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Thread: dnp and diet

  1. #1
    thething is offline New Member
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    Jan 2006

    dnp and diet

    I've previously done a low dose dnp cycle with good results. 14 days @ 200mg yielded 7 lbs fat loss. however, I was using an isocaloric diet and to be totally honest, I paid little attention to diet in the second week. I want to try again but this time i'm aiming to keep diet 100% throughout to get the most I can out of the cycle.

    i'm 5"11 and 200 lbs, about 13% bodyfat. I'm planning 220g protein, 50g carbs (all fruit) and 10g EFA per day. I'll also be using sibutramine to keep the appetite at bay. (and necassary supps of course). Couple of questions:

    would anyone advise against this diet or would you modify it in some way?
    is a carb depletion still recommended before commencing the cycle?

  2. #2
    EdMan2's Avatar
    EdMan2 is offline Associate Member
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    Well, you probably already know this, but there are two schools of thought about carbs and DNP . Some say higher carbs leads to more fat loss because of the temp increase, and others say it hinders fat loss. Basically I'd say you'll have to figure this out for yourself. However, 50g crabs is a little low, you risk going hypoglycemic. I'd recommend bumping it to 100g, with most of it comming in your first meal(if you want), PWO and PPWO meals. Basically if you do this just look for warning signs of going hypo, such as a sick feeling, vision issues (i think), and extreme lethargy. If this happens try to get some high GI carbs fast, something like pepsi or something.

    As for the carb depletion, once again different people report different effects. Some say carb depletion will result in an earlier onset of fat loss, whereas not doing so results in fat loss starting 2-3 days after starting. I think if you are doing a short cycle, you should carb deplete, and if you're doing a longer 14+ day cycle it really isn't necessary.

  3. #3
    TURBOGREEK is offline Associate Member
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    Brooklyn...NY f@ckin'C

  4. #4
    TommyTrainR's Avatar
    TommyTrainR is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2005
    Hey bro. how is the sibutramine working out for you?

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