Thread: Check out this pro-cycle
01-18-2006, 02:38 AM #1Member
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Check out this pro-cycle
Week 1
Previous cycling strategies have always advocated starting at a low dose, peaking after several weeks, and then cycling down. However, since you are coming off of a layoff and are in an extremely catabolic state, you have the most potential for growth during the first few weeks of any cycle. Additionally, your receptors should be fully open, ready to receive the wonderful goodness you are about to give them. We start with 3000 mg a week of a long acting androgen like Sustanon . This should be divided up into 2 or 3 doses throughout the week do avoid any kind of reaction from too large of an injection. Orals should be consumed at a level of 50 mg of either methandrostenolone or oxymethalone per day. Training at this point should be intense, utilizing drop sets and pre-exhaustion, while training as heavy as possible. Eat like a pig, keeping the protein intake high. You will still be slightly lethargic as the DNP clears from your system during the first three days of this cycle. (For those of you who are scratching your head, see Issue I, Insulin and DNP)
Week 2
You should be feeling pretty good by now as the androgens have hit your system. Starting with week two, you'll add 50 mcg of T3 thyroid and 500 mg of cytadren a day to your cycle. Additionally, your intake of long acting androgens should increase to 3500 mg a week. Orals are increased to either 75 mg of methandrostenolone or 100 mg of oxymetholone a day.
Week 3
You've now been on for fourteen days and growth should be progressing nicely. Food intake should be at its peak, as the heavy androgen load has increased your ability to consume massive quantities of food. Training should be very intense, as your strength continues to rise. At the beginning of week three, your injections of long acting androgens increases to its peak of 4000 mg per week. Orals are increased to either 100 mg of methandrostenolone or 150 mg of oxymetholone per week. 400 mg of deca should be introduced this week. Intake of T3 and cytadren remain constant. Two shots of HCG should be taken this week in divided dosages of either 1500 or 2500 iu's each dose, depending on the brand of HCG you are using.
Week 4
This week marks the beginning of insulin use during the cycle. You should have been off of insulin for three full weeks by now (See Issue I, Insulin and DNP). It's difficult to recommend proper doses of insulin and each individual must tailor their use to their own response. Some respond better to smaller doses, while others must take large doses of insulin to get the same result. Since this cycle is designed for advanced bodybuilders, this is probably not the first time you are using insulin. An average dose this week would be 20 iu's a day divided between two 10 iu doses. Insulin should be taken fairly early in the day to avoid getting low in the evening while asleep. Levels of other drugs should remain at week 3 levels, with the exception of deca, which is increased to 600 mg per week. This week totals out at approximately 5500 mg per week of steroid . Clomid use starts this week at 50 mg every other day.
Week 5
This is the last week long acting androgens are used. Levels of testosterone administration is decreased to 3000 mg per week. Orals should remain at week 3 and 4 levels. Administration of deca is increased to 1200 mg per week. Insulin is increased to 30 iu's a day, divided into three daily doses of 10 iu's. Again, it may be necessary to adjust insulin use according to your personal response. Intake of T3 should be reduced to 25 mcg a day and cytadren to 250 mg a day. Clomid use is raised to 50 mg every day.
Week 6
This week you'll start using medium acting testosterone esters like cypionate or enanthate . These should be used on an alternating day basis at a level of 800 mg every other day. The chart above shows levels of testosterone in the body after using cypionate or enanthate and clearly shows why we dose every other day. Levels peak after the second day of administration and fall rapidly thereafter. Doses of orals are reduced to either 75 mg of methandrostenolone or 100 mg of oxymetholone per day. Deca remains at 1200 mg a week. Injectable winstrol is added at a level of 50 mg every other day. Insulin use should peak at 40 iu's a day, divided among four 10 iu dosages throughout the day. Again, adjust this figure accordingly. T3 and cytadren levels remain at week 5 levels. HCG is again administered in two divided doses of either 1500 or 2500 iu's. Clomid is not used this week.
Week 7
The cypionate or enanthate is continued at 800 mg every other day. Orals are further reduced to 50 mg of methandrostenolone or oxymetholone per day. Injectable winstrol is increased to 50 mg every day. Deca is increased to 1600 mg per week. T3 is reduced to 25 mcg every other day and cytadren to 250 mg every other day. Insulin continues at 40 iu's per day in divided dosages. Clomid is started again at the increased dose of 100 mg per day.
Week 8
Cypionate or enanthate is cut back to 400 mg every other day. Propionate is added to the tune of 200 mg every day. Doses of orals continue at week 7 levels. Injectable winstrol is increased to 100 mg per day. Deca is dropped completely, its long life in the body doesn't require that it be administered for the last two weeks. T3 and cytadren are stopped completely, tamoxifen should be added at 60 mg a day. Insulin should be cut back to one 10 iu dose a day. Clomid is continued at 100 mg per day.
Week 9
The cypionate or enanthate is cut completely and propionate is upped to 300 mg every day through the fourth day of this week. Suspension is added this week at 100 mg per day, taken in divided dosages of 50 mg twice a day. On day five of this week, propionate is dropped. Winstrol remains at 100 mg per day and tamoxifen remains at 60 mg per day. For our purposes, week 9 should actually be a 10 day week. Over the last five days of this week, suspension and winstrol should be reduced to zero levels by day 10. Tamoxifen continues at 60 mg per day during the three week off period. Clomid is continued through the end of the week at 100 mg per day.
01-18-2006, 03:31 AM #2
doesn't seem too great too me...... deca at wk 3? then ran for 6wks?? what? since when do the pros run 9wk cycles?
01-18-2006, 06:07 AM #3Originally Posted by testosterona
What's the source of it?
01-18-2006, 07:27 PM #4Member
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I think that this is a cycle based upon testosterone more than the other compounds.
I guess its worth to try.
01-18-2006, 07:33 PM #5
Pyramiding and running deca so short like tes said??
01-18-2006, 07:36 PM #6Member
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I bet that the guy who created this cycle knew what he was doing...
Taking 4g of test per week and 40i.u. is not for a novice...
01-18-2006, 07:37 PM #7
Hmmm. That's all I can say.
Where and when would this article fly out of the blue and be considered a "Pro Cycle."
I knew a guy who was ... well, he didn't make pro, but he was a professional in my eyes. He was 6'4" 265lbs and had 3%BF on competing days. He gave me a general idea on what was done - and it was absolutely nothing like what is posted above - I'm not saying it's complete bullshit - but to me (and this is of course, an opinion) it doesn't sound like something a Pro would do. However, everyone is different and it's possible.
Just some of my thoughts.
01-18-2006, 07:40 PM #8Member
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Nobody said that this was a cycle used by pros , I just thought that since this was a cycle with heavy dosages regarding with test I called a pro-cycle.
01-18-2006, 07:40 PM #9Originally Posted by Ejuicer
01-18-2006, 07:41 PM #10Member
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Hey LagMuxle why dont you post the cycle like the compounds and dosages that your friend was talking about so we can have an ideia
01-18-2006, 07:45 PM #11Banned
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honestly .. i duno what pro would do that .. cuz i know about 4 pros and their cycles and they dont look like that ..
it would be more like 300 mg of deca EOD along with 600-1000 mg of test
5-8 IUS of g/h + sust not sure how much sust exactly .. but .. from one of the pros i know this is how he cycles .
01-18-2006, 07:49 PM #12Member
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01-18-2006, 07:51 PM #13Banned
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well that was only one guy ;P
another one runs masteron deca gh and test together ..
and then one of the other guys thats pretty well known .. does some sick shit .. he uses slin gh igf .. hes not a fan of igf but he says when he use it with gh it gives him better results ..
you would be surprised not every pro uses insulin , and these guys replace tren with sust all the time .
01-18-2006, 07:52 PM #14
This is not a educated body builder if hes running this.
01-18-2006, 07:54 PM #15Banned
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lol well .. the judges def dont seem to notice when hes on stage ;P
01-18-2006, 08:01 PM #16Member
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In my opinion, Sustenon is not used by pro bodybuilders, I think that this kind of test his used more by those who are just starting to juice.
01-18-2006, 08:47 PM #17
i've seen cycles much like this before. one thing everybody's got to remember is the pros don't come off juice, that's why the doses may seem funny-like the deca (only a few weeks), but if you're on 500mg or more of test year round, it's gonna take something different to shock you into growing. i don't like it though-too many orals.
01-18-2006, 08:50 PM #18
The guy I knew was doing something like this during one of his cycles...
(this isn't detailed, this is just a general idea)
2-4 grams of test per week
50mg of winny ED
Fina was rotated ever 6 weeks or so at about 100mg ED throughout cycle
EQ year round
Cycles were ran for 6 months on, a couple months off, 6 months on, etc etc...again this isn't specific - just a general idea of what he told me.
The idea he gave me was that they never truly come off during their training periods. They take a few days off a year from their rigorous routines.
01-19-2006, 12:05 AM #19Originally Posted by LAGMuXle
01-19-2006, 12:58 AM #20Member
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I dont care... I have already build my next cycle that I will start in February, but my second cycle I will try this one, than I ll post results.
01-19-2006, 03:41 AM #21Originally Posted by omnipotent
01-19-2006, 04:03 AM #22Originally Posted by omnipotent
01-19-2006, 05:44 AM #23VET Retired
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This seems to be a very outdated/poorly researched cycle.
The statement "your receptors should be fully open" the use of tapering and recommendation of the drug cytadren show this is probably from the 80s.
01-19-2006, 12:43 PM #24
sounded odd to me as well
01-19-2006, 01:10 PM #25Originally Posted by ACAZORES
"Check out this pro-cycle".
01-19-2006, 01:14 PM #26
This was a waste of time.
01-19-2006, 01:18 PM #27
Great Thread........NOT!!
01-19-2006, 01:18 PM #28
ya'll want to see a bad cycle?? check out andreas munzer's last cycle--
it's BAD TO THE BONE i'll try and find it.
01-19-2006, 01:19 PM #29
This is the last cycle that Andreas Munzer took before he died
Weeks 1-10
captagon-- scheduled 1 drug in the US, meaning no legitimate medical use-- it is an amphetamine-type stimulant--
Weeks 1-5
500mg daily of test enanthate
152mg daily of parabolan
150mg daily of dianabol
150mg daily of halotestin
20 IU daily of HGH
20 IU daily of Insulin
Weeks 6-8
300mg daily of masteron
152mg daily of parabolan
250mg daily of winstrol tabs
150mg daily of halotestin
50mg daily of winstrol inj
24 IU daily of HGH
Weeks 9-10
200mg daily of masteron
100mg daily of winny inj
200mg daily of halotestin
400mg daily of winny tabs
24 IU daily of HGH
Insulin daily
IGF-1 daily
Days 1-3 leading up to show
aldactone, lasix
01-19-2006, 01:25 PM #30
that's a PRO cycle
01-19-2006, 01:25 PM #31
im gonna have to verify that with him...oh wait,hes!t
01-19-2006, 01:27 PM #32
it's been published so many times in so many different mag's and shit, it's got to be real--at least 150mg of halotestin ed for 10 weeks! i don't see how he made it through half of the cycle
01-19-2006, 01:28 PM #33Associate Member
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So any cycle with 1k + test a week is a pro cycle i dont think so. I know a couple of pro bb and a couple on the brink on getting there pro cards. All we talk about is cycle's and what is best for what results we want. One of the pro's uses 1500 mg of test a week and uses igf 1 2mg a month alternated with hgh two kits a month. he also uses deca 800mg a wk changes the test and switches to eq every 5 wks. he also throws in an oral like anadrol , dbol 4 wks on 4wks off.
01-19-2006, 01:36 PM #34AR's Midget Beater
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Originally Posted by PaulieM.
I didn't write this.
"I realize he died in 1996 but I was always led to believe it was from the use of Masteron and diuretics.
Here is the official account as reported in Anabolic Insider - I have never read this account before and it is interesting as some have been asking about EPO - this also shows his exact cycle pre contest;
March !996 Munzer dies at 31.
After departing from a flight that took him from the US back to Germany, popular pro Andreas Munzer went into severe physical distress and died later at a local hospital from almost complete and total organ failure.
Some preliminary reports alleged that Munzer, a known steroid abuser, was taking a drug to thicken his blood (EPO - Erythropietin) in order to appear more vascular on the posing stage. Like blood doping, EPO promotes supercompensation of glycogen in the muscles. Cosmetically this is appe****g to bodybuilders because they can appear as full as possible.
Sadly doctors believe that Munzer allowed himself to become too dehydrated in the process of using the drug. The interactions with other drugs he was taking, coupled with the long flight just made it worse. After landing and beginning to drink water again, his blood could not recover fast enough and it caused extensive organ failure.
Early reports that the 31 year old Munzer's stomach exploded were false.
However, total organ failure, particularly congestive heart failure, causes distorition of body proportions and a distended belly.
Here is what Munzer was taking before he died, minus the EPO;
10-6 weeks before the competition daily:
2 injects of testoviron at 250 mg
1 inject of Parabolan
30 tablets Halotestin
30 tablets of metandienon
20 IU GH
20 IU insulin
( I wonder if they mean mgs instead of tablets?)
5-3 weeks before comp daily:
3 injects Masteron
2 injects Parabolan
30 tablets Halo
50 tablets Stromba
2 injects Stromba
24 Iu GH
unknown insulin
2-1 weeks before comp daily:
2 uinjects Masteron
2 injects Stromba
40 tablets Halo
80 tablets Stromba
24 IU GH
unknown insulin
unknown IGF
Also prior to competition:
Aldactone, Lasix.
Ingested daily throughout the year:
Ephedrine, AN-1, Captagon, Aspirin, Valium, Clenbuterol , theyroid hormone.
His cycles cost him $6900 per month."
intense-training.comLast edited by Smak; 01-19-2006 at 01:41 PM.
01-19-2006, 01:38 PM #35Originally Posted by PaulieM.
im sorry bro,but people never cease to amaze me.
01-19-2006, 01:40 PM #36
that sounds about right for an average level pro competitor. i figured most used at least 1500mg test as a base. i've been reading a lot how they're getting away from orals. at the doses it takes for dramatic gains with drugs like d-bol, and anadrol when you're at that level, it's probably a little too dangerous. i think a lot of top level competitors might be a little on the crazy side and just don't give a damn, but i'm not touchin 150mg d-bol or 200mg drol anytime soon- i don't care if i'd gain 40 pounds.
01-19-2006, 01:43 PM #37
european mags, goofball, but i've seen a few legit pro cycles and this one is definately the most extreme, but definately not unbelievable. maybe some of you guys should check out the "mags" and what bodybuilders look like now-it's not from a gram of test and a little growth
01-19-2006, 01:44 PM #38
andreas was also taking captagon which is an amphetamine. i've read they think that might have played a pretty big role.
01-19-2006, 05:12 PM #39New Member
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thats crazy
01-19-2006, 05:20 PM #40
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