View Poll Results: can I mix trenboline with NO2

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  • Yes

    6 75.00%
  • No

    2 25.00%
Results 1 to 18 of 18
  1. #1
    Bashar is offline New Member
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    URGENT - Trenboline & NO2

    Working out for many years and just looking for new ideas to get a little bigger and more cut.
    I am 26, 5'9", 175lb

    I tried winstrol last year but looking for something stronger...

    Started taking NO2 for about a month now and just bought some Trembolona (trenboline)

    Can I mix the 2 together, has anyone tried this before, or have any suggestions???


  2. #2
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    no2 is as worthless as a dik on that chick in your aviator would be imo. but if you must i dont think there is anything you can't mix w/ no2. note i said i don't think,

  3. #3
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    no2 is as worthless as a dik on that chick in your aviator would be imo. but if you must i dont think there is anything you can't mix w/ no2. note i said i don't think,
    yes i am speaking from pearsonal experience, waste of $$$

  4. #4
    slooby's Avatar
    slooby is offline Associate Member
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    you dont even know what u r doing, go do some research before u do somethin u will regret like waste your money

  5. #5
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by slooby
    you dont even know what u r doing, go do some research before u do somethin u will regret like waste your money
    nice contribution...very informative

  6. #6
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back from the dead.....
    Tren turns u into hard steel by itself.( with a test run with it of course) Y waste your cash on a no2 product that isn't going to increase the pumps and vascularity u will get running tren? I do get some good pumps with nitrix.... but that is when I am off cycle... they are nothing compared to what tren does...

  7. #7
    Bashar is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up Trenboline & NO2

    Great, that was very informative.

    I will be starting trenboline along with oral winstrol , I think that's a good mix?

    Also, does anyone have info on deca (I think that's what it's called)???

  8. #8
    Bashar is offline New Member
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    Tren and Hair Loss

    I am starting Tren next week and wondering how it affects your HAIR.
    I have been having hair loss for a few years now and want to know if Tren will make it worse.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    toys for twats truck
    lord help you....

    please do the following....

    1. don't inject anything untill you read up a little more.
    you can find the profiles forum here....

    find what compound you have inquiries about and read the profile first before you ask questions.

    2. Dont do a cycle with winny and tren without a solid base of testosterone throughout. you will be shut down hard and lose all of your gains.

    3. Info on Deca can be found here.
    Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate)

    4. Get more advice and plan everything out before you go poking yourself.

  10. #10
    oldman's Avatar
    oldman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by heavyrotation92
    lord help you....

    please do the following....

    1. don't inject anything untill you read up a little more.
    you can find the profiles forum here....

    find what compound you have inquiries about and read the profile first before you ask questions.

    2. Dont do a cycle with winny and tren without a solid base of testosterone throughout. you will be shut down hard and lose all of your gains.

    3. Info on Deca can be found here.
    Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate)

    4. Get more advice and plan everything out before you go poking yourself.

    Thank you !!! OMG.. dude (O.P.) you can not just got mixing compounds like this. More is not always better. do more research please.

    Can you give some stats.. cycle history/how long you have been lifting seriously/diet?

    5'9" 175 should should be able to add lots of good weight/muscle by eating a good clean bulk diet.

    I have not done Tren but from what I see this is NOT a drug for nOObs..

    You will learn a lot here but don't make a mistake but jumping in too quick.. many of us here have done that and were sorry..


  11. #11
    Bashar is offline New Member
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    Tren and Hair Loss

    Hey, I really do appreciate all this advice.

    I have been working out for many years.
    I am 26 and I am in pretty good shape.

    I used winstrol last year oral and injection.
    However, I wanted something that could make me a little bigger and cut.

    I just don't want to get too huge and that's why I did not consider Test.
    Also, doesn't test have too many side effects???


  12. #12
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bashar
    Hey, I really do appreciate all this advice.

    I have been working out for many years.
    I am 26 and I am in pretty good shape.

    I used winstrol last year oral and injection.
    However, I wanted something that could make me a little bigger and cut.

    I just don't want to get too huge and that's why I did not consider Test.
    Also, doesn't test have too many side effects???


    U need test as a base to any cycle.... If u are worried about the side effects of test then u don't want to mess with tren ... it has the most sides of any aas that I know of... it is the strongest steroid out there and it needs to be treated as such... it is not for a beginner....

  13. #13
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
    QuieTSToRM33 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bashar
    However, I wanted something that could make me a little bigger and cut.I just don't want to get too huge and that's why I did not consider Test.
    You can get bigger and cut with a solid diet and strict cardio regiment. Getting big is all dependent on your diet and workout plan bro.

    And if you do plan on doing tren and winny... for ur own sake add some test bro.

  14. #14
    2deizel's Avatar
    2deizel is offline Associate Member
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    i took tren a few times its great but has a little side effects

  15. #15
    AMPED23's Avatar
    AMPED23 is offline New Member
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    If he were to run test, tren , and winny as suggested, what would be the best test for that cycle. Test prop? Test E? And at what dosage with the winny and tren?

  16. #16
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by Bashar
    Hey, I really do appreciate all this advice.

    I just don't want to get too huge and that's why I did not consider Test.

    That part killed me.... if only it was true.... Test works wonders, but it's not like u do a cycle of it and then u r ready for the Mr. O......

  17. #17
    Bashar is offline New Member
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    Hey 2deizel,
    What kind of side effects did you get from taking Tren

  18. #18
    Bashar is offline New Member
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    What would you recommend as a good cycle if I take Test, Tren , and Winny???

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