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  1. #1
    zk_911turbo is offline New Member
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    Dec 2005

    Cycle D-BOL-- Feedback on this one plz

    Hi everyone!!

    Before I get started. Here’s a little background information, I am 19 years old and have been training for the past 3 years, but not consistently, however I have made some good progress. Currently I weigh 62kg (140lb) and my height is 6" I’m very lean and cut. I find it hard to put on more weight. My goal is increase my weight; to be specific I hope to gain 10-15kg in the near future. I’m well aware of the importance of a well-maintained diet and the intensity of training which is required. I have just started to look into the use of anabolic steroids . My first thought is to start an 8-week cycle with the oral Dianabol accompanied with Nolvadex .

    I tab of D-bol (5 mg)

    Week 1 – 3 tabs a day (15 mg a day)
    Week 2 – 5 tabs a day (25mg a day)
    Week 3 – 8 tabs a day (40 mg a day)
    Week 4 – 10 tabs a day (50 mg a day)
    Week 5 – 10 tabs a day (50 mg a day)
    Week 6 – 8 tabs a day (40 mg a day)
    Week 7 – 5 tabs a day (25mg a day)
    Week 8 – 3 tabs a day (15 mg a day)

    1 Nolvadex tab to be taken everyday throughout the cycle.

    How suited is this cycle to my needs? Will the gains be retained? Can anyone give me more information about the use of clomid. With this dosage, what are the potential side affects? I know it varies from people to people etc etc but any information would be much appreciated!!! Or if you could guide me in the right direction.

    Thank you for all your time and assistance.

  2. #2
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    gates of hell
    You have alot more research to do bro. First, dosage tapering is worthless. You should be using 20mg throughout the cycle. Second, how much nolvadex is in one tab? 20mg? Third, taking with testosterone is avisable and most guys on this site will tell you the best first cycle is 500mg/wk Test e. Fourth expecting 10-15kgs is quite a tall order. 15kgs in one cycle is just about impossible. You will be getting around 5kgs.

    You also need to make a PCT plan. Dbol also adds fat and water weight to the frame so coming off will result in some bodyweight loss.

  3. #3
    EdMan2's Avatar
    EdMan2 is offline Associate Member
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    Plus you're 19 years old, wait two or three more years AT LEAST. Not saying you aren't responsible or anything but you could potentially mess up your endocrine system.

  4. #4
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    Not to mention 8 weeks of Dbol

  5. #5
    Logan13's Avatar
    Logan13 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by zk_911turbo
    Hi everyone!!

    Before I get started. Here’s a little background information, I am 19 years old and have been training for the past 3 years, but not consistently, however I have made some good progress. Currently I weigh 62kg (140lb) and my height is 6" I’m very lean and cut. I find it hard to put on more weight. Bullshit, you probably have no idea what proper nutrition is at 19yo 6' @ 140lbs, You are a bean pole. Throw down 4000 calories/day and 325g of protein, then tell us that you can't grow.My goal is increase my weight; to be specific I hope to gain 10-15kg in the near future. I’m well aware of the importance of a well-maintained diet and the intensity of training which is required. I have just started to look into the use of anabolic steroids . My first thought is to start an 8-week cycle with the oral Dianabol accompanied with Nolvadex .
    How suited is this cycle to my needs? Will the gains be retained? NO, water weight only. Can anyone give me more information about the use of clomid. With this dosage, what are the potential side affects? I know it varies from people to people etc etc but any information would be much appreciated!!! Or if you could guide me in the right direction.
    Thank you for all your time and assistance.
    Wait at least 2 years while getting up to 175lbs, then if you still feel the need.......

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