first off my stats: 5;8" 28 years old 12%b/f ( as of last week ) trainning for many years and trainning seriously for 4. I have a few cycles under my belt, last one lasting 11 months. I have used: deca , test-e, cyp, prop, tren , d-bol, winny. never an sides that bothered me. I eat a pretty good diet ( not perfect ) and dont drink while on. I take in 1.5 galons ( 6 litres) of water/day.
so here is my question.
right now I am starting a 25 weeker.
1 to 5 50 mg prop/day
1 to 25 750mg test-e/week
1 to 4 40 mg d-bol/day
6 to 20 50 mg tren/day
slin 4 on 4 off.
I just finished week 6 today. now even though I drink a wack of water all day, some times I wake up in the morning and my pee is a bit on the dark shade of yellow. now generaly that is gone by the time I get a little water in me. I figured it was just a bit of dehydration. this morning I had a leak and it looked a little pink. went clear by the time I went again. is this a reason for consern? maby a little blood in the urin? or would blood be real red and hard to miss?
Is this a reason to go to the hospital, or gut keep an eye on it?