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  1. #1
    needbigguns's Avatar
    needbigguns is offline Once Human and Inferior - Now Beast-Like and Superior
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    Tren for Mass Gains...

    Am i right in thinking tren is the king of mass building steroids ? After reading the profile it sounds by far like the best AAS avaialble if you can deal with the side effects

  2. #2
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    Back in da box!
    If you can handle the sides....

  3. #3
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    tren is also used for cutting mate,all in the diet as i am shore you know.

  4. #4
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
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    i`ve read that its more anabolic than test many times thats y it shouldent b run for a long period

  5. #5
    Ejuicer's Avatar
    Ejuicer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    Am i right in thinking tren is the king of mass building steroids ? After reading the profile it sounds by far like the best AAS avaialble if you can deal with the side effects
    It's definitly a favourite of mine for both mass building and cutting. My best mass building cycles have almost all included tren ... great strength increases. You cant beat the effect is has while cutting either.

  6. #6
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    It works great for cutting and bulking, and like the others have said, will give you great strength gains in little time. It all depends on the diet you are using along with it and other compounds involved.

  7. #7
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yeah, I love tren . It's an all arouond very useful AAS. I've never gone with the enanthate ester, only acetate. I love how quickly it kicks in...with some prop that's one potent cycle.

  8. #8
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    the sides get on a tren /sust cycle right now and i am very happy with the begining results on week 3 feel real tight...get pumped real easy, some light headache irritation and sleeplessness but not more than i can handle..

  9. #9
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada me2,eh..
    Quote Originally Posted by BIGPAPAPUMP77
    the sides get on a tren/sust cycle right now and i am very happy with the begining results on week 3 feel real tight...get pumped real easy, some light headache irritation and sleeplessness but not more than i can handle..
    night sweats at all?

  10. #10
    needbigguns's Avatar
    needbigguns is offline Once Human and Inferior - Now Beast-Like and Superior
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    How long does it usualy take untill the strength kicks in from Tren and how long for Mass...

  11. #11
    Ih8urdsm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ejuicer
    It's definitly a favourite of mine for both mass building and cutting. My best mass building cycles have almost all included tren... great strength increases. You cant beat the effect is has while cutting either.
    could you give me, or Pm an example of your mass tren cycle? Im interested, thanks!

  12. #12
    rock75's Avatar
    rock75 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ih8urdsm
    could you give me, or Pm an example of your mass tren cycle? Im interested, thanks!
    if he's still around, this post id from dec 05

  13. #13
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    I was on it for 7 days (75mg/day along with test prop at 100mg/day) and gained 3lbs and strength was up, too, but the sides became unbearable. Night sweats, insomnia, tremendous amount of hairloss. I'm jealous of anyone who can make a full cycle out of this stuff. I'd love to be able to.

  14. #14
    rock75's Avatar
    rock75 is offline Senior Member
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    did u try lowering the dosage? or just call it quits at the 75

  15. #15
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    I couldn't lower the dose. I made a homebrew conversion that was a test prop/tren ace combo at 100mg/75mg, respectively. Since taking tren and experiencing initial hairloss from it, any and all compounds I've taken since have only made it worse. Even compounds that I've used before tren with no hairloss whatsoever. Really sh1tty.

  16. #16
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    damn that sucks. How old are you?

  17. #17
    llrockyll's Avatar
    llrockyll is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    Am i right in thinking tren is the king of mass building steroids ? After reading the profile it sounds by far like the best AAS avaialble if you can deal with the side effects
    bro i dont know how many cycles u have done but if u plan on running tren for the first time i recomend running tren enanthate with test enanthate less injections and less sides effects.

  18. #18
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booz
    tren is also used for cutting mate,all in the diet as i am shore you know.
    Tren is an excellent drug either cutting or bulking, the sides do seem to get easier as the cycle progresses, i wouldnt run it for all the cycle keep it to a low number of weeks and go on how you feel and coping.

  19. #19
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    can't stand the sides even at a dose of 37.5mg eod.

    no more tren for me, never again.


  20. #20
    BigMaus's Avatar
    BigMaus is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodge
    can't stand the sides even at a dose of 37.5mg eod.

    no more tren for me, never again.

    Thats not much Rodge.
    What kind of sides do you experience?

  21. #21
    Ejuicer's Avatar
    Ejuicer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ih8urdsm
    could you give me, or Pm an example of your mass tren cycle? Im interested, thanks!

    An example of something I would do would be:
    1-10 150mg test suspension ed
    1-10 125mg tren acetate ed
    1-5 150mg anadrol ed

    I didn't line up any pct or anything because I tend to stay on for very long periods of time and switch up compounds.

  22. #22
    yom is offline Associate Member
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    trens good for me i think test and deca makes me grow more than test ,tren for somereson for short periods.

  23. #23
    mesoman is offline Junior Member
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    tren first time

    been on tren ( with test 2500 2x week) for a week at 150mg eod no real strength gains, had very bad muscle cramps for first few days actualy lowered what i was lifting. Nighs sweats also. Will persevere with tren for 4 weeks i reckon but hope to see some gains soon.

  24. #24
    KrazeeEddie is offline New Member
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    are you sure your tren is real? you should see and feel a difference by week 2 atleast!! I feel a better pump and agressiveness 2-3 days after first injection at 100mg EOD.

  25. #25
    MuscleHeadz is offline New Member
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    Tren is definetly two thumbs up in my book.. I have cycled at 150mg ED for 8 weeks and the results where phenomenal. But I will warn it is very harsh on the kidneys....

  26. #26
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigMaus
    Thats not much Rodge.
    What kind of sides do you experience?
    extreme insomnia and night sweats, only sleep for an hour or two max. and thats when taken 10mg of ambien.


  27. #27
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    damn that sucks. How old are you?

    22...I started using AS when I was 16. Bad move, I know. Luckily, besides using at that age, I did everything right--training, diet, proper PCT even. I hadn't found this board til some years later but another board helped me out tremendously. If I had to do it all over I'd never have started so young, but I learned a great deal from it.

  28. #28
    macktownmac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by llrockyll
    bro i dont know how many cycles u have done but if u plan on running tren for the first time i recomend running tren enanthate with test enanthate less injections and less sides effects.

    i wouldnt recomend that, when running Tren Ace, if you do have any crazy sides you can lower your dosage even stop using it , and the Tren will be out of you system quick. If your using long esters your pretty much screwed with the sides for a week, which can be really bad if your having serious sides.

    If you cant handle ED injections then you should really see if your even ready for Tren

  29. #29
    macktownmac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleHeadz
    Tren is definetly two thumbs up in my book.. I have cycled at 150mg ED for 8 weeks and the results where phenomenal. But I will warn it is very harsh on the kidneys....
    150mg ED sounds nutz, im only at 75mg ED,

    Drink lots of water bro, if you start pissing dark yellow or any other dark color your not drinking enough water

  30. #30
    macktownmac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoneyAddyct
    22...I started using AS when I was 16. Bad move, I know. Luckily, besides using at that age, I did everything right--training, diet, proper PCT even. I hadn't found this board til some years later but another board helped me out tremendously. If I had to do it all over I'd never have started so young, but I learned a great deal from it.

    man thats gotta suck

  31. #31
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by macktownmac
    150mg ED sounds nutz, im only at 75mg ED,
    lol ime at 200mgs ed...I love Tren !

  32. #32
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by macktownmac
    man thats gotta suck

    Why do you say that? I started young but I don't regret it whatsoever. Would I do it again the same way, no. But it didn't suck. Now it sucks that any compound I take I get hairloss from, that sucks. But that's about it.

  33. #33
    fanatic's Avatar
    fanatic is offline Member
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    Tren is awesome to cut or bulk if you can handle the sides. Your results just depend on your diet.

  34. #34
    Finest is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    lol ime at 200mgs ed...I love Tren!
    Holy fawk! You must not sleep often.

  35. #35
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    There are people that can run high amounts of tren with minimal sides. Just cuz vitor ran it at 200mgs a day doesn't mean he hardly got any sleep.
    I can run tren at up to 800mgs without much of a problem. Some people are sensitive to tren and others aren't.

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