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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    I think am done with cycling

    Hey guys i dont know if you know what happened to me in my last cycle go to this link

    now after i stoped that cycle i started another one what ever you call it 3rd cycle again or 4th & this time i used totally different compounds Test E/Deca /Dbol & after not 3 wks just matter of days i got the allergy back i told myself nah just forget it & continue your cycle like its not there but couldnt take the stings pain any more in my body i dont know why this happened its just my 3rd or 4th cycle its not like i was stupid & on extreme doses just the normal doses its so depressing to think i'll stay off now from it i was doing great with them last feb i did the same deca/tes E/dbol gained 10kg & lost 2 which is great, & i cant even go to a doc & tell him "hey doc am on roids can you help me with this" although this is Egypt but still doctors dont like roids too.Its like my body reached a limit from roids or somthing i did wrong which i dont recall doing anything wrong. i just want to know if anyone from mods or vets knows why this is happened??

    i'll just take now medication that the doc wrote me Diprofos corstisone shot & Areius anti-allergy pills

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  2. #2
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Hmmmm... this sounds like some kind of joint issue - you say hands, wrist, feet back... are there other things you change in your life when you begin a cycle - maybe eating a lot more of a certain type of food?

    I would get a full physical and blood work - and tell them you took anabolics before... they don't care - sh!t they sell the stuff OTC. Your in Egypt - take advantage of the support from the Medical Community... if your doctor gives you a sh!tty answer - find another, you don't have to take advice from the first dude with a medical degree. Tell them your symtoms and any history in your family regarding similar issues...

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    sounds strange ive never come acrosss this am sorry, but what about trying a single compound see if that helps

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    thanks bros for the reply but no Warrior since i started my cycle 2wks ago am eating my 6 meals every 2 hrs not even 3 & everything is clalculated when it comes to food when made me mad that in those 2wks that my arms are starting to grow the way i want them to & then the allergy came back if i drinked or ate anything with sugar even my whey protien if i drinked it my temp goes up & i feel stings in the skin its no joint problem not in my bone but i dont know what to do about my cycle i took just 20mg dbol yest so i can start my pct 2day is it ok or should i wait 21 days for the deca to start pct??

    A friend told me after i get better i start a test e cycle from just 250mg awk & go till 750 to see if the doses are affecting me badly but am just doing 500mg test a wk/300 deca/70mg dbol.

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  5. #5
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by ][-][ ][-][ ][-][
    thanks bros for the reply but no Warrior since i started my cycle 2wks ago am eating my 6 meals every 2 hrs not even 3 & everything is clalculated when it comes to food when made me mad that in those 2wks that my arms are starting to grow the way i want them to & then the allergy came back if i drinked or ate anything with sugar even my whey protien if i drinked it my temp goes up & i feel stings in the skin its no joint problem not in my bone but i dont know what to do about my cycle i took just 20mg dbol yest so i can start my pct 2day is it ok or should i wait 21 days for the deca to start pct??

    A friend told me after i get better i start a test e cycle from just 250mg awk & go till 750 to see if the doses are affecting me badly but am just doing 500mg test a wk/300 deca/70mg dbol.

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][
    So your diet DID change - you increased calories. Any common things linked to allergies in your diet that you have increased? Like fish, shell fish, milk, egg, peanuts, legumes, soy or wheat? Have you tried taking some digestive enzymes - sometimes a lack of the right digestive enzymes can through you out of wack - like an allergy.

    I don't think it can be the gear - especially not Sustanon or Testosterone Enanthate ... testosterone is naturally occuring - even the esters, just a fatty acid chain. So I have to disagree with a doc that says your sensitive to steroidal compounds - at least not testosterone... perhaps a deriative like Deca - this is very possible. I am not sure if you could develop some kind of indirect shock to superphysiological levels of testosterone ... but I have never heard of this before.

    I am pretty sure you would be safe on testosterone only - without using any deriatives... if you continue to run test only - see if your symptoms persist. And try and stick to short esters (like getting testosterone propinate instead) - so you can terminate the cycle within days. Remember the Deca will remain at high levels for a few weeks.

    An allergy occuring from something you injest, inject or somehow otherwise consume can (vesus something that comes in contact with you - like your skin), at worst, lead to an anaphylactic shock. If you start to experience swelling, hives, itchy skin and difficult breathing - go straight to the emergency room. Not trying to scare you - just trying to prepare you.

    Please remember, I am not a doctor... just speaking from what I have learned and trying to help. Make sure you see a doctor and not a pharmacist...

    Troubleshoot you diet for possible allergins - this must be from something you have consumed!

    How you feelin' right now? When was the last shot of Deca? And stop the deca, dbol or any other deriatives...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    thanks alot bro for the valuable infos my last shot with deca was last sunday i took 100mg/70mg dbol & last thurs i took 500mg test E.Well the first time the allergy happened was on eq/test prop i was shooting prop 50mg ed & the eq was 50mg/ml i started with 300mg & worked it till 500mg thats vial a week then the allergy appeared but it was so strong this one is weaker than the eq/prop cycle.Btw i took just 20mg last monday of dbol can i start the pct now?

    Am feeling great now bro allergy is gone i took the cortisone shot yesterday & after an hour i was ok but i'll continue with the anti-allergy pills.

    thanks bro.

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