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  1. #1
    netwerk is offline New Member
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    Jan 2002

    Is it okay to take Winstol alone?

    Hey there bros...I was wondering if I would get gains from doing a cycle of Winstrol (oral kind) alone? I am currently on a 1-AD cycle...and was pondering the thought of doing some winny later on.

  2. #2
    Kaz's Avatar
    Kaz is offline Member
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    Oral winny wont give you much in the way of gains (Even in high doses) but it tends to harden you up a bit, so muscle defintion goes up etc.

    You may gain something from it since we are all different in the way we react to things, but in general it will be very little.

    Winny is usually used in a cutting cycle to help define the muscles (And keep them!) as fat is taken off. It is NOT a bulker OR a fat loss product (In fact no AS are fat burning products as such, but sometimes they aid in that process)

    There is also some contention about how effective oral winny actually is, however I find it hard to credit since most people actually drink the injectable winny anyway (They are BOTH 17aa)

    Advice may be to get some EQ to go with your winny and do them together. Of course if you have a thing about not injecting you are pretty stuffed from the start, since although gains are possible with oral only cycles they are not generally that great and many people lose them at the end of the cycle.

    Whatever you decide to do you need to have some anti-e on hand in case you get an estrogen based reaction, and of course clomid to finish off with or you WILL lose anything you gained.

    Dont go with oral only winny on its own. You will be dissapointed.

    By the way whats a "1-AD cycle" kind of threw me there! Maybe Im just being dense this morning!

  3. #3
    netwerk is offline New Member
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    Jan 2002


    Heh..thanks for the info. I figured I can't avoid the needle! 1-AD the prohormone that's suppose to convert into 1-test. Anyways...i called it a cycle since i'm gonna try it out for 30 days...oops.

  4. #4
    Kaz's Avatar
    Kaz is offline Member
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    London UK
    Originally posted by netwerk
    Heh..thanks for the info. I figured I can't avoid the needle! 1-AD the prohormone that's suppose to convert into 1-test. Anyways...i called it a cycle since i'm gonna try it out for 30 days...oops.

    Nasssstyyy!!! Pro hormones are horrid and I would advise against using them! They dont bring the effects of AS but the CAN bring the side effects!

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