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  1. #1
    crackle's Avatar
    crackle is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2002

    Bringing AAS on cruise ship

    What's up fellas. quick question for you all to ponder.i'm taking a cruise to mexico and plan to go "shopping". the only thing i have to worry about is the metal detector when boarding the ship. i know the tops off the brovel testosterone and deca are aluminum, so the detector shouldn't be able to detect them, right.i'm coming up with some crazy ideas on trying to hide the stuff, but if i have nothing to worry about, why bother. also, once i get on the boat, is that considered US grounds since its a US boat? i also plan on bringing back some pills, which i will just stash in my pocket. any info would be a lot of help. Gracias...

  2. #2
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    they send your baggage and what not through the xray machine...they don't pay any attention the the people...a bunch of us went on the 7 day mexico cruise last year and we brought back bottle of alcohol and tons of other shit that you are not supposed to have...they didn't pay any attention to use eventhough 3 of us are all over one boy bought probably 2o bottles of shit in Puerto vallarta and stuffed them in his cargo shorts...Put your stuff in your backpack and carry it off the ship with you when you hit the US...They may check the luggage that they collect the night before the ship lands but they don't check you or your bags when you get off...

  3. #3
    KeyMastur is offline VET
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Crackle...where exactly is it that you're going ?? If it's Cozumel, PM me. If not, still PM me, I can be of some assitance with this matter.

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