i was talking to a friend of mine yesterday he wanted to know if i wanted to buy his leftover gear, he had some sust250, apex all test 350 and something he said was called TNT200(which i have never heard of)
anyway i told him that i had plenty of gear and wouldnt need to buy any off him. when i asked why he stopped taking his gear he said that he had just returned from the doctor because his right nipple had become tender and now he has a lump like a stone behind it. i asked wot the doctor said and he said that he couldnt do anything for him and to just stop taking the gear and if it didnt get any better then he would need an operation.
now this friend of mine is a bit on the dull side he has never done his own research and when i told him to get some tamoxifens he just said that he didnt need them and wouldnt waste his money, well now he's sorry that he didnt listen!!
this is a guy that bought some tablets awhile back that he said were called "XXX" he didnt know wot the hell they were, and i've never heard of these either.
so wot do u guys think then??