Alright bro's,

I'm newb to the forum and after much research i've compiled my first cycle. I 've been working out strictly for 2yrs and keep my diet in check. i'm 5'10 188lbs and my BF is in the high teens right now since i've been bulking for about 3 months. . I'm running Test c @ 400 mg weeks 1-10, shots on mon morning and thur night and then followed by PCT. should i run PCT for 3 or 4 weeks? and i also have 2 bottles of redkat, when should i start taking those? This website is great,thanks for all the help!
i'm ready to join the dark side !!!!!!

Test weeks 1-10
Nolva 10mg througout the whole cycle including PCT
Clomid 11-13 300mg day 1, then 100mg rest of the week and then last two weeks @ 50mg or week 2 @100mg and week 3 @ 50?