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  1. #1
    SHO NO MERCY is offline New Member
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    respone: Young new guy in which steroids to use

    I have a bone to pick with some of you veterans in here.

    I come in here all the time, not to post, but to read and learn. About 3 years ago when I was 20 I came in here seeking advice and guidance such as Poisonus did in his recent post. I was told I need to exercise properly and have the proper diet etc etc. I was also told I was "too young" and need to "wait a couple of years and train properly".

    I am now 23 years old. I have done what I think is proper training for the past 3 years. I came in here once again for guidance and advice. What did I get? I'm too young and haven't lifted properly, haven't dieted properly, and try it naturally! So does everyone in here have to be 30 years old and have 10 years of training and weight 215 lbs before steroids will work? Is there some sort of atomic steroid clock I'm not aware of?

    I think it's great that you veterans try to give younger guys an alternate route other than steroid abuse . Some of these guys are going to use steroid no matter what you tell them. Stop being greedy with your knowledge and SHARE! That's why we are all here. We're learning. Some of you veterans have a chip on your shoulder, and when the second a newbie posts just wanting a little refuse to give it to them. Don't try to say you don't...just read the comments posted by some of you vets here
    That being the case... you'll do it without my assistance.

    Your injury...whether it be manifested physically or perpetuated psychologically... will not be a product of my input.

    Hope you stick around and read up on the best drug-free approach to the ideal you seek.
    This was made by just confuses me to why you won't give him any guidance. IF HE'S GOING TO DO IT REGUARDLESS THEN YOU NIGHT AS WELL HELP HIM IN THE PROCESS RATHER THEN SEND A BLIND MAN TO WALK A TIGHT ROPE. Help the kid...jesus christ is it that bad?

    I realize there are some hard-headed kids out there, just as I was. I am still hard-headed at 23 years old. But, if you know he's going to do it anyway, reguardless, then who is it going to hurt to help him out a little bit? We don't come to this forum for parental advice, if we wanted that we would go to our parents...we just want answers.

    I don't expect I'll get through to any of the vets in here. Chances are you vets are pretty hard-headed yourselves. I just wanted to voice my opinion. I'm sure this post will get flamed, locked, whatever, but I just want it to be read.

    Veterans, steroid-knowledgable members, please share your wealth of knowledge with other members, even if they are noobies. Give them Altrnative 1: Diet properly, workout right, try it naturally. If that doesn't work, help them out a little bit...They may be making a mistake, but what better way to learn?

    Flame on!

  2. #2
    butcha is offline Junior Member
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    i think u have alot of good points and i see this alot on here the vets, wouldnt u rather help the guy who is gona do it regardless or would u rather let him do it , and him **** it up and ahve some major health issues....truth be told, ppl answering your questions is way better than any article...i read alot of articles, and i always ahve questions after and the aticle cant answer them...thats what these forums are for, for us to be a community and help each other.

  3. #3
    oldman's Avatar
    oldman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I am not a Vet or a Mod or anyone with a bunch of AAS experience but I consider myself a fairly intelligent man so I will post my thoughts on this.

    1. 20 year olds should not be doing AAS because at this age their natural Test levels are already high and with proper diet and proper lifting you will grow faster than someone my age using AAS, IMO.

    2. I think what Nark said in that thread was perfect.. dude that kid was saying no matter what is said he is going to do AAS so why the heck would anyone waste their time with him? What I mean is he came asking for advise and Narks EXCELLENT advice was not to do them yet.. learn, eat, learn more and then come back and after a proven track record that you have reached your natural potential then jump into AAS. If I understand correctly Nark is Natty other than a cutting cycle, I could be wrong but that was my understanding so he is not trying to keep anything from you or anyone else.

    3. If you come here when you are 20 and get told not to do AAS yet and you went and spent the next 3 years training properly and eating properly I am going to guess you would not be coming back here now asking is it okay to do AAS now.. you would be saying thanks guys I am glad I listened.. look at my wicked muscles now.. But no I think, IMO, you left for three years and did not work heard enough, eat properly and now want a short cut and are mad because you are not getting the answers you want.

    I am not trying to flame I do not know you, I do not know what you have done but this is a standard thing in life... people want the shortcut and when someone shows them the Real way they get mad about it.

    Buck up bro it will all be okay. No reasons to "call anyone out" I think for the most part all the Mods and Vets are good guys/gals. I have learned so much and will continue to learn whether I cycle again or not. In a short few months I have learned a ton from this site and one thing I have learned more than anything else is too many people want to cheat, lie and steal to get to the top. I use Test.. i am not using dBol , winny, or a number of other things that can be used.. now I see not issue in this at all but kids coming here with these huge cycles tired of getting sand kicked in their face thinking AAS is the end-all-beat-all answer is wrong and it would be even more wrong if Vets and Mods handed out free advice saying sure your 18 and you want to get big.. take this!!.

    This is just my 2 cents


  4. #4
    Bigpup101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldman
    I am not a Vet or a Mod or anyone with a bunch of AAS experience but I consider myself a fairly intelligent man so I will post my thoughts on this.

    1. 20 year olds should not be doing AAS because at this age their natural Test levels are already high and with proper diet and proper lifting you will grow faster than someone my age using AAS, IMO.

    2. I think what Nark said in that thread was perfect.. dude that kid was saying no matter what is said he is going to do AAS so why the heck would anyone waste their time with him? What I mean is he came asking for advise and Narks EXCELLENT advice was not to do them yet.. learn, eat, learn more and then come back and after a proven track record that you have reached your natural potential then jump into AAS. If I understand correctly Nark is Natty other than a cutting cycle, I could be wrong but that was my understanding so he is not trying to keep anything from you or anyone else.

    3. If you come here when you are 20 and get told not to do AAS yet and you went and spent the next 3 years training properly and eating properly I am going to guess you would not be coming back here now asking is it okay to do AAS now.. you would be saying thanks guys I am glad I listened.. look at my wicked muscles now.. But no I think, IMO, you left for three years and did not work heard enough, eat properly and now want a short cut and are mad because you are not getting the answers you want.

    I am not trying to flame I do not know you, I do not know what you have done but this is a standard thing in life... people want the shortcut and when someone shows them the Real way they get mad about it.

    Buck up bro it will all be okay. No reasons to "call anyone out" I think for the most part all the Mods and Vets are good guys/gals. I have learned so much and will continue to learn whether I cycle again or not. In a short few months I have learned a ton from this site and one thing I have learned more than anything else is too many people want to cheat, lie and steal to get to the top. I use Test.. i am not using dBol , winny, or a number of other things that can be used.. now I see not issue in this at all but kids coming here with these huge cycles tired of getting sand kicked in their face thinking AAS is the end-all-beat-all answer is wrong and it would be even more wrong if Vets and Mods handed out free advice saying sure your 18 and you want to get big.. take this!!.

    This is just my 2 cents


    werrd oldman....

  5. #5
    Booz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldman
    I am not a Vet or a Mod or anyone with a bunch of AAS experience but I consider myself a fairly intelligent man so I will post my thoughts on this.

    1. 20 year olds should not be doing AAS because at this age their natural Test levels are already high and with proper diet and proper lifting you will grow faster than someone my age using AAS, IMO.

    2. I think what Nark said in that thread was perfect.. dude that kid was saying no matter what is said he is going to do AAS so why the heck would anyone waste their time with him? What I mean is he came asking for advise and Narks EXCELLENT advice was not to do them yet.. learn, eat, learn more and then come back and after a proven track record that you have reached your natural potential then jump into AAS. If I understand correctly Nark is Natty other than a cutting cycle, I could be wrong but that was my understanding so he is not trying to keep anything from you or anyone else.

    3. If you come here when you are 20 and get told not to do AAS yet and you went and spent the next 3 years training properly and eating properly I am going to guess you would not be coming back here now asking is it okay to do AAS now.. you would be saying thanks guys I am glad I listened.. look at my wicked muscles now.. But no I think, IMO, you left for three years and did not work heard enough, eat properly and now want a short cut and are mad because you are not getting the answers you want.

    I am not trying to flame I do not know you, I do not know what you have done but this is a standard thing in life... people want the shortcut and when someone shows them the Real way they get mad about it.

    Buck up bro it will all be okay. No reasons to "call anyone out" I think for the most part all the Mods and Vets are good guys/gals. I have learned so much and will continue to learn whether I cycle again or not. In a short few months I have learned a ton from this site and one thing I have learned more than anything else is too many people want to cheat, lie and steal to get to the top. I use Test.. i am not using dBol , winny, or a number of other things that can be used.. now I see not issue in this at all but kids coming here with these huge cycles tired of getting sand kicked in their face thinking AAS is the end-all-beat-all answer is wrong and it would be even more wrong if Vets and Mods handed out free advice saying sure your 18 and you want to get big.. take this!!.

    This is just my 2 cents

    good post OLD!

  6. #6
    Booz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by butcha
    i think u have alot of good points and i see this alot on here the vets, wouldnt u rather help the guy who is gona do it regardless or would u rather let him do it , and him **** it up and ahve some major health issues....truth be told, ppl answering your questions is way better than any article...i read alot of articles, and i always ahve questions after and the aticle cant answer them...thats what these forums are for, for us to be a community and help each other.
    i have read that thread and people were tryin to help him mate,at 170lb's and 6'2 he should and could put on at least another 25lbs natural if not more!then with the aid of roids gain much more coz he would have a solid base to start from,wats the point of doin gear now and only gainin the 25lbs he would have got naturally,then it would be harder to get as big as he would have done if hed have stayed natural for the 25lbs!no flame here just my thoughts on it.

  7. #7
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigpup101
    werrd oldman....
    well said bro.

  8. #8
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Well, I suppose I'm in the same boat as you are, I am only 19, and I was awfully close to going on some Deca and Test last summer when I was only 18, and when I asked another forum about information, all I got was raggeed on and a locked thread within minutes. But, I learned that I am too young, and back then I didnt exactly have the strictest diet and workout plan and everything.
    I decided to wait till I'm at least 21, and I have been making good gains lately still.
    My suggestion to you, if your heart is set on using a form of anabolics, maybe legal ones such as Superdrol/ HD/ ect. If you were lifting for 3 years, at our age really strict, you'd have awesome gains

  9. #9
    SHO NO MERCY is offline New Member
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    If you come here when you are 20 and get told not to do AAS yet and you went and spent the next 3 years training properly and eating properly I am going to guess you would not be coming back here now asking is it okay to do AAS now.. you would be saying thanks guys I am glad I listened.. look at my wicked muscles now.. But no I think, IMO, you left for three years and did not work heard enough, eat properly and now want a short cut and are mad because you are not getting the answers you want.
    I have spent the last 3 years training properly. I have gone from 150 to 170lbs. I have now plateaud and am holding steady at about 170 to 172. Am I mad at the results? Heck no botha. From the compliments I received from friends and family this year at Thanksgiving after not seeing them for a year is very gratifying.

    I understand that in Poisonus's case, yes he may be doing it all the wrong way. But, he wasn't asking for parental advice, he was asking for steroid usage advice. Maybe he's not ready, but why not tell him what he needs to do if he has his mind set on doing it.

    I know in my case that I am dedicated to weight lifting and I have the discipline and dedication to diet right, not drink, get sleep, lift properly. So why refuse to give me knowledge or insight on what I need to do or what you think would be best for me to take?

  10. #10
    Bigpup101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHO NO MERCY
    I have spent the last 3 years training properly. I have gone from 150 to 170lbs. I have now plateaud and am holding steady at about 170 to 172. Am I mad at the results? Heck no botha. From the compliments I received from friends and family this year at Thanksgiving after not seeing them for a year is very gratifying.

    I understand that in Poisonus's case, yes he may be doing it all the wrong way. But, he wasn't asking for parental advice, he was asking for steroid usage advice. Maybe he's not ready, but why not tell him what he needs to do if he has his mind set on doing it.

    I know in my case that I am dedicated to weight lifting and I have the discipline and dedication to diet right, not drink, get sleep, lift properly. So why refuse to give me knowledge or insight on what I need to do or what you think would be best for me to take?

    i also joined this forum when i was 19 and why do you think i came to!? i was ready to do my first cycle, i just wanted to see if the price was good (which it def. wasn't) i had trained hard for lie a year i think, and i thought i was ready, then i read, and then read some more...then i said i'm gonna get my diet/supps right and then do an awesome cycle when i'm 21..but at 21 at felt like i could do more naturally so by the time it was all said and done, i did my 1st cycle (which i'm currently on) on my 23rd while some of the advice you received wasnt what you were looking for..if you stick to it and listen you'll be thanking them later...if you get into weights you have to be in it for the long run, so why take shortcuts?? you'll just be shorting yourself at the end

  11. #11
    butcha is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    i have read that thread and people were tryin to help him mate,at 170lb's and 6'2 he should and could put on at least another 25lbs natural if not more!then with the aid of roids gain much more coz he would have a solid base to start from,wats the point of doin gear now and only gainin the 25lbs he would have got naturally,then it would be harder to get as big as he would have done if hed have stayed natural for the 25lbs!no flame here just my thoughts on it.
    i agree with you, me myself never done them, im a fat guy, so maybe in march after a good solid 8 months of training, i might do some clen do get some of that fat off. if i get gear it wont be til im like 25 or so, right now im only 21

  12. #12
    oldman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHO NO MERCY
    I have spent the last 3 years training properly. I have gone from 150 to 170lbs. I have now plateaud and am holding steady at about 170 to 172. Am I mad at the results? Heck no botha. From the compliments I received from friends and family this year at Thanksgiving after not seeing them for a year is very gratifying.

    I understand that in Poisonus's case, yes he may be doing it all the wrong way. But, he wasn't asking for parental advice, he was asking for steroid usage advice. Maybe he's not ready, but why not tell him what he needs to do if he has his mind set on doing it.

    I know in my case that I am dedicated to weight lifting and I have the discipline and dedication to diet right, not drink, get sleep, lift properly. So why refuse to give me knowledge or insight on what I need to do or what you think would be best for me to take?

    It sounds like, to me, you have done some hard work and that is great and it is possible that YOU are ready to give something else a try to kick it up. now I am not sure what happened with you and if you did not get an answer or you got a "canned" answer of "too young".. to be honest I think there are way too many Kids coming here wanting that quick fix and granted when I was 18 I would have jumped at the chance (would not have done any good since I ate like a piggy).. anyway.. maybe starting off with some posts about what you do, your diet, your workouts etc... and then after some pots and getting to know a few people your questions might have gotten looked at a little different than Post #1, what steroids do I take to get freaking huge. I think what I am trying to say is the Mods, Vets and regular users see the same crap question over and over and over and the answer is always the same. and NO your case sounds different than the typical 23 year old that just decided he was a wuss and wanted some muscle.. you did the right thing and lifted and ate and did what should always be done first. Your post probably just looked over and that is going to happen on a huge fast moving forum like this.. don't take offense just try again. hell I have asked stupid questions and got told "Use the search" and that was about it.. and guess what?? I did and it helped. hee...

    now back to the other guy you said he was not asking for parental consent or whatever, you are right but what if you friend said "dude I am going to rob a bank should I use a shotgun or a 9mm" You would said fvck no dude what are you thinking.., don't rob a bank... go get a job if you want money.. then he says " But I am going to do it anyway so why not just tell me what gun is best for robbing a bank".. what are you going to do? I would guess you will say screw you buddy I am not going to help you in robbing a bank.. Now I know, i know this is not the same right?? wrong IT IS.. AAS too early will screw up your life just as bad as robbing a bank so do you think Nark said the right thing and saying I am not going to help? I think so.

    you sound like you are a smart guy and want to do your very best so I am glad that you are here hanging out and I am sure the information you are looking for will come just don't get upset if a few people think it is better to wait. I am no expert as I said but of all the forums I have ever been on this one has the best people and knowledge.

    Last edited by oldman; 12-19-2005 at 12:20 PM.

  13. #13
    JR.SHRED's Avatar
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    150 172 your in a plateau because you need to change things up not to necessarly use aas maybe though. have you changed routines? taken time off to let your muscles rest? changed days you do body parts? changed your diet? not flaming just asking alot of times people think their stuck but just need to change things IMO

  14. #14
    PaulieM.'s Avatar
    PaulieM. is offline Banned
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    i know most people should wait 'til they've developed naturally, but i think that all depends on the individual and his/her goals. i'm fixin to turn 20 within a few days and i've done a lot of steroids . i'm doin growth and igf-1. and i'm fixin to start a little insulin . i've ****ed myself up in the past physically and mentally, but you wanna know the truth. i was gonna juice regardless, because all i care about is being the best i can possibly be. if i had access to a board like this when i was 16 when i started i would've been much better off. that is only if people with experiece would've helped me. like i said i was gonna do it regardless-like a lot of teenagers on this board. most of you vets are right we should wait, but i can say from experience a lot of younger people are going to make their own mistakes and have to learn their own lessons. those with experience can make this a much safer experiece. i'm now 6' 260 at about 10-11% bf. so i can say my drug use was definately not in vain. i'm doin this to be competitive. i love bodybuilding, and i use these drugs to stay at the top of my game. young people that read this need to understand their are going to be mental and physical side effects to this kind of thinking. the best advice i can give is to stay clean and healthy for as long as you can. if you're just trying to gain some muscle to look good, that's definately not a reason to start juicin at 18. if you're a competitive athlete and know you need an edge, just research, research, research and know that their is a good chance you will have to deal with some consequences because of your early drug-use.

    good luck to ya'll newbies

  15. #15
    STEVO 47 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JR.SHRED
    150 172 your in a plateau because you need to change things up not to necessarly use aas maybe though. have you changed routines? taken time off to let your muscles rest? changed days you do body parts? changed your diet? not flaming just asking alot of times people think their stuck but just need to change things IMO
    Finally someone bought this up. I've been lifting for a long time before I
    I got on the juice I couldn't count how many times I plateaued. I'm
    not saying wait 10 years or so but what I am saying is don't use that
    as a reason to juice. There are ways to get your self to grow again
    Juice is what you use when you've reached your limit and at your age
    you haven't reached your limit,believe me.
    Last edited by STEVO 47; 12-20-2005 at 02:11 PM.

  16. #16
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    fact of the matter if ur goin to juice ur puttin ur health at risk. if u do it at a young age then ur puttin urself at higher risk cause ur reproductive system hasnt fully matured yet. use common sense if ur 6'2 170 at 12-13%bf u are no where near your natural limit, and if u've been training for a while then ur doing somehting wrong. at a young age you are more prone to do dumb shit at will, and not think of consequence. like bigpup i came here ready to do a cycle i had all my shit,19, but i learned that it is very bad at a young age, and i also learned to make a good diet. now im 20 and plan on cycling this summer. still very young but i have all the knowledge i need, i know i may get messed up, but i will take every precaution to stay safe.

  17. #17
    omnipotent is offline Banned
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    i think the whole age issue is so overrated .. and exagerrated .. from what i know everyones test levels vary .. there are also what i like to call early and late bloomers .. yes its true that most people stop growin at about 25 .. but its also quite possible to stop earlier .. like myself .. i had a full set of facial hair when i was 12 .. i think its all about genetics rather then whats carved in stone ("books").. i think the only thing that a younger individul like myself shouldnt mess with is GH . other then that i dont think there should be a age where its "right" to start .im 20 years old .. and im currently on my first cycle .. i got bloodwork from my doctor and he said it would be okay to do it .. i think it all depends on the person really... so IMO .. everyone that says diet training blah blah blah .. needs to think about a few other things .. 1) not everyone can consume THATTTT many calories .. a person who has reachd a plateau naturally and might have a slower matabolism , a small stomach or w/e it is .. will not always be able to ingest so much .. 2) ive tried diffferent training approaches .. powerlifting which is actually quite nice ive put on 40 pounds naturally from it .. ive tried german volumes which is also very good .. and there all different types of routines to choose from .. but i think also once a person has shocked their body to a certain degree.. there forms of training are just not going to have the same response. thats why im using juice in the first place so i can be wrong but w/e thats just my opinion.

  18. #18
    sadukar is offline Junior Member
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    I agree with AT LEAST three years of training. I have had six years under my belt and have never used an illegal supp to this day. You need to learn how to work through plateau's(several) before you start to juice. That way you don't rely on more and more juice to keep you getting bigger and stronger. It goes far beyond just reaching a maturity level. I have met 30 year olds who shouldn't juice and 18 year olds with the knowledge too(not that they should). He should have AT LEAST 30 more pounds before he juices. Hell, at 6'2, he should be over 200lbs before he even considers it. The bottem line? he needs to eat more... a lot more.

  19. #19
    MiZongMaster is offline Associate Member
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    I agree with the first post, sorta anyways.. I started browsing this forum when I was 19, obviously because I was interested in gear. But I learned that it would be more beneficial for me to read, and not participate, because of the way people react to the younger crowd. When I was 15 I replaced my bed for a futon, so I could fit a bench into my room, I weight lifted almost daily, I was 5'7", 125lbs when I started, and got up to 180lbs by the time I was 19, but I couldnt beat that number.

    Fortunately I learned from this board, but not because I got advice from the vets, but because I avoided them. If I posted with questions about gear, they all would flame.

    Well I created my account last week, as I started my first cycle of test cyp. I am 22, almost 23.. I got myself up to 195lbs, @ 5'7-8.

    It is very important to train natural to make sure you are ready to get involved in the game, but the way people respond here does not help at all. You know how body builders are(or potential bb'rs).. They are "bad asses", so when you tell them NO, they get mad and want to do it more.

    I guess it isnt the advice that is given to younger people that is bad, but it is the approach. Although I have learned a great deal more from this board than I could have on my own, if I decided to ask questions and -seek- advice directly, I would have been shot down, and I would have taken a different route. But thanks guys, you guys r0ks. I just have to relate to the younger guys, cause I am a younger guys!

  20. #20
    MiZongMaster is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by omnipotent
    i got bloodwork from my doctor and he said it would be okay to do it ...

    He told you it was OK to take an illegal substance by checking your blood? Did he check your growth plates, since the issue at hand has to do with that?

  21. #21
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHO NO MERCY

    I understand that in Poisonus's case, yes he may be doing it all the wrong way. But, he wasn't asking for parental advice, he was asking for steroid usage advice. Maybe he's not ready, but why not tell him what he needs to do if he has his mind set on doing it.
    Quote Originally Posted by SHO NO MERCY
    .just read the comments posted by some of you vets here

    This was made by just confuses me to why you won't give him any guidance. IF HE'S GOING TO DO IT REGUARDLESS THEN YOU NIGHT AS WELL HELP HIM IN THE PROCESS RATHER THEN SEND A BLIND MAN TO WALK A TIGHT ROPE. Help the kid...jesus christ is it that bad?
    I don't appreciate you quoting me in this ridiculous manner.

    My advice was appropriate for the thread... and oldman just justified it.

    'WE' did not send 'HIM' anywhere.

    I may be mistaken..but i'm sure 'WE' told 'HIM' not use to gear.. that's the only 'direction' 'WE' sent 'HIM'.

    Why would any right-thinking, responsible, adult assist another in injuring himself?

    Your reasoning is flawed.

    Your quoting me is a direct slap in the face.

    Quote Originally Posted by SHO NO MERCY
    Help the kid...jesus christ is it that bad?
    Is it?

    No.. it's far worse


  22. #22
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MiZongMaster
    Fortunately I learned from this board, but not because I got advice from the vets, but because I avoided them. If I posted with questions about gear, they all would flame.
    To yourself and the original poster.. reveiw all my posts and show me my flames.

    Quote Originally Posted by MiZongMaster
    It is very important to train natural to make sure you are ready to get involved in the game, but the way people respond here does not help at all. You know how body builders are(or potential bb'rs).. They are "bad asses", so when you tell them NO, they get mad and want to do it more.
    Neither am i a bad-ass by any stretch.

    Quote Originally Posted by MiZongMaster
    I guess it isnt the advice that is given to younger people that is bad, but it is the approach.

    I just have to relate to the younger guys, cause I am a younger guys!
    I AM a younger guy.

    The difference between 'Poisonous' and myself.. is the level of commitment.

    I've been training for 8 years.

    Of those 8 years i've been competing in Bodybuilding for 6.

    I'm yet to do a 'mass cycle'... The majority of my gains are natural.

    I've only used gear for a couple very short cutting cycles.

    I'm anal about my diet and training.

    This is what we ask here at the Anabolic Reveiw.

    Put in the effort..and we assist.

    Piss around and ask us to help you injure yourself.. and we desist


  23. #23
    Bigpup101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    To yourself and the original poster.. reveiw all my posts and show me my flames.

    Neither am i a bad-ass by any stretch.

    I AM a younger guy.

    The deference between 'Poisonous' and myself.. is the level of commitment.

    I've been training for 8 years.

    Of those 8 years i've been competing in Bodybuilding for 6.

    I'm yet to do a 'mass cycle'... The majority of my gains are natural.

    I've only used gear for a couple very short cutting cycles.

    I'm anal about my diet and training.

    This is what we ask here at the Anabolic Reveiw.

    Put in the effort..and we assist.

    Piss around and ask us to help you injure yourself.. and we desist


    You don't have to defend yourself NARK guys that have been on this board for awhile no what you're about and respect you and your advice

  24. #24
    need2Bbig's Avatar
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    Let me start off by saying that this forum is surely of the most popular and informative bodybuilding forum around! why? cause of people like nark, the mods and vets on here are all out to help. not discourage or flame anyone! its informative, helpful, and for me at least a BIG PART of the lifestyle I live.

    I come here because of the vets and mods, the help me out in just about every aspect of my life. From dieting, training, work, and school! there are many amateur "fitness enthusiests" on here, and mind you i use that term very lightly. A lot of people come on here looking for the easy way regardless of the consequences and reprocussions. Thinking tat a better physique leads to more sex and attention. few of the newer members are on here saying things like, " I have a history of heart disease and diabetes in the family, can someone help me out in laying out a program to help prevent these conditions?" I know cause i came on here looking to get a another 15 20lbs and look better, but it has changed me. I mean dont get me wrong I still strive to achieve my goals, but health has become a very important aspects for me as is for many of the other members.

    someone wants to be stubborn and risk hurting there health, their deal. We as members try to help, and health is always important and comes first to many here at AR.

    my grandma always used to say " blessed is the man who believes his town to be the world".

  25. #25
    omnipotent is offline Banned
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    well nark as far as my growth plates.. i doubt im ganna get any taller or anything .. so im no worried about using juice.. cuz i know that juice stops the effect of growth plates. and yes my doctor knows me well .. and he will be checkin my body out every few weeks to see how my liver enzymes and my blood pressure is . i dont find that to be a big deal .

    i just dont like to see people who just started training tryin to take juice.. i didnt just start.. i originally started when i was 13 to shed fat.. my doc told me if i didnt drop fat i was goin to have problems in the future.. i was overweight and i didnt grow .. and i had an eatin disorder i didnt eat clean .. all i ate was junk food .. so by the time i was 14 i shed so much fat people didnt recodnize me .. started eating clean .. and i workedout for most of those years usually training for about half the year and then half the year off for school and such .. but it wasnt until i was 17 that i started putin on more quality muscle .. at 18 .. i put on 45 pounds of muscle from power lifting .. the beg of the year i had some personal issues so i lost alot fo weight .. and went from a nice 200 to 170 .. i gained 10 pounds back .. but no matter what i did .. no matter how i switched up my diet and routine .. it just wouldent come my muscle memory forgot heh .. and i wanted to be bigger then i originally was so .. there you go . im not using juice as an excuse.. im just at a plateau . and i dont think im wrong for doing it at this age.

  26. #26
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by omnipotent
    well nark as far as my growth plates.. i doubt im ganna get any taller or anything .. so im no worried about using juice.. cuz i know that juice stops the effect of growth plates. and yes my doctor knows me well .. and he will be checkin my body out every few weeks to see how my liver enzymes and my blood pressure is . i dont find that to be a big deal .

    i just dont like to see people who just started training tryin to take juice.. i didnt just start.. i originally started when i was 13 to shed fat.. my doc told me if i didnt drop fat i was goin to have problems in the future.. i was overweight and i didnt grow .. and i had an eatin disorder i didnt eat clean .. all i ate was junk food .. so by the time i was 14 i shed so much fat people didnt recodnize me .. started eating clean .. and i workedout for most of those years usually training for about half the year and then half the year off for school and such .. but it wasnt until i was 17 that i started putin on more quality muscle .. at 18 .. i put on 45 pounds of muscle from power lifting .. the beg of the year i had some personal issues so i lost alot fo weight .. and went from a nice 200 to 170 .. i gained 10 pounds back .. but no matter what i did .. no matter how i switched up my diet and routine .. it just wouldent come my muscle memory forgot heh .. and i wanted to be bigger then i originally was so .. there you go . im not using juice as an excuse.. im just at a plateau . and i dont think im wrong for doing it at this age.
    wasn't me...was this guy:

    insightful post all the same

  27. #27
    omnipotent is offline Banned
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    ops sorry bout that ..but u get the point

  28. #28
    MiZongMaster is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    To yourself and the original poster.. reveiw all my posts and show me my flames.
    I never said you in particular. And besides, I meant the tone against n0oblers. It is not always positive(when they seek the wrong advise due to peers and media). My post was describing how the board can be very helpful to young people, not to how admins flame. I was a fortunate one who was able to avoid such confrontations.

    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Neither am i a bad-ass by any stretch.
    I wasnt referring to you(or any other admins). I was referring to the younger people that come here. They are the guys the want to be body builders, most likely have big egos, and dont like being told no. If they can get through this without getting butthurt, then this board is very hepful. Either that or they go and do it anyways(which by the way I dont think they should get advise when they are not ready, I think your advice was perfect). I just think the approach of -some- of the members could be a little more lenient.

  29. #29
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    i personally think we should try to help him, if he has made up his mind he has made up his mind. do we need to take responsibility for his actions or possible consequences? absolutly not, but if he is asking for help it's the least we can do if he has made up his mind.

  30. #30
    Poisonous is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHO NO MERCY
    I have a bone to pick with some of you veterans in here.

    I come in here all the time, not to post, but to read and learn. About 3 years ago when I was 20 I came in here seeking advice and guidance such as Poisonus did in his recent post. I was told I need to exercise properly and have the proper diet etc etc. I was also told I was "too young" and need to "wait a couple of years and train properly".

    I am now 23 years old. I have done what I think is proper training for the past 3 years. I came in here once again for guidance and advice. What did I get? I'm too young and haven't lifted properly, haven't dieted properly, and try it naturally! So does everyone in here have to be 30 years old and have 10 years of training and weight 215 lbs before steroids will work? Is there some sort of atomic steroid clock I'm not aware of?

    I think it's great that you veterans try to give younger guys an alternate route other than steroid abuse . Some of these guys are going to use steroid no matter what you tell them. Stop being greedy with your knowledge and SHARE! That's why we are all here. We're learning. Some of you veterans have a chip on your shoulder, and when the second a newbie posts just wanting a little refuse to give it to them. Don't try to say you don't...just read the comments posted by some of you vets here

    This was made by just confuses me to why you won't give him any guidance. IF HE'S GOING TO DO IT REGUARDLESS THEN YOU NIGHT AS WELL HELP HIM IN THE PROCESS RATHER THEN SEND A BLIND MAN TO WALK A TIGHT ROPE. Help the kid...jesus christ is it that bad?

    I realize there are some hard-headed kids out there, just as I was. I am still hard-headed at 23 years old. But, if you know he's going to do it anyway, reguardless, then who is it going to hurt to help him out a little bit? We don't come to this forum for parental advice, if we wanted that we would go to our parents...we just want answers.

    I don't expect I'll get through to any of the vets in here. Chances are you vets are pretty hard-headed yourselves. I just wanted to voice my opinion. I'm sure this post will get flamed, locked, whatever, but I just want it to be read.

    Veterans, steroid-knowledgable members, please share your wealth of knowledge with other members, even if they are noobies. Give them Altrnative 1: Diet properly, workout right, try it naturally. If that doesn't work, help them out a little bit...They may be making a mistake, but what better way to learn?

    Flame on!
    Exactly what I was thinking. I found more friendly forum anyway, but glad to see at least one person sees somewhat eye to eye eith me.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHO NO MERCY
    I have spent the last 3 years training properly. I have gone from 150 to 170lbs. I have now plateaud and am holding steady at about 170 to 172. Am I mad at the results? Heck no botha. From the compliments I received from friends and family this year at Thanksgiving after not seeing them for a year is very gratifying.

    I understand that in Poisonus's case, yes he may be doing it all the wrong way. But, he wasn't asking for parental advice, he was asking for steroid usage advice. Maybe he's not ready, but why not tell him what he needs to do if he has his mind set on doing it.

    I know in my case that I am dedicated to weight lifting and I have the discipline and dedication to diet right, not drink, get sleep, lift properly. So why refuse to give me knowledge or insight on what I need to do or what you think would be best for me to take?
    So you are 170+ what is your height??? 5'6'' if so then you are ready for roids...What are some of your lifts???? 300lb raw bench??? then ok do a cycle.

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