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  1. #1
    1beautifulblonde is offline New Member
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    girl needing good advise


    I need some advice. I did a 3-4 week cycle of Winstrol V and found the side effects fairly strong. (did a few cc's of anatest while on it, but no more) It was my understanding that the virilization effects with stanozolol were very very low, almost non-existant. I am wondering why this happened. Was I taking too much? I was only talking about 3 cc's a week. I want to go back on a cycle....but am wondering if maybe I should be taking EQ or Primo. I have read a lot on all of them, and they all say the same...but the effects on me with the Winstrol were a lot stronger than I anticipated, are the effects of EQ just as strong? Or are they milder? Or was I just taking too much V?

  2. #2
    heckler45_2000's Avatar
    heckler45_2000 is offline Associate Member
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    If your having problems I would look into Anavar it is a well known steroid that alot of women take....

  3. #3
    bigman1 is offline New Member
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    How much Winni did you do? My wife took the pill and did not like the sides at all. She is taking primo at 75mgs a week at this point and loves it. What are you looking to do with taking these? Compete or just look better? Give some body stats and we can all try to help you.

  4. #4
    heckler45_2000's Avatar
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    Also there is a women's forum here so I think you could search around there and find what your looking for... Are you a fitness comp.?

  5. #5
    1beautifulblonde is offline New Member
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    I was not taking the pills...was taking injectables. I gain muscle mass very easily...I want something that will help keep me more ripped. I am 5'9, and right now at 145 - clean was on about 3cc's a week before but bulked to 165... and gaining 3 weeks, which is fine...but the side effects were noticeable, and for that short of a period of time I am wondering if I was just on too much, or the wrong thing

  6. #6
    testosterona's Avatar
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    i'm not a fan of girls taking AAS. id say if you "gain muscle mass very easily" the right diet would do wonders. youd be supprised how far a good diet coupled with good genetics will take you. even anavar contains sides, eq as well. what are your goals? how much winny were you taking? not in cc's, in MG's

  7. #7
    1beautifulblonde is offline New Member
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    I like the strength I gain...I love lifting heavy, but want to have my cake and eat it too...want to stay somewhat small between 140-150 but lift like I do at 160-170. I was taking 100mg V.

  8. #8
    testosterona's Avatar
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    well no kidding you were having so many sides! lOL! thats about 50mgs ed! WAY too much. that's what i ran last cycle!!! if you insist on running gear, look into var. also, take your q's over too the famale forum. you need some education, that's the place too get it. good luck though


  9. #9
    heckler45_2000's Avatar
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    Click here and do some reading....

    Also are you a fitness Competitor?

  10. #10
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    300mg/wk is way too much IMO. I'd stay under 100mg/wk. No wonder it hit you so hard, try cutting that dosage in half. 1/2 cc EOD possibly.. I'm not well researched on womens use, so don't quote me, but that info is found with Simple research which leads me to believe you didn't look into it as much as you claim. goodluck.

  11. #11
    1beautifulblonde is offline New Member
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    sorry my mistake....primo I had was 100mg....the V is 50mg.
    I am not in competition yet no...but am interested in possibly doing it.
    I just need to retrain myself....I love to lift heavy (but do so with high reps), but apparently I have to come down in weight to cut up. My reps are 15-20 x 4-6 depending on the exercise.....and I lift heavy at that....I dont want to have to start doing 60 reps of everything with lighter weight....I train aprox 2 hours for each workout (1:legs, 2:arms, 3:shoulders/neck, 4:back/chest) I dont want to be there for 5 hours doing a million reps with lighter weight.

  12. #12
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    You might be overtraining, May want to think about splitting your routine up and working out 3-4times a week for no more than 1-1.5 hrs. Friends fiance used Winny at around 150mg/wk and had pretty harsh sides as well, she is on Var at 10mg/day and loves it. She has very similar stats to you, she's around 35 I believe.

  13. #13
    1beautifulblonde is offline New Member
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    16 are the sides from Var typically much lower? I have a feeling I overtrain, as I was saying....I think I need to "re-train the way I think" Its gonna be tough as I just love to train,I'D be in the gym 50 hours a week if I could...

  14. #14
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Repost this in the Female section, that is all I can tell you. I'm sure they will be much more apt to answer your questions more precisely.

  15. #15
    1beautifulblonde is offline New Member
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    thanks for the tips...I'll talk to the women and see what they have to say

  16. #16
    FIVE_8 is offline Banned
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    why are you doing steroids if you are a girl?what happened to diet and training program. sorry im just totally against girls doing gear...clen is the only thing i would recommend for a female

  17. #17
    map200uk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FIVE_8
    why are you doing steroids if you are a girl?what happened to diet and training program. sorry im just totally against girls doing gear...clen is the only thing i would recommend for a female
    no offense mate but its her choice, and she's a girl so what?
    personally a lot of the people who post questions on here relating to cycles, guys that is, aren't ready to cycle imo...


  18. #18
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by map200uk
    no offense mate but its her choice, and she's a girl so what?
    personally a lot of the people who post questions on here relating to cycles, guys that is, aren't ready to cycle imo...


    Agreed here

    My G/f takes HGH and responded amazingly,dont forget to look into this.As for winny it is well known that females should take the oral rarther than the depot,the sides are milder.

  19. #19
    sadukar is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Agreed here

    My G/f takes HGH and responded amazingly,dont forget to look into this.As for winny it is well known that females should take the oral rarther than the depot,the sides are milder.
    I see no problem w/ HGH for girls, but steroids are just asking for trouble w/ girls. I think they should stick to clen /t3/hgh/igf, etc...

  20. #20
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1beautifulblonde

    I need some advice. I did a 3-4 week cycle of Winstrol V and found the side effects fairly strong. (did a few cc's of anatest while on it, but no more) It was my understanding that the virilization effects with stanozolol were very very low, almost non-existant. I am wondering why this happened. Was I taking too much? I was only talking about 3 cc's a week. I want to go back on a cycle....but am wondering if maybe I should be taking EQ or Primo. I have read a lot on all of them, and they all say the same...but the effects on me with the Winstrol were a lot stronger than I anticipated, are the effects of EQ just as strong? Or are they milder? Or was I just taking too much V?

    The best thing you can run is var. It will give you a lot less virilization sides. but fust you should under stand sides will be less with even blood levels. The way you were taking the winny is not advised due to the half life. the same thing will go for var. if you run var or winny you will need to take it 2 times a day. The best way for females is to take 10mg am and 10 mg pm. My wife has been running var this way for the last year. she cycles it 8 weeks on 8 off. The var will also help you stay lean. Most females like that effect with tha var.

  21. #21
    edmen2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1beautifulblonde
    thanks for the tips...I'll talk to the women and see what they have to say
    there is a sticky in the female forum that can tell u everything u need to know. imo var or primo is good for a women who just wants to look good but not compete.

  22. #22
    SEBASTOP's Avatar
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    A friend of mine dated a girl that was using Anavar . From talking to him it appears this is a popular choice with women. His GF was not into competition but was a fitness trainer. She had no side effects. Hope this helps.

  23. #23
    1beautifulblonde is offline New Member
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    Well I am not looking to compete right want to take the best AS for strength as well as a cutter. Is it even possible to have the strength I want, but also the look? or is it pretty much, bulk muscle and very strong, or cut and not nearly as strong? I realize that everyone reacts differently....and its hard to tell what the best for me would be. I already know how I react to V....some of the women say the oil based is worse for sides. The only thing I take comes straight from a vet and I know is real... I am in Ontario where there is gear everywhere, but 90% of it is I am more comfortable sticking to what I trust and know is real. I dont mind safe "trial and error".....but its nice to know what to expect in comparison to what I already know.

  24. #24
    testosterona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1beautifulblonde
    sorry my mistake....primo I had was 100mg....the V is 50mg.
    I am not in competition yet no...but am interested in possibly doing it.
    I just need to retrain myself....I love to lift heavy (but do so with high reps), but apparently I have to come down in weight to cut up. My reps are 15-20 x 4-6 depending on the exercise.....and I lift heavy at that....I dont want to have to start doing 60 reps of everything with lighter weight....I train aprox 2 hours for each workout (1:legs, 2:arms, 3:shoulders/neck, 4:back/chest) I dont want to be there for 5 hours doing a million reps with lighter weight.
    if this was a guy syaing these stats, we'd be knocking the shit out of him!! we can not give this girl advice on steroids! it is obvious she has alot too all out of wack!! seriously though, since when do we shove out advice too a person that OBVIOUSLY isn't ready!! ESPECIALLY A GIRL!!! c'mon! Stephanie, can you post your diet? and your cardio routine?

  25. #25
    1beautifulblonde is offline New Member
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    Although I understand that giving advice to people who jump in head first is not what you are willing to do...I assure you....I know enough. And to speak like that before you know my routine and diet is just an uneducated guess. I realize I have a lot to learn...its impossible to know absolutely EVERYTHING there is to know...thats why I am here. I train very hard and am strict to a diet. I dont screw around. I am in the gym 5 days a week....its an hour drive there...2 hour training....hour home every night. I take training more serious than anything else and it is the way I live. I dont smoke, do drugs or even touch alcohol what so ever. I was eating too much before, although healthy, but that is one reason for my body building muscle so fast and continuously. My diet contains a well balance of proteins, fibers, carbs, nutrients etc. I dont eat shit food at all. I am naturally stronger than any girl I have met and I am thankful to have been given these genetics. Hence one reason why I love to lift heavy....because I can. But asking for other peoples opinion on gear is just something I do to get differences in opinions. I train with pro bb's, powerlifters....but although they try and give me the best advice possible, I am not going to just be nieve and strictly trust only their opinions on things. Don't be so anal when people ask for advice...if I wasnt ready and wasnt dieting and training properly and was a dumbass, then I woulnt care about learning as much as possible now would I? I'd just take it without wanting to know more like most people.

  26. #26
    testosterona's Avatar
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    2,765 you mind posting your diet?

  27. #27
    1beautifulblonde is offline New Member
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    No, I don't mind posting my diet....but to someone who is looking at it to try and analyze it to try and give me anwsers I am looking for.....not to someone who is looking at it just to try and give his 2 cents trying to prove something here...or pick someone apart. You obviously dont have the anwsers I am looking why do you care? And as far as me being a girl....what the hell does that have to do with anything? Since when is steroids "just for men?" thats such bullshit. As far as I remember they were originally for animals and as for as I know....aren't exclusively JUST for men....women have every right to enhance their performence just as much as men do. And the ratio of dumb asses taking gear without knowledge is much higher male to female I'm sure. Try telling people that alcohol or cigarettes for that matter are "a mans drug" they will laugh pretty hard and tell you to take your meds I am sure. No different than Juice hun. It is what it is, it is a drug...and drugs are not bias.

  28. #28
    testosterona's Avatar
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    well, since ALL steroids are derivatives of the male hormone TESTOSTERONE , id personally say they are very one sided. but too each his own. now, id like too help you with your quest for strength, i don't what too pic you apart. if you could post you diet, we can take a look and give some advice. it seems too me you think that the drugs are going too give you the results, when in fact, diet acounts for about 80% of your muscle gain, resulting in stregth. please post your diet for us, we can better help you with more info....

  29. #29
    ttuprincess's Avatar
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    That is way to much winny for a female.. Winny is known as the snake bite drug for females.. the sides can come on fast and be irriversable... also some ladies do not experience any sides from winny while some exerience SOOO MANY!

    normal female cycles of winny are 5-10 mg's ed
    but i would suggest var... same dosages.. start low and you can work up... primo is also a good choice, but for the novice, these are the only 3 i would suggest.

    come on into the female forum and read around... youll find some very interesting things.

  30. #30
    ttuprincess's Avatar
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    And please disreguard the men here who are closed minded and like to think that steroids are not for women... When used properly a woman can benifit nicely from the proper cycle. I too have experienced many who talked down to me and disreguard my knowledge about the female reactions to steroids, but when they see my results will PM in security to know how to get their wives and g/f's to achieve that look.

    the ladies are here fro you stephanie... and although we are out numbered by many males, we do know our shit and are here to help.

  31. #31
    testosterona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testosterona
    well, since ALL steroids are derivatives of the male hormone TESTOSTERONE, id personally say they are very one sided. but too each his own. now, id like too help you with your quest for strength, i don't what too pic you apart. if you could post you diet, we can take a look and give some advice. it seems too me you think that the drugs are going too give you the results, when in fact, diet acounts for about 80% of your muscle gain, resulting in stregth. please post your diet for us, we can better help you with more info....

    TT, i'm sure you and the other girls can be of more help to stephanie. but you know as well as i do, it is important too see a layout of her diet and exact training routine in order too help. ....

  32. #32
    ThePhoenix is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by testosterona
    well, since ALL steroids are derivatives of the male hormone TESTOSTERONE, id personally say they are very one sided. but too each his own. now, id like too help you with your quest for strength, i don't what too pic you apart. if you could post you diet, we can take a look and give some advice. it seems too me you think that the drugs are going too give you the results, when in fact, diet acounts for about 80% of your muscle gain, resulting in stregth. please post your diet for us, we can better help you with more info....
    Dude, first of all, these women are old enough to make decisions for themselves. ultimately, proper steroid use is fine for females too. Just because they're girls does not mean there goals differ from ours.

    second of all testosterone is NOT a male hormone. Testosterone is found naturally in both men and women. Hormones do not have a gender. They are simply sex hormones. Men just have more test than women. it does not make it a male hormone. I found this out the hard way on a biochemistry test. Yes, test messes with the female endocrine system. But it messes with the male system too.
    Last edited by ThePhoenix; 12-31-2005 at 05:04 PM.

  33. #33
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    Girls going to steroids just to tone up....I hope this isn't the case.
    I sure hope your a world class athlete and needs steroids to be competitive at your level.

  34. #34
    1beautifulblonde is offline New Member
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    First of all....thanks to THEPHOENIX for that reply. And I am not taking them to tone up...I know the right diet and enough cardio will do that....the thing I am trying to accomplish is to stay toned, but still have the strength that I do at say 160-170 as apposed to 140-150. The smaller I get, the less I can lift...and I want both.

  35. #35
    testosterona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePhoenix
    Dude, first of all, these women are old enough to make decisions for themselves. ultimately, proper steroid use is fine for females too. Just because they're girls does not mean there goals differ from ours.

    second of all testosterone is NOT a male hormone. Testosterone is found naturally in both men and women. Hormones do not have a gender. They are simply sex hormones. Men just have more test than women. it does not make it a male hormone. I found this out the hard way on a biochemistry test. Yes, test messes with the female endocrine system. But it messes with the male system too.
    your right bro, i meant too say test is the predominant hormone in a males body. ie, the hormone that separates males from females. still waiting on that diet stephanie..........

  36. #36
    ttuprincess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Girls going to steroids just to tone up....I hope this isn't the case.
    I sure hope your a world class athlete and needs steroids to be competitive at your level.
    Why? are you a world class athlete using them to enhance your performance? Why do so many descriminate? dont you hate it when someone discriminates against you for using them or thinking you do?

  37. #37
    testosterona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ttuprincess
    Why? are you a world class athlete using them to enhance your performance? Why do so many descriminate? dont you hate it when someone discriminates against you for using them or thinking you do?
    TT, i know you didn't ask me, but id like too coment on this post. IMO, once again, IMO girls who use steroids ARE taking a larger risk than men. therefore, they should have a very good reason to take the risk, such as competing or developing a physique past their nattural limits. however, it sounds as though stephanie, who keeps avoiding posting her diet for some reason, what's them simple for strength........that's it. IMO, giving advice to a women too use steroids to get TEMPORARILY stronger, is foolish and irresponsible. but once again, that's just my opiinion.

  38. #38
    powerliftmike's Avatar
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    Girls should stick to drol, tren , and test. jk Seriously tho, I wouldnt recommend a woman take winstrol at that high a dose. Hell, I dont even recommend men taking winstrol due to the joint problems it gave me, but everyone is different. Primo depot and var tabs are great options for the female. For fat loss clenbuterol is a great option. I caution anyone that uses T4 or T3 as these are powerful hormones that have messed people up.

  39. #39
    ttuprincess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testosterona
    TT, i know you didn't ask me, but id like too coment on this post. IMO, once again, IMO girls who use steroids ARE taking a larger risk than men. therefore, they should have a very good reason to take the risk, such as competing or developing a physique past their nattural limits. however, it sounds as though stephanie, who keeps avoiding posting her diet for some reason, what's them simple for strength........that's it. IMO, giving advice to a women too use steroids to get TEMPORARILY stronger, is foolish and irresponsible. but once again, that's just my opiinion.
    I ran var several times before i even contemplated competing... I loved the feeling of lifting heavy and with better form then most guys at the gym..

    When run CORRECTLY females can have great results... i do agree that ALOT of research should be done way before a female uses, as with a male. but I dont think that usage should be limited to those who compete or such... wait till about Febuary and you will see this board become over run by newbs who want to look good for spring break.. Every one wants a better body, why is it that only males can enhance themselves?

  40. #40
    testosterona's Avatar
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    i agree that females should be able too do what they want when it comes too drugs. hell, it's a free country right? i respect you very much TT, you impress me with your knowlege and determination in this sport. that's why i think you would agree that for this girl, apparently not wanting too look better, not wanting too compete, not wanting too post her diet, should rethink her decision. but i'm not her brother, dad, or friend. so like i said before, to each his own.

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