Thread: 18 year old, need advice...
01-14-2006, 10:02 PM #1New Member
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18 year old, need advice...
ok, so i know 18 is young, but i have been to the doctor and he said my test levels r kinda low, but not low enough to need a perscription, i feel this is the reason for it beign so hard for me to gain mass, my diet is great and workouts r intense. seeing i have a low test level, i was thinking a should do a light enanthate cycle, what amount per week do u tihnk would be reasonal jsut to get my test level wear they should be or maybe a little higher?
01-14-2006, 10:07 PM #2Banned
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a "light" dosage of Test E would be around 200mg a week. but, this thread will be locked you'll prob be banned for posting a thread like this, so i suggest you edit your post and take out your age man
01-14-2006, 10:09 PM #3
you should stay away from steroids as you're still very young.....side effects are worse when you're younger. For example if you're not done growing steroids can fuse you're growth plates together. Not to mention you'll probably up your dosage anyway to see if you get better gains at higher doses. So yeah stay away from steroids period, or at least until your older or have hit a physical plateau.
01-14-2006, 10:12 PM #4New Member
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I didnt know you could get in trouble if u are 18, seeing is i am no longer considered a minor, and i think i may be down growing height wise, i am about 5'9-5'10
01-14-2006, 10:13 PM #5
still, wait 2-3 years at the very least. I personally am waiting until I am 20.
01-14-2006, 10:16 PM #6Originally Posted by chris2442
People can still grow until they're 20's bro. Just because your 18 doesnt mean anything besides the fact you can vote. Other than that your body does the talking not the number
01-14-2006, 10:21 PM #7New Member
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would a light cycle of something like test e or deca effect my growth plates that much?? ive been looking into this alot anf plan on doing the clomid/nolva post cycle, i mean my buddies r all doing this so its kinda readily available to me and i can pretty mcuh get my hands on anything, is theyre anything i can take at 18?
01-14-2006, 10:25 PM #8Originally Posted by chris2442
It's your body you can do anything you'd like. There are no real "light" steroids . To me Steroids are steroids no matter how powerful or not. There are ones less powerful than those two. Those two are strong bulking steroids. I wouldnt touch the stuff at your age. What are your stats?
01-14-2006, 10:27 PM #9New Member
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im about 5'10 - 160 pounds, been training hard for about 2 years now, the only mass i gained was off of anabolic xtreme supplemetns like superdrol and pheraplex. i have researched steroids for a few months, i see that equipoise and anavar r weak, but here u shouldnt do them without a test, and winstrol isnt too harmfull but im still hoping to bulk a little mroe b4 i use a steroid to cut
01-14-2006, 10:30 PM #10
trust me bro 19, 160 is too young and not experienced enough with training. No offense but we get lots of people in your situation who think they are ready but really 1st their diet is crap and training well they are doing too much or too little. I promise you if you look at tyhe bulking sticky and try it you will put on weight their is no way you couldnt
01-14-2006, 10:32 PM #11Originally Posted by chris2442
You can still do a lot of work naturally. I understand so many of your friends use so its hard to stay natural. I'll bet my house that when they come off they go right back down to how they were before they used it. Picture this I was 10 pounds lighter than you at your age. I'm 6'3" 227 pounds right now. I started using steroids when I was 210 pounds at the age of 20 (which was stupid) In two years I put on 50 pounds working out naturally. If you do a light cycle of may gain something like 10-15 pounds the absolute most and when you come off you will drop to probably around 165-167 if you're lucky. You might as well wait to do it right then risk your health and waste your money.
01-14-2006, 10:32 PM #12New Member
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I wokr at a gym, i talk to the ameteur competors and got all my trainging and diet informationg form them, i eat about 3500 caloried a day with about 275 grams of protein, i do each msucle once a week broken into 5 days i do 12 sets per muscle and 6-8 reps until failure.
01-14-2006, 10:33 PM #13Originally Posted by 24labor
What cobra commander said.
01-14-2006, 10:34 PM #14Originally Posted by chris2442
And if they have a shred of responsibility in them they will say to you what we're saying to you now
01-14-2006, 10:35 PM #15Originally Posted by chris2442
01-14-2006, 10:37 PM #16
And to quote myself I can put on 5 pounds in a few weeks on my own if I really wanted to so it wouldnt even be worth it to me. If someone actually sat here and offered to give me steroids at a low dosage for 10 weeks for free I would turn it down. Honestly the point of doing steroids is to stay away from them. Steroids is like skanky bitches, you use them for what they can do and stop using them when they've done all they can do.
01-14-2006, 10:56 PM #17New Member
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i think im going to make a doctors appointment. lol. i am going to get my hormone levels checked. low testosterone may explain y its hard for me to build quality muscle, and high estrogen may be the reason that no matter how strict i diet i hav and how mcuh cardio i do i always seem to have fat deposties on my chest and obliques. with any luck i will walk out of there with a perscription or two lol
01-14-2006, 10:57 PM #18Originally Posted by chris2442
01-15-2006, 11:49 AM #19
Well, if your going to do it then your going to do it, so I'm not going to give you the lecture. yeah, a test only cycle would be the way to go for your first cycle or two. A good low dose 1st cycle would be to get yourself 1 10ml bottle of either test cyp or test e.
wk 1- 1/2cc
wk2-1 cc
wk3- 1 1/2cc
wk4- 2cc
wk6- 1 1/2cc
wk7- 1cc
wk8- 1/2cc
This was my very first cycle and it put good gains on me fpr only having 1 bottle. also, many will advise against tapering or pyramiding your dosage, but I dont think its a bad idea for a first cycle, this way your body gradually gets accustomed to the compound. Be sure to have some clomid, nolvadex on hand in case you need it, and your good to go. I wouldnt do the nolva unless I needed to during the cycle, but after the cycle ends it wouldnt hurt to hit some nolva w/ your PCT, say 20 mg eod or something. Good luck
01-15-2006, 02:04 PM #20
don't take it wrong dude, but your test levels are just a small details that doesn't justify Test/juice intake........Just learn to know how your body reacts, learn to train and overcome, eat and rest, then when you'll get big enough......and when you'll know you're at your max, then consider juicing, not before, for any reasons! you'll just messup w/ your hormones more than you can imagine, and that could be irreversible, trust me!
01-15-2006, 02:04 PM #21
oh and wait till you're 24, JMO
01-15-2006, 10:28 PM #22Member
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Try some ZM and see if that does anything for you.
Also, at you age, I wouldnt suggest an aromaizing steroid . If I were you, and I really wanted to use a steroid, I would try to get something like primobolan , turinabol or stenbolone (good luck on this one)
Then again, you could just stick with superdrol and phera-plex
01-16-2006, 02:51 AM #23Originally Posted by Milky87
Real bad idea dude . They are just as harmful as real gear! Superdrol is a roid and regarding Phera plex, it's liver toxic and 9x more androgenic than SD. Only thing is people on the board seems to have more "real" gains from PP and no back pumps such as w/ SD (which fack up your lipids as well)
Do some research and don't play w/ conpound you don't know
01-16-2006, 03:06 AM #24Member
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maybe take some tongkat ali to get your test levels up
01-16-2006, 06:16 AM #25Member
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Phera-plex is only 2.5x as androgenic than superdrol. It is also only 60% an androgenic as testosterone . makingit a much better choice than testosterone.
I only say to stick with it because he has used it before
Originally Posted by stayinstacked
Listen man , like everyone else said its not worth it right now. I waited till i was 25 to start . I am not saying its the magic number but i worked out for about 5 years before i started my first real cycle. Don't look at others and say to yourself i need roids to get as big as that other guy. Most "bigger" guys i see are older anyway. It takes time to get big. If it was easy to just get big then everyone would be big. Learn diet and try some full body workouts. After you get training and diet down you will 100% on your way.
Listen the easy part is sticking a needle in your arm. The hard part is correct diet and training.Last edited by DSM4Life; 01-16-2006 at 09:58 AM.
01-16-2006, 10:01 AM #27Member
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Originally Posted by chris2442
You're too young, but Since you're paramount on doing gear, I suggest you do too, that way you'll be hopefully sterile when you're ready to have kids and we won't have your obviously "genius" genes floating around anymore
01-16-2006, 11:35 AM #28New Member
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Am i ****ign challenged?!?! lol, for one, i did do a proper pct, for all my oral cycles, and for two, i got tests ran before and after my cycles, so before you say sumthing find out what you talking about
Originally Posted by chris2442
Ok try this . Think for more then 5 mins ahead of what you are about to do. Lets just say that you want take 200mg of test e to "balance" out your test level which we all know is just an excuse for doing a cycle. That means you want to stay on this for the rest of your life. I hope you make a lot of money and have a good source.
01-16-2006, 02:29 PM #30Member
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Originally Posted by chris2442
Your best bet is to supplement longjack and or trib to increase your natural test levels.
those may be more than enough at that and you might notice some gyno problems being young already.
01-16-2006, 10:06 PM #31Member
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Originally Posted by chris2442
01-16-2006, 10:40 PM #32
wouldnt recommend them at your age, the problem with being yound is that your gains will be so great that you wont want to come off. Ive experienced this and still am. You tell yourself you will, but once you do and see the loses you'll be right back on the train man, unless you plan on competing and have years of experience on your back i would stick with the dieting and training.
01-17-2006, 04:14 AM #33
Gear is just going to make your test levels even lower after your 10 week mini cycle or whatever is over. It's still going to be harmful and I bet you wont even gain 10 lbs off it. And when you come off you'll probably lose half of that even with PCT.
Your growth plates are not closed yet at 18. I would bet my life on it. You may not be growing height wise but your growth plates will help you fill out once your metabolism slows down. I know it's tough but you've only been training 2 years. Thats nothing dude. You haven't even perfected how to workout yet. No you haven't. Trust me on this one, BULK diet and take some trib if you must to even out your test levels. It's amazing how much you can gain with the right diet.
01-17-2006, 07:04 AM #34Originally Posted by Unoid
01-17-2006, 09:49 PM #35Member
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[QUOTE=PrairieDawg]Your growth plates are not closed yet at 18. QUOTE]
I have revently (last friday) learned that my growth plates have fused at the age of 18.5. The Doc who looked at the said that my bone age was atleast 19, do you have any idea why I could have lost almost a year somewhere? Its not steroids , i know that as I havent used any.
My Doc also lead me to beleive that my endocrine system should have settled down now because it no longer needs to produce the higher amountsof hormones to grow. That should mean that i am ready (in that respect atleast) to use steroid right?
01-20-2006, 04:07 PM #36
im 18 and was at the same point as u. i wanted to juice but i turned away from it. its not worth messin me up to get bigger..... and when i come off it ill just shrink alot.... i put on a solid 15lb in the last 5 months..... might not be as much as u would from juicin but hell im happy as anything with those gains. 155 and 5 months later im 171, on an empty stomic. im still 18 so i got alot of growin left to do and so do u. its not worth takin the chance. a few of my friends told me its not worth it this early and they wish they never did it. im gona go with superdrol. i gained all that form changin my diet, workout, and takin different creatines, and hte last month i put on 4lb just from takin protine. im 18 6'2" and 171 now.... if it was so ez to get huge everyone woudl be jacked as he11.....
01-20-2006, 06:05 PM #37Member
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Originally Posted by PrairieDawg
I stopped at 16-17 and I'm 6-4. I don't see how you lost anything when u stopped at 18.5
01-20-2006, 08:26 PM #38Member
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My biological age is 18.5 but my bone age came back at nearly 20, meaning my skeleton is about 1.5 years ahead
i am 25 and my bone age is 10 years old -- 5'6
01-20-2006, 08:55 PM #40Originally Posted by Milky87
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