member
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    the whole steroid witchhunt has gotten a bit ridiculous.I think the government officials doing this have their priorities all wrong and are letting hard drugs come through while focusing on steroids which are doing the least harm IMO. thankfully i live in canada where steroid punishment is very low on the priorities list(basically non existent for possesion).

  10. #50
    THINKBIG is offline Junior Member
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    I'm gonna try to do it the legal way, HRT that will be my little F#%k YOU to the Gov. oh yeah if they come to your house just pull a DAVID KORESH on those stupid F@%KERS.......They have been trying to ban guns for years, you know why they can't? cause someone would have to come and get them! do you really wanna try and take my gun from me? Same thing with the juice if they come for you show them how strong you are, cause remember they say we are all dying from this stuff.LOL Show them what a dying man can do! and remember brothers the strong will inherit the EARTH...........

  11. #51
    GoGetBig is offline New Member
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    Awsome thread. I like it cause our goverment is stupid, and all the claims here have plenty of proff why. Also goes to show that those with money do rule this country. Tabacco is legal and killing millions, yet everyone can buy it. But if there is one baseball player using roids, its a HUGE deal.

    Bump it up, great read, love it.

  12. #52
    Pro_built7 is offline Member
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    The Gov't has gotten almost every non steroid user in this country turned against them, these people do NOT know the facts, and they will come straight out and tell you steroids are harmful to your health. Who in the Hell do they think they are, look at these links one report actually attests to steroids being somewhat of a gateway drug leading to other things such as heroin, due to the after effects of steroid use .http://


    This is the most hopeless situation i could ever imagine. I actually seen a bumper sticker the other day that said "Ban Steroid Use, Don't ruin your child's life". I was praying for a red light so I could get out of my car and ask him Who the F#4ck he thinks he is having that bullshit on his car. Also in all the school textbooks they preach and harp on how harmful steroids are, so before kids even know what they are they have a bad conception of the drugs. Something must be done....but nothing can be done.

  13. #53
    simster1 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclehead1
    do u live a small town or a big/main city?

    I know its used in NY, NJ, PA

  14. #54
    IXISiDiuSIXI's Avatar
    IXISiDiuSIXI is offline Associate Member
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    so are they gonna stop manufacturing in mexico? I mean, how the hell can they do that since it's legal there?

  15. #55
    Bigpup101's Avatar
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    They (the goverment) dont make any money off of steroid 's can't tax it, that is why they leave the tobacco and alchohol industires alone..if it has to do with $$$ and they don't have their hands in it, its a big no-no..such b.s

  16. #56
    system admin is offline Owner
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pro_built7
    The Gov't has gotten almost every non steroid user in this country turned against them, these people do NOT know the facts, and they will come straight out and tell you steroids are harmful to your health. Who in the Hell do they think they are, look at these links one report actually attests to steroids being somewhat of a gateway drug leading to other things such as heroin, due to the after effects of steroid use .http://


    This is the most hopeless situation i could ever imagine. I actually seen a bumper sticker the other day that said "Ban Steroid Use, Don't ruin your child's life". I was praying for a red light so I could get out of my car and ask him Who the F#4ck he thinks he is having that bullshit on his car. Also in all the school textbooks they preach and harp on how harmful steroids are, so before kids even know what they are they have a bad conception of the drugs. Something must be done....but nothing can be done.
    I agree! It has me so pissed off. Think about this... I own this site and have thousands who view it every day and I CANT DO SHIT about it. If I cant... who the fuk can? It is so upsetting to get kicked in the mouth and not have the ability to kick back.


  17. #57
    slob is offline Member
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    who needs to step up brian? and what should they do?
    spell it out

  18. #58
    LatinoPR's Avatar
    LatinoPR is offline Anabolic Member
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Thats bull shit..!they are safe in Mexico,i call my contact in Mexico again today and he said that they are ok and no problem...for now.He know all that owners very well.Some of the sites that have a offices in USA are been in investigation for 21 month and arrested like***mex...
    Now im thinking to make my UG lab hmmmm like... Latinostan 100 or Latinoenan 250 or maybe Latinotest 250...kool...! j/k.

  19. #59
    TURBOGREEK is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    i am totally 100% behind you bro, but what do you suggest we do?
    we gotta take it to DC with some serious legal back. like a "million bro march" or something. and i'm not kidding either. i just don't think too many people would participate when it comes down to it. i think many would say "yeah sure" but when it came down to it i doubt it would happen

    we just have to get heard somehow. it's amazing...if we get heated over it they are only gonna flip it on us and say that we're "roid raging". the goddamn f#ckers!

  20. #60
    BG's Avatar
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    "million bro march" toooooo funny, a million jacked up guys in wife beaters!!

  21. #61
    TURBOGREEK is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    "million bro march" toooooo funny, a million jacked up guys in wife beaters!!

  22. #62
    TURBOGREEK is offline Associate Member
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    on a serious note though...if we make enough of a stink about it and the pharmaceoutical companies get involved with their lawyers...we have a chance. we just have to somehow educate the public. i have no idea how though.

    think about many AAS forums are there? how many bros are active on the forums? i have to say that we have to make up a small little percent of the general population. even if it was 1% or under. if 500,000 bodybuilders get worst case...we will scare people into hearing us.

  23. #63
    Joey2ness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    How is it that steroids got to be so aweful?
    Steroids were made illegal because sports men and women use it to gain an advantage in sports and because of the exaggerated side effects

    If everyone who used steroids experienced heart failure, rotten liver and kidneys then it is safe to say that another side effect is winning an olympic gold medal or becoming a professional athlete

    In my own opinion Testosterone for intramuscular injection should be the only steroid legalized for adult use along with anti estrogens and HCG

  24. #64
    Tock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    We wonder why the outside world doesnt like Americans anymore, we say they hate because of our goverement but actually it because we sit back and let our gov. run wild. We have absolutly no say on what our laws are, and kept in the dark about so many subjects. Imagin this, our tax $$$ runs the whole thing, but we are ona need to know basis.
    Well, next time y'all should consider voting for Libertarian politicians. They're for decriminalizing drugs, and in fact, they're in favor of doing away with most if not all of that intrusive government crap. Instead, they'd limit government to exactly what's written in the Constitution, and no more. Everyone would be responsible for their own selves.
    Check 'em out . . . somewhat different than what's running things now, and IMHO, would be much better.


  25. #65
    Joey2ness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pro_built7
    The Gov't has gotten almost every non steroid user in this country turned against them, these people do NOT know the facts, and they will come straight out and tell you steroids are harmful to your health.
    people will believe anything if enough people say it

    German dictator Adolf Hitler once remarked "The great masses of the people... will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one." Sadly, for once in his life, the most evil, twisted and demented man in the history of the world made a correct observation regarding human behavior. Corporal Hitler was right: people will believe anything if enough people say it. Better illustrated, Mark Twain said "It is my belief that nearly any invented quotation, played with confidence, stands a good chance to deceive."

  26. #66
    Darkness's Avatar
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    This is bad, steroids arent addicting like tobacco, alchohol is. It wont hurt people as bad as tobacco or alchohol can.

    I wouldnt mind if steroids were banned in sports but to be illegal is just stupid. Other countries have them. Are you to tell me that the people making laws in those countries arent as smart??? They're probably all smarter than the fat dumbasses we have here!

  27. #67
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    Well, next time y'all should consider voting for Libertarian politicians. They're for decriminalizing drugs, and in fact, they're in favor of doing away with most if not all of that intrusive government crap. Instead, they'd limit government to exactly what's written in the Constitution, and no more. Everyone would be responsible for their own selves.
    Check 'em out . . . somewhat different than what's running things now, and IMHO, would be much better.

    The problem with decriminalizing ALL drugs and having everyone be responsible for their own selves as you put it. Is that not all drugs are like AAS, meaning that some other types of drugs cause damage to peoples lives outside of those who use it. For instance, junkies who murder and rob people to support their drug habbit. The most notable and highly publicized, drunk drivers who kill unsuspecting motorists going about their day. I believe some drugs are illegal for GOOD reasons, however those good reasons dont apply to AAS. I've known many people who were addicted to prescription pain killers, benzodiazapines, and cocaine. Let me tell you, those drugs made people I was very close to, and cared a lot about, into horrible people.

    The situation we're in right now is the pengelum. Right now, the pengelum regarding AAS is swung heavily to one side, but as history ALWAYS repeats itself, the pengelum will swing back to a neutral position, and in time may swing to the other side.

  28. #68
    system admin is offline Owner
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    lets hope for that other side TGF


  29. #69
    Smiley619's Avatar
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    so in a nut shell what is basically going to go down for the consumers of VET gear and how soon?

  30. #70
    smokethedays's Avatar
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    sorry to say that but there are shit loads of laws and bans in this country that makes no sense, for example: prostituation is illegal but pornography is legal, a poping knife is a felony and a loaded gun is a misdomeaner, u can buy a crack pipe but if u r busted with is (even not used) it's a felony, u can buy syringes but not the Steroid (wtf am i gonna do with the syringe??) .....etc

  31. #71
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokethedays
    sorry to say that but there are shit loads of laws and bans in this country that makes no sense, for example: prostituation is illegal but pornography is legal, a poping knife is a felony and a loaded gun is a misdomeaner, u can buy a crack pipe but if u r busted with is (even not used) it's a felony, u can buy syringes but not the Steroid (wtf am i gonna do with the syringe??) .....etc
    Where I'm at a loaded gun carries a mandatory 5 year sentence.

  32. #72
    mesomorph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    Well, next time y'all should consider voting for Libertarian politicians. They're for decriminalizing drugs, and in fact, they're in favor of doing away with most if not all of that intrusive government crap. Instead, they'd limit government to exactly what's written in the Constitution, and no more. Everyone would be responsible for their own selves.
    Check 'em out . . . somewhat different than what's running things now, and IMHO, would be much better.

    We have been on the other side of debates on several occasions and for once I pretty much agree with you. I also agree with the dude that said not all drugs should be legal, some that are known to destroy lives as he pointed out. But the point is, the making of laws should be kept to a minimum, and people should retain as many liberties as possible as a matter of good government, small government. That was what the constitution was designed to do in it's original intent.

    I also think the Pres is behind this. He pushed for the ban on andro products. He is part owner of a professional sports team. He is a very old man with very old fashion views. And religious poius views & victorian morality concepts have far sweeping justifications to interfere in many folks lives "for their own good". Steriods is another one of those self rightious "beat on the podium" beliefs that have no basis in reality. I am Christian, I am not coming against Christianity, but self rightious folks who impose their personal preferences on everyone else, in the name of rightiousness, really turn me off. Our fathers left Europe because of those kinds of controls on society, and now we are headed down that same miserable pathway once again.

  33. #73
    G-1000's Avatar
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    if the gov wonted to stop steroids they can. all thay have to do is stop the shipping of it. but they wont that is were they make there money.

  34. #74
    Smiley619's Avatar
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    in a nut shell what does this mean for the the person who uses vet gear.not from a source but onewho gets his own gear down in tj???is it going to be impossible to get?stock up time?whats the deal?

  35. #75
    mighty1 is offline Marcus owns you!!
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    i think what it means is that some russian guy i know will get another 3000 clients ....and the ug lab ...will have to get lots more remailers

  36. #76
    ajfina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1
    i think what it means is that some russian guy i know will get another 3000 clients ....and the ug lab ...will have to get lots more remailers

  37. #77
    system admin is offline Owner
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    I see prices going up, busts getting worse, scape goats being created, lots of UGL gear (and problems), and a lot more wasted time and money de****g with it all......

    The more I post on this topic, the more pissed off I get. Why does anyone fuking care about this shit when we have so many other problems that need immediate attention. Well... lets do what we can to educate and keep the young ones safe.


  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    I see prices going up, busts getting worse, scape goats being created, lots of UGL gear (and problems), and a lot more wasted time and money de****g with it all......

    The more I post on this topic, the more pissed off I get. Why does anyone fuking care about this shit when we have so many other problems that need immediate attention. Well... lets do what we can to educate and keep the young ones safe.

    Thats very sad although i live in Egypt but am pissed off too i think you guys should consider home brewing much safer than UGLs am consedring it since i cant find any legit eq & other stuff.

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  39. #79
    Gra's Avatar
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    I would think it`s getting hard to get powder for homebrewing??

    Quote Originally Posted by ][-][ ][-][ ][-][
    Thats very sad although i live in Egypt but am pissed off too i think you guys should consider home brewing much safer than UGLs am consedring it since i cant find any legit eq & other stuff.

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  40. #80
    donmega's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigpup101
    They (the goverment) dont make any money off of steroid's can't tax it, that is why they leave the tobacco and alchohol industires alone..if it has to do with $$$ and they don't have their hands in it, its a big no-no..such b.s

    Very true, I heard WITHOUT ANY TAXES a pack of smokes would cost you about $1

    No bullshit
    Last edited by donmega; 12-17-2005 at 05:10 AM.

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