i know this isn't a steroid q, but i thought id post it in the popular forum so everyone can see. i got off of a 18wk cycle about 3wks ago. since then iv been running 100-50mgs clomid ed, nolva 20mgs ed, and trib and 2g's ed. i slept with this girl from work for the first time last night, 3wks into PCT. i got it up and hard enough to stick her for about 3 minutes. i told her to get on top and..... .....limp dick. I"M FVCKING 19!!!!! she knows what going on with my AAS use, so luckily i had a good excuse, but damn! she knows i just came off but still, imbarrassing too say the least. esp when it was the first time with this perticular women. LOl, oh well, rematch in 2 wks!!!
