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  1. #1
    DonJuan is offline New Member
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    Working with Clen

    Whats the best way to work out with Clen for quick weightloss?

  2. #2
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    It's diet bro...clen just assists to an extent


  3. #3
    boarder034's Avatar
    boarder034 is offline Member
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    why are the answers all the ****ING same, god damnit, im so sick of hearing "more cardio, better diet" that is so annoying, give someone an honest answer, something more then "oh better diet"

  4. #4
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by boarder034
    why are the answers all the ****ING same, god damnit, im so sick of hearing "more cardio, better diet" that is so annoying, give someone an honest answer, something more then "oh better diet"
    What would you like me to say?

    Why didn't you give a great answer to his very VAGUE question then?

    Further more,if you don't like the answers on this's that simple.....

  5. #5
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boarder034
    why are the answers all the ****ING same, god damnit, im so sick of hearing "more cardio, better diet" that is so annoying, give someone an honest answer, something more then "oh better diet"
    There is no better way. Make sure your diet is clean, and under maint. aprox 500cal. Cardio should be 45min-1hour in AM before meals. Lift weights later on in day (just stick with your normal training.)

    There's nothing else you can do except for tweaking your diet or excersice. Keep your body guessing. Do an hour of treadmill one day, and bike another.

    If you need a better answer:
    1: post your stats
    2: post your weekly training
    3: post your diet
    4: post your goal
    5: post politely, and not in the tone like your last post. (Remeber that we are all taking time out of our busy day to help you.)
    Last edited by cfiler; 01-29-2006 at 10:00 PM.

  6. #6
    Ammar's Avatar
    Ammar is offline Senior Member
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    It would be nice if you could take something and eat whatever you want but still lose body fat...but thats not gonna happen. The reason people always say diet is #1 is because its true. To answer the question, I usually take part of it in the morning when I wake up then do cardio on an empty stomach. I noticed best results that way.

  7. #7
    FranKieC's Avatar
    FranKieC is offline "AR's Pretty Boy"
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    Quote Originally Posted by boarder034
    why are the answers all the ****ING same, god damnit, im so sick of hearing "more cardio, better diet" that is so annoying, give someone an honest answer, something more then "oh better diet"
    What's wrong with his answer? Diet is key to everything. You could take all the AAS you want and without a propper diet you won't grow or even shed fat. Clen is just another tool that will assist you in your quest for a better body.

    As far as him giving you an honest answer he is. Most of you newbies think AAS is all you need when in fact you overlook the most critical aspect of the growth process, THE DIET.

    So do yourself a favor and educate yoruself more and stop barking at a VET on this board who is alot more knowledgeable than you are.

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