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  1. #1
    ns4433 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2005

    varrying test dose

    whats up guys, quick question on test doses, jump started with dbol 40mgs for 6 weeks, eq 400 throughout , test e for about 14 weeks then switching to prop with tbol, im on week 7 of the test and i was cruising at 750 gains have subsided about 2 weeks after i stopped taking dbol and ddint have a very high sex drive, thought it was to much estrogen so i upped my nolva, i actually dropped the test to 500, should i bounce it up to 750 and if doing so should i expect to see some slight gains? eating and training is right

  2. #2
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    maybe, very hard to say...very individual...that is why there is no magic pill or forumla

  3. #3
    DrugsrGood's Avatar
    DrugsrGood is offline Associate Member
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    North Pole
    how long ago did you drop test to 500? in my opinion you should stay at dosage you are at. it will be very hard to make gains this late in cycle. this would cause another unnecessary fluctuation in hormone levels.

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