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  1. #1
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    Duchaine's "Steroid Bounce" Myth or Reality?

    Dan Duchaine, in his clasic underground book on steroids said that an individual on steroids gets a steroid bounce, that is, increased natural testosteronce produced, because the body becomes used to the extra androgens from the steroid cycle. This steroid bounce, in turn, helps one maintain muscle size after post cycle therapy . Yet, I've also heard that this is not the case. Is this true?

  2. #2
    Power Viking is offline Banned
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    I dunno, but I feel more "juicy" even after cycles are long gone. By that I mean that some of the "feel good" feeling stays, some of the increased hornyness stays and shit like that.

  3. #3
    elite2kr is offline Member
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    No what happens is your body increases production of natural hormones till they are renormalised, then stops producing the excess.

  4. #4
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    That's probably true but I would rather believe in the steroid bounce idea. What your saying suggests that keeping larger means eventually going back on cycles. Steroid bounce is a pretty idea. Killjoy!

    Quote Originally Posted by elite2kr
    No what happens is your body increases production of natural hormones till they are renormalised, then stops producing the excess.

  5. #5
    elite2kr is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    That's probably true but I would rather believe in the steroid bounce idea. What your saying suggests that keeping larger means eventually going back on cycles. Steroid bounce is a pretty idea. Killjoy!
    Ok lets say steriod bounce is true, cortisol will bounce as well. Cortisol works the opposite of testostrone and pulls protein from the muscle.
    Once cortisol and other hormones like sbgh level off to meet testostreone. Equilibrium is achived and there is no more anabolic acvitivy if your on gear then if your not.

  6. #6
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    Interesting. I'm in the process of learning more about AAS so for now you're talking beyond the scope of my learning. But as I try to follow your reasoning it seems unclear (but like I said, that may be due to my dearth of learning).

    Quote Originally Posted by elite2kr
    Ok lets say steriod bounce is true, cortisol will bounce as well. Cortisol works the opposite of testostrone and pulls protein from the muscle.
    Once cortisol and other hormones like sbgh level off to meet testostreone. Equilibrium is achived and there is no more anabolic acvitivy if your on gear then if your not.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    Interesting. I'm in the process of learning more about AAS so for now you're talking beyond the scope of my learning. But as I try to follow your reasoning it seems unclear (but like I said, that may be due to my dearth of learning).
    Basically just take letro throughout the cycle and clen in PCT and both of those effects will be significantly lessened. And try not to workout longer than 45min-hr, b/c cortisol levels will get too high.

    AAS blocks the cortisol from getting to the receptors while your on, but the excess build up and any you produce from then on will not be blocked when you come off them.

  8. #8
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    I think you've missed out a critical part which is that the ''steroid bounce'' may happen when you stop using certain steroids - like an overshoot effect.
    The only steroid I've seen actual evidence for this happening with is Tbol (can't remember the source)

  9. #9
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duke of Earl
    I think you've missed out a critical part which is that the ''steroid bounce'' may happen when you stop using certain steroids - like an overshoot effect.
    The only steroid I've seen actual evidence for this happening with is Tbol (can't remember the source)
    it is my opinion that dan duchaine was all about justifying doing stupid shit. and him being dead and all only further helps my case on that one.

    anyhow, i got a blood test about a week after using Tbol alone and my test was high/normal (this is with no pct, dont ask.)

  10. #10
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Son Of Khadafi
    Basically just take letro throughout the cycle and clen in PCT and both of those effects will be significantly lessened. And try not to workout longer than 45min-hr, b/c cortisol levels will get too high.

    AAS blocks the cortisol from getting to the receptors while your on, but the excess build up and any you produce from then on will not be blocked when you come off them.
    you dont have to worry about over training while on. like you said cortisol is blocked. just eat a ton. its after the cycle you have to worry.

  11. #11
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    it makes sense that your body produces more androgen receptors while on. i dont buy into the fact that your body will produce more test as a result. IMO, your body (eventually) will try to get back to its desired state, homeostasis. Im no endocrinologist, but its an interesting theory.

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