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Thread: Why is it....

  1. #1
    reddragon536's Avatar
    reddragon536 is offline New Member
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    Why is it....

    Why is it that I get an answer over on (pardon my spell but it is on purpose so it won't get edited) eleite fitness website and not on here?
    I have gotten more feedback overthere with my newbie questions. How many did I get here?
    Nada, none, zip. Why is that? I have been out of trainning. But I do have over 6 yrs. under my belt. I do know what to do and how to do it. I was looking for advice but no answer. Being new to the AAS forums.
    Not flaming anyone. Just wondering since other newbies who are outright beginners get an answer. Good or bad. I have listed my stats.


  2. #2
    Tren Bull's Avatar
    Tren Bull is offline Dbol Junkie
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    im sorry if other people haven't been helping you. for what its worth il tell you anything you want to know (as long as i know the answer)

  3. #3
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    What is this dude talking about?

  4. #4
    reddragon536's Avatar
    reddragon536 is offline New Member
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    I just had a question a while back on a beginner cycle. No one ever answered.
    Thats all.

  5. #5
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by reddragon536
    Hello all,
    I have been looking around for a legit supplier. No luck as of yet. I know that you have to earn trust with those on here. I cannot think of anything else to post. On another site I was told to start off with TEST E 250/500mg for my first cycle along with an anti-estrogen since I am a beginner.
    Just so many out there. I looked at a scammer list and compaired all day today. I took off of work to look after my step-daughter who has the flu. While she was asleep I go on and now my eyes are about to burst.
    I want my muscles to burst. I email my best friend who is a personnal trainer in Indianapolis. I am waiting on him to get back. Anyway, thank for all of the other post out there. All this information is AWSOME.

    My stats: 5ft.7in., 195lbs+, Age:30, tons of fat (about 25% according to the fat monitor scale. I know that it is not a good source)around the middle and substancal muscle loss.

    Haven't worked out in over 6 months due to a motorcycle accident. Been in the gym over 6+yrs before that. I am counting on my muscle memory as well.
    Were you hoping for an answer to your question above in bold?

  6. #6
    Tren Bull's Avatar
    Tren Bull is offline Dbol Junkie
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    whats your question?

  7. #7
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    he wanted advice on starting a cycle after not working out since june, Here on AR we tend not to give advice on starting cycles when somone hasnt worked out. Basicly its thought by most that you need to get your workouts and diets straight and current before you start useing AAS, While i will admit this isnt the most newbie friendly place i also understand that this isnt the Disney web site, We are talking about adult things here. And i am also a member of the board you are talking about as well as about a dozen other boards. Advice is just that advice and i find that 80% of the time the person giving it knows jack shit about what they are talking about.
    You want advice? get back into the gym and workout.. after 6 months if you still feel you need AAS then come back and ask us for advice.

  8. #8
    Tren Bull's Avatar
    Tren Bull is offline Dbol Junkie
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    i think it all depends on how you phrase your questions. personally i always got the answers i was looking for here.

  9. #9
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Or was it maybe this one?

    Quote Originally Posted by reddragon536
    I am trying to get back into shape after a motorcycle accident. What type of beginning stack should I use?
    I have been training for over 5 yrs.

    Weight: 200lbs (20lb gain of fat due to injury eating to keep up the he****g process and vicaidon)

    Haven't trained since June of 2005.

    Need help thanks.
    No one's going to design your cycle man.

    You come with an idea... and you get direction.. that's how it works

    In addition, no one's gonna advise you even cycle.. as you haven't lifted in practically half of a year.

    To come from an accident: a sendentary period.. to go on cycle put's you at risk of injury.

    Gear will cause muscle strength increases that are disproportional to the tendon strength increases which will manifest... thus tears are highly possilble.

    You question regarded getting back into shape.

    The standard answer would've been: Get your diet in check.. and hit up the cardio.

    In future.. when your thread's been up for a little bit.. and you haven't got a reply.. simply bump it... by scrolling down the page in your thread and submitting "bump" in the "post quick reply" slot.

    And for the record.. your thread only got 18 views... With the amount of traffic the steroid forum gets a bump would've been necessary


  10. #10
    reddragon536's Avatar
    reddragon536 is offline New Member
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    Hey thanks I appricate that. And no. I don't need a supplier at all. When I was working out I was 180lbs. at 10% bf. at 5ft.7in. I figure that when I am ready then I can get what I need then go at it from there.
    I would rather have it in bulk supply and not have to scurp and save to get it after I order the basic supplements that are first and foremost.
    But, again, Thanks.

  11. #11
    musselman's Avatar
    musselman is offline Junior Member
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    Not bootlicking or anything... but I've been treated good since I joined this forum... All the questions (even those I asked on behalf of the missus) I had were answered...

    maybe the reason why your question wasn't answered was the way you wrote... to be honest I couldn't really tell it was a question...

  12. #12
    reddragon536's Avatar
    reddragon536 is offline New Member
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    Not a problem. I understand.

  13. #13
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Blog Entries
    Quote Originally Posted by reddragon536
    Why is it that I get an answer over on (pardon my spell but it is on purpose so it won't get edited) eleite fitness website and not on here?
    Quote Originally Posted by reddragon536
    Hello all,
    I have been looking around for a legit supplier. No luck as of yet.
    this is not a transition that is going to be taken seriously.

    Quote Originally Posted by reddragon536
    I have gotten more feedback overthere with my newbie questions. How many did I get here?
    Nada, none, zip. Why is that? I have been out of trainning. But I do have over 6 yrs. under my belt. I do know what to do and how to do it. I was looking for advice but no answer. Being new to the AAS forums.
    Not flaming anyone. Just wondering since other newbies who are outright beginners get an answer. Good or bad. I have listed my stats.

    I would love to see you get your questions answered. The etiquette is what you need to brush up on. Furthermore your prior threads did not show any effort. you gave stats...and somehow wanted drugs to use? This is not safe and i would not advise you to pursue the magic pill as of yet

    How to Write a Post That Gets Your Questions Answered!

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