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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Question SOME CONCERNS ABOUT FIRST CYCLE! Input greatly appreciated

    Okay everyone I make this short and succinct. I have been considering trying my first cycle, but after reading countless hours of information from this site and others I have found some conflicting evidence as to what exactly I should use.

    First of all,

    TEST E - As clearly mentioned in the novice cycles from this site. It is recommended as the cornerstone to all beginning bodybuilding cycles. Yet, it still has a HIGHLY androgenic component and therefore is more risky as far as side effects like gyno are concerned.

    My question - Is Test E still the bomb? Should I start my own custom cycle, with say, more mild AAs like winstrol or Dbol or should I just do the cycle as posted on the site?

    What about Nolvadex ? It is totally essential? Gyno scares me a lot simply because it would suck to have boobs and also because it is evidence of using AAs.

    Any input on this matter would be greatly appreciated especially if purported with scientific thoughts. Thanks so much,


  2. #2
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Take 20mgs nolvadex for the whole cycle + Pct, that will prevent gyno. I would throw in 75mgs proviron ed too, to eliminate bloat!

    Most commen sideeffects with testosterone are bad skin, acne, hairloss and gyno, if you are prone!

  3. #3
    Geodogg's Avatar
    Geodogg is offline Associate Member
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    testE is recomended for a biginer mostly because you only have to shot it twicce a week, as oposed to other tests. and it is also less painfull. if you use other tests for a first cycle, it's be alot more painful for you then for somebody who has done cycles of test before.

    and as far as sides goes, I think it varies from person to person. and i don't think testE is riskyer.

    about Nolva. I would def. use it. it'll help with the bloat from the d-bols. and with the sides. it is also not that expensive so why would you not run it.

    this advice is coming from somebody fairly new in this game so I'd wait for more educated answers.

  4. #4
    sp9's Avatar
    sp9 is offline MMA Competition Sentinel
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    test e is still the bomb. It is a perfect first cycle by itself. DBOL and Winny by the way, I would not consider more mild. Winny if you are prone to hairloss will destroy your hair. Dbol is very harsh on the liver. I would say to have enough nolva on hand to run up to 40 mg if you have gyno symptoms. If you do not just run 10mg per day your whoole cycle and 20 mg during pct with nolva.

    What are your stats - age, weight, height, diet, workout, etc.

    I don't recommend you try anything until you are at least 23.

  5. #5
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
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    test e or c is prefered rather than sust or any multi estered test bcoz its easy to keep blood levels stable plus most new users dont lik ed or eod shoots while test e needs 2b shoot twice a week with anti e at good dose ull b fine

  6. #6
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    Feb 2006

    Question to TEST OR not to TEST is the question!!!!!

    Okay thanks for the input so far,

    What I'm getting at is that Test is appe****g to a new users because of the frequency of injections. Side effects being put aside, its a pretty good foundation builder as well.

    Ok HERE are some more brain buster questions for all you rippers out there. Help a brother out!

    Is acquiring PCT gear harder than getting gear itself. In other words, do more people willing to sell pay as much attention to stuff like nolva, and clomid???????

    Also, what about retaining your gains????? I look at the effectiveness charts and TEST E isnt nearly as good for retaining your gains as with other gear?????? WHAT SAY YOU BODY BUILDING GODS????????

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by sp9
    test e is still the bomb. It is a perfect first cycle by itself. DBOL and Winny by the way, I would not consider more mild. Winny if you are prone to hairloss will destroy your hair. Dbol is very harsh on the liver. I would say to have enough nolva on hand to run up to 40 mg if you have gyno symptoms. If you do not just run 10mg per day your whoole cycle and 20 mg during pct with nolva.

    What are your stats - age, weight, height, diet, workout, etc.

    I don't recommend you try anything until you are at least 23.


    I am 6 foot. 190-195, 21 years old, diet is very good my i eat a lot of whole foods, protein and essential fats, I supplement with NO Explode, Nitrix, cyto gainer and other proteins, and take Tribulus on and off, (makes me too horny, haha) vitamins and all that stuff.
    I work out hard. I currently am changing up my workouts every few weeks. For one workout, which I'll do for about 2 weeks is

    Monday - Chest/ cardio
    Tuesday - Arm (heavy)
    Wednesday - Legs
    Thursday - Shoulders
    Friday - Back and Traps
    Saturday - Arms (higher reps, supersets)

    the other workout is more intense, I got it from the Governator's Encyclopedia to Bodybuilding, many people argue it is too intense and unnecessary to do so much but it has grown on me.

    Monday - Chest/Back
    Tuesday - Shoulders/ Biceps/ Triceps
    Wednesday - Legs/Abs
    Thursday - Repeat monday
    Friday - '' Tuesday
    Saturday - " wednesday

  8. #8
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    SO whats the word? Does anyone have any thing to say about my last two posts? I would really like some feedback on this.



  9. #9
    sp9's Avatar
    sp9 is offline MMA Competition Sentinel
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    You will get more responses if you post your full diet in the diet forum and state your goals, also post your workout in that forum with your goals. As far as a first cycle I think you are good to go as far as knowign to take test e for say 10-12 weeks at 400-500mg per week. You could run a kick start of 30mg dbol a day for the first 4 weeks, but it is better to start out with just test and add others in another cycle.

    Make sure you have nolva, and clomid, all the extras on hand before you start.

  10. #10
    SpiderRico's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geodogg
    testE is recomended for a biginer mostly because you only have to shot it twicce a week, as oposed to other tests. and it is also less painfull. if you use other tests for a first cycle, it's be alot more painful for you then for somebody who has done cycles of test before.

    and as far as sides goes, I think it varies from person to person. and i don't think testE is riskyer.

    about Nolva. I would def. use it. it'll help with the bloat from the d-bols. and with the sides. it is also not that expensive so why would you not run it.

    this advice is coming from somebody fairly new in this game so I'd wait for more educated answers.

  11. #11
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    Ok so I was thinking about the latest replies for my thread and have come to the conclusion to just stick with the novice cycles from the site.

    Question - I have heard that Dbol taken orally will produce no long term gains, just a bunch of bloating and broken self esteem at the end of my cycle when I loose practically all of my gains.

    Is there anything else that would be better? Winstrol ? EQ?
    What do you all think????



    p.s. My diet is damn good, I'm too lazy to write it out. Imagine, a lot of protein, whole grains and essential fats.

  12. #12
    Tiftan090's Avatar
    Tiftan090 is offline Junior Member
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    Dbol isn't a good way to go. Estrogenic sides are so strong that you can get gyno even with an aromatase inhibitor and nolva. Tbol is the way to go since it has almost no sides, and Boldenone should be the base of your stack, to lessen the sides from test. If you're one of those people who can tolerate winny without losing your hair, you should go with furazabol instead, to keep your blood lipid profile good.

  13. #13
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    My question - Is Test E still the bomb? Should I start my own custom cycle, with say, more mild AAs like winstrol or Dbol or should I just do the cycle as posted on the site?

    What about Nolvadex ? It is totally essential? Gyno scares me a lot simply because it would suck to have boobs and also because it is evidence of using AAs.


    hell yea, test enanthate is the bomb. it makes an ideal first cycle. if you were to run winstrol, you would gain less than with test enanthate. imo dbol is best if you use it to kickstart a cycle, but its not as good if you do a dbol only cycle cause the gains are not very solid, plus its pretty bad for you to run it for long periods of time. also, an anti is absolutely essential. gyno is something that you need to take very seriously, and take the proper precautions to make sure it does not happen to you. nolva is good, but its not the only option. there is also letrozole (which is my favorite), and arimidex . i know there are other anti es also, but i cant think of any more off the top of my head.

  14. #14
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiftan090
    Dbol isn't a good way to go. Estrogenic sides are so strong that you can get gyno even with an aromatase inhibitor and nolva.

    this can happen even if you were to run about 1.5 mgs of letro ed?

  15. #15
    Tren Bull's Avatar
    Tren Bull is offline Dbol Junkie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    Okay thanks for the input so far,

    What I'm getting at is that Test is appe****g to a new users because of the frequency of injections. Side effects being put aside, its a pretty good foundation builder as well.

    Ok HERE are some more brain buster questions for all you rippers out there. Help a brother out!

    Is acquiring PCT gear harder than getting gear itself. In other words, do more people willing to sell pay as much attention to stuff like nolva, and clomid???????

    Also, what about retaining your gains????? I look at the effectiveness charts and TEST E isnt nearly as good for retaining your gains as with other gear?????? WHAT SAY YOU BODY BUILDING GODS????????

    long term gains are definately ideal. i really dont care how big i am while on cycle, i care how big i am 6 months after i finish a cycle. if you feel the same way (which im guessing you do) then try stacking test enanthate with equi, then running clenbuterol during pct. that will cause you to make solid gains that you will keep when you finish your cycle

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Thanks guys, I really appreciate the responses. Sounds like you guys know your stuff.


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