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Thread: My DNP journal

  1. #1
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    My DNP journal

    This is my 3rd day of DNP at 400mgs (dinitro). Let me list my sides so far.

    1. stomach always feels slightly upset but not too bad.
    2. I have to poop a lot but not much comes out.
    3. I'm friggen hot all of the time (expected). Thank god it's winter.
    4. I had my first night sweats last night. Not too bad yet I've had worse on gear. I know it will get worse so I will be sleeping in my underwear only for the rest of this crazy ride.

    You know, all in all I don't feel too bad since I knew what to expect. It really kind of feels like being on diuretics. You know, that kidney stress feeling back there. I'm drinking tons of water but I think I need to drink more?

    I'm taking 20-40mcgs of t3 to battle lethargy. I'm sup'n C, E, B-12, Lipoic Acid. Everything else is included in the stuff I'm using.

    Now you're hungry of course cause your metabolism is running at 150% +. When you eat you don't really get that full feeling. It's almost like you can feel the food being metabolized in your stomach before it reaches the intestines. Now I know that's not possible but what I mean is that you can eat shit load of food and not feel full. I felt I need some more carbs today so I actually ate some french fries at Red Robin. I never eat fries but I know this stuff makes you crave carbs. Other than that, my diet is pretty strict. I guess that was a cheat deal today.... I eat tons of protein of course. I've been eating lots of fruit and vegs too, more than usual. I also bought a case of V8 just in case I can't get to some vegs on the road or somewhere else

    I just took my coat off and I have the sexy armpit circles of sweat. So I would say this stuff is working. By the scale, I've lost 2lbs so far. This stuff is strong.

    This stuff is interesting because you can tell your body knows something is in there that shouldn't be in there. I just have to grind this out for another few weeks. I'm going to shoot for 20 days but I think I will most likely end at 14? I've read short cycles of 7-8 days is preferred. I'm just getting my bf% sub 10% before I start my cycle of prop-enath-EQ. I've learned that this is the best way to start a cycle, as lean as possible. Ok, let me continue my suffering... hehe
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 12-29-2005 at 10:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Did you say "poop"?..ahahahahaha

  3. #3
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Did you say "poop"?..ahahahahaha

    Yeah, poop. It sucks hitting the bathroom all the time....

  4. #4
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Did you say "poop"?..ahahahahaha
    While we're in the bathroom. Your pee also has a distinct odor to it as well. Almost like asparagus but with a chemical twist.

  5. #5
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Actually I'm feeling really good today. I took 200mgs at noon then 200mgs at 5PM. My friend said he noticed my face was a little leaner already..... Stuff is strong. I was expecting to feel even worse today but by surprise I feel a little better than yesterday. I'm also taking 40mcgs t3 in 2 doses throughout the day for lethargy. I'm eating pretty good but I went to Dennys last night and this morning with this girl I just met. It feels like it doesn't matter too much on being strict on the diet? Your body is just burning it up so fast. Other than that I'm eating fruits, vegs, oatmeal, protein, etc...the usual.... I'm day 4 or 5, can't remember?

  6. #6
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    You needed to take this extreme measure to get down to 10% BF bro?

    I take it you aren't seeing that young girl anymore?

    Happy New Year!


  7. #7
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    You needed to take this extreme measure to get down to 10% BF bro?

    I take it you aren't seeing that young girl anymore?

    Happy New Year!

    No, we're done for good. 5 years of BS too.... She's now dating some night club promoter dude. Dude is a auto mechanic during the week... She already started calling me for no reason and I keep blowing her off. She is 25. This new one is 21....I don't really like this new one too much, just something to do right now. She contaced me on MySpace. That site is great. I'm kind of seeing this other girl that is really cool. I'll email you a pic of her, I know you'll like it.... hehe

  8. #8
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    It felt like I caught on fire for about 10 mins in the movie theater last night. I had to get up and go outside to cool off. Told the girl I had to go to the bathroom, stomach upset... I shouldn't be trying to date while on this stuff. It's too high maintainence.... She kept asking me why I was sweating. I told her that she made me nervous and she bought it.

    You know I can't drink tonight for New Years Eve and I need to stop that occasional BS anyway. I'm just staying home and a few friends are coming over. Watch some UFC or Pride Fighting replays...

  9. #9
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Everything is going pretty good so far. I was watching football today laying on the couch and I started sweating. My throw pillow and shirt got sweat all over them. I was starting to doze off then I woke up hotter than hell. hehe, I know what to expect so I figure it's working.... I've actually felt as healthy as I think I could while doing this stuff over the last few days. I'm constantly drinking water and eating. I've lost about 3lbs so far but I think I'm at the point where I'm taking on some water. I guess you won't see your results until 3-4 days after you're done? So far so good I guess....

  10. #10
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    My workout was just horrible yesterday. I did shoulders then 25 mins of cardio. The elyptical trainer felt like cement shoes to me. I'm heading to the gym for another losing cause....

    I weighed in at 192lbs this morning. Started at 197lbs last week. Day 6? Stuff is working. When I lay on the couch and try to doze off, I start sweating. Why does that only happen when you rest or sleep?

  11. #11
    goose is offline Banned
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    Great log,keep it up,all the best.


  12. #12
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nice post SJ. Keep us updated bro.

  13. #13
    fred9's Avatar
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    first week is always ok on dnp when i take a dose around 400-500ed...but the second week hell is be prepared...
    succes with the rest of ur cycle..

  14. #14
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred9
    first week is always ok on dnp when i take a dose around 400-500ed...but the second week hell is be prepared...
    succes with the rest of ur cycle..
    Thanks Goose, ODC...


    I feel hot today so far.... I had 10 egg whites, ww toast, banana, cherries and a glass of cranberry juice for breakfast. Not much carbs in there, I'm wondering why I'm so hot?

    I have to wash my bedding again. I had some serious night sweats last night. Haha, this is funny. I'm on fire!

    So what sides do you notice in the 2nd week? This is my first run on this so I want to know what to expect. I've done a lot of reading.

  15. #15
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, I took 100mcgs of clen yesterday before my workout. It helped a lot, especially with cardio. Got that clucker clen feeling but it helped with energy for sure. You still don't get any kind of pumps because of the glycogen depletion caused by the magic beans.

  16. #16
    fred9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Thanks Goose, ODC...


    I feel hot today so far.... I had 10 egg whites, ww toast, banana, cherries and a glass of cranberry juice for breakfast. Not much carbs in there, I'm wondering why I'm so hot?

    I have to wash my bedding again. I had some serious night sweats last night. Haha, this is funny. I'm on fire!

    So what sides do you notice in the 2nd week? This is my first run on this so I want to know what to expect. I've done a lot of reading.
    every time when i eat some carbs i was sweating like an just remembered a "romantic" dinner with a girlfriend, but while eating i was sweating my ass off, didnt look really attractive..
    besides that I also get (started in week 2) incredible carb cravings...i think that was the worst because when i eat more ill sweat also more...oww and not to mention the yellow color of sperm, thats the freakiest of all..

    dont know if im doing a dnp in the future again, but when i do it ill do it for a longer period 4-6weeks low dose 200mg, maybe first few days little higer...

    hope rest of your dnp-cycle goes well...greetz fred

  17. #17
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey SJ I was doing some reading on DNP and the use of Insulin while on DNP. Are you taking insuling with it or just running the DNP?

  18. #18
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ODC0717
    Hey SJ I was doing some reading on DNP and the use of Insulin while on DNP. Are you taking insuling with it or just running the DNP?
    No slin for me. I've always thought I was hypo so I don't want to become a diabetic by misusing slin. I had my blood checked and I am not but I just don't want to gamble with slin regardless. The closest I get to that is l3rIGF-1 which makes me go hypo if I don't eat enough carbs.

  19. #19
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Ok, I believe I'm on day 10 now. I went out with a buddy the other night to play pool and I ate a few slices of pizza. Damn I got hot when playing. I knew that would happen. It seems I've leaned out at the arms and shoulders first (like all of us old guys) and now I've noticed my waist is smaller. My jeans are loose now. I look a lot better than I did a few weeks ago for sure. I don't care about size or losing a little right now. I keep my protein up and do maintainence workouts. I've been eating very good with a lot of fruits and vegs. I'm on Dinitro's stuff so all I have to supp is C, E & lipoic acid. I also take a ton of other vits and minerals.

    Honestly, I feel pretty healthy and my energy is decent. I take t3 at 40mcgs split throughout the day (20mcgs at a time). I'm starting to look kind of skinny but I'm cool with that. I need to get the bf down to at least 10%. I think I'm at 12% now? I'm now at 192lbs starting at 197lbs. But I'm sure I'm carrying a few lbs of water since I'm at that stage now. I'm not running a super strict diet but I do follow proper eating habits most of the time...

  20. #20
    clipper is offline Associate Member
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    Great journal. I just got off a short cycle of DNP . It was only a week, it was my second cycle. It made me more sick this time than last. So much I had to stop. I did all the same things as last time. Not sure why so sick this time.
    I will start up again in a week or so. I may have just had a touch of the flu.
    LAst cycle I lost 11 lbs in 14 days. I wold like to loose 15 this time before my aas cycle.

    Keep up the great journal!!

  21. #21
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clipper
    Great journal. I just got off a short cycle of DNP . It was only a week, it was my second cycle. It made me more sick this time than last. So much I had to stop. I did all the same things as last time. Not sure why so sick this time.
    I will start up again in a week or so. I may have just had a touch of the flu.
    LAst cycle I lost 11 lbs in 14 days. I wold like to loose 15 this time before my aas cycle.

    Keep up the great journal!!
    Do you eat enough vegetables and drink a ton of water?

  22. #22
    cnepp is offline Junior Member
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    Great journal! Looking forward to the end results.


  23. #23
    dr_skier is offline Associate Member
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    Indeed, Keep it up. I used clen on a low dose (200mg powder cap/ed) dnp cycle and i think the clen definatly helped with my energy levels. But yeah carb, my diet was shit but i still lost 6lbs in 12 days. Yes, the water comes off about a week later, be patient once you are off.

  24. #24
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sweet AAS journal SJ.

  25. #25
    clipper is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Do you eat enough vegetables and drink a ton of water?

    Yes I do, just the same as last time. V8 , orange juice, and 3-6 gallons of water during the day and 1 at night. Plenty of veggies and fruit. A multi vitamine.
    I have been off for 2 days now and feel great, and wife just got the flu. So I think it was just a bad timing thing. I will try again on Monday.

  26. #26
    mitch911 is offline Member
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    i know its not recomended to drink while on dnp but say if u drop the dnp thurs could u go out drinking fri or sat

  27. #27
    fred9's Avatar
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    alcohol decreases ADH so it will dry u out...wouldnt do it if u take the half-life of dnp into account(36hours)...

  28. #28
    mitch911 is offline Member
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    thanks bro there any benefits to say like 4 or 5 day dnp blasts? rather then the longer 7,14 ,21 day cycles...i would imagine that it be easier to control cravings and reduce sides

  29. #29
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Ok, day 12 into my walk thru hell.... hehe, not really but I do get hot at times..

    My personal experience has been pretty damn good so far with minimal sides. I eat very good and take all the required vit, minreals and supps. I weighed in at 189lbs this morning....Yo, that's 8lbs so far. I'm not eating super strict and I'm actually eating more carbs than I usually do so I don't feel like crap. I get the night sweats and I get hot after eating some carbs for a few hours. Expected sides but no biggie since you know what to expect.

    I was talking to one of my borrowers (customers) on the cell phone in my car with my new gf shotgun. I work in mortgage finance. She asked me why I was sweating so much and I told her I was nervous about losing the deal with my borrower since I had problems on this one. I was also sweating in the mall and she asked me why... I'm living the lie I guess? I just don't feel the need to tell her this and I barely know her anyway. Nobody could possibily understand this shit that doesn't do the full research on it.

    My girl said I was snoring last night too. I don't really do that too much so I don't know if it's from the DNP or I was just plain tired?
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 01-11-2006 at 12:29 AM.

  30. #30
    mitch911 is offline Member
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    say u must be gettin sick and feverish..i always sweat like mad when i get a high fever

  31. #31
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Ok, day 12 into my walk thru hell.... hehe, not really but I do get hot at times..

    My personal experience has been pretty damn good so far with minimal sides. I eat very good and take all the required vit, minreals and supps. I weighed in at 189lbs this morning....Yo, that's 8lbs so far. I'm not eating super strict and I'm actually eating more carbs than I usually do so I don't feel like crap. I get the night sweats and I get hot after eating some carbs for a few hours. Expected sides but no biggie since you know what to expect.

    I was talking to one of my borrowers (customers) on the cell phone in my car with my new gf shotgun. I work in mortgage finance. She asked me why I was sweating so much and I told her I was nervous about losing the deal with my borrower since I had problems on this one. I was also sweating in the mall and she asked me why... I'm living the lie I guess? I just don't feel the need to tell her this and I barely know her anyway. Nobody could possibily understand this shit that doesn't do the full research on it.

    My girl said I was snoring last night too. I don't really do that too much so I don't know if it's from the DNP or I was just plain tired?
    try this with your girl...tell her all about the great things niacin does for you, then give her 1 500mg tab. in about 15 mins when she's on fire and flush and sweating, tell her you take 4 of those at a time to keep your HDL in check. (good cholesterol). I guantee that will be the end of any guestions on why you are sweating or red or anything elese. good luck

  32. #32
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    I'm very sorry for not updating this for 3 weeks. I've been very busy starting up a new mortgage brokerage.

    I ran DNP for 3 weeks. I noticed dimenishing returns after the 2nd week with the same sides. So I will run DNP for 2 weeks at a time by my experience. Great glycogen rebound after about a week. Pumps came back and strength shot up. I lost 8lbs of fat and I was down to 191lbs at my lightest. Now I'm at 204lbs but my waist is still the same at 34".

    Now I'm 2 weeks into my AAS cycle: 100mgs prop jump start, 750 mgs test e and 600mgs EQ each week. My gains just starting coming and I love it... I felt really strong in the gym yesterday. I got on the bench the other day to just see my bench strength. I got 315lbs for 4X. Not the greatest but not bad for not benching for about 7 months. The mechanics have to be re-learned to a certain degree. I do dumbells only and I will keep it that way.

    Thanks for the comments in my journal. I appreciate all of the help.
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 01-31-2006 at 01:48 PM.

  33. #33
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    I'm very sorry for not updating this for 3 weeks. I've been very busy starting up a new mortgage brokerage.

    I ran DNP for 3 weeks. I noticed dimenishing returns after the 2nd week with the same sides. So I will run DNP for 2 weeks at a time by my experience. Great glycogen rebound after about a week. Pumps came back and strength shot up. I lost 8lbs of fat and I was down to 191lbs at my lightest. Now I'm at 204lbs but my waist is still the same at 34".

    Now I'm 2 weeks into my AAS cycle: 100mgs prop jump start, 750 mgs test e and 600mgs EQ each week. My gains just starting coming and I love it... I felt really strong in the gym yesterday. I got on the bench the other day to just see my bench strength. I got 315lbs for 4X. Not the greatest but not bad for not benching for about 7 months. The mechanics have to be re-learned to a certain degree. I do dumbells only and I will keep it that way.

    Thanks for the comments in my journal. I appreciate all of the help.
    don't mean to sound like a prick but I fiquered you upped the dose and died

  34. #34
    goose is offline Banned
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    I know you like IGF Seattle,next time try a month cycle of IGF at 100mgs and throw in DNP in the middle,as it will mimic slin,making the ride safer.You will be shocked with the results.Just run the DNP at 200mgs for 15 days,bang it`s like results from 600mgs,I ran my IGF at 160mgs,in the 15 days I ran the DNP I lost 12.5lbs,give it a try.


  35. #35
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    don't mean to sound like a prick but I fiquered you upped the dose and died
    I'm typing this from the grave....

  36. #36
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    I'm typing this from the grave....
    ahh so you are still burnen

  37. #37
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    I know you like IGF Seattle,next time try a month cycle of IGF at 100mgs and throw in DNP in the middle,as it will mimic slin,making the ride safer.You will be shocked with the results.Just run the DNP at 200mgs for 15 days,bang it`s like results from 600mgs,I ran my IGF at 160mgs,in the 15 days I ran the DNP I lost 12.5lbs,give it a try.

    Ok, I will. Sounds good.... Do you have any AAS in there as well?

  38. #38
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    what were the absolute worst sides you had from this?

  39. #39
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    ahh so you are still burnen

    Speaking of that, I don't miss the night sweats and the hot flashes during the day. That was incomfortable. Now I get cold again outside.... I was wearing t-shirts and tank tops during DNP . People thought I was crazy cause it's winter. They had no idea how hot it gets on that stuff....

  40. #40
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, my beloved Hawks are in the big show!!! Damn media day today. Saw that idiot Gilbert Godfrey asking Shaun Alexander stupid questions earlier...

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