02-09-2006, 01:12 PM #1
Test E Cycle - Then Var/Deca - Be Prepared
Alot of questions below. Be prepared.
This is my first cycle
I'm starting a 12 wk cycle of Test E at 250 every 3.5 days.
How long should I wait before I start my second cycle which will be Deca stacked with Var. 200mgs of Deca a week and 50mg of Var daily for 12 weeks.
Also, do you think that both cycles will promote sufficient fat loss?
I read in the steroid profile forum that Anavar burns fat even without diet and cardio. Of course I don’t plan on just sitting around.
Has anyone experienced good gains with great loss of fat on Anavar?
02-09-2006, 01:18 PM #2
So the reason for both cycles is to lose fat? What are your stats?
Time on=time off or even better go by blood work.
As far as the second cycle is concerned, that's a bad combo especially if it's for fat burning.
02-09-2006, 01:21 PM #3
Stats are:
29 yrs old
What would you stack with Var for optimum fat burning besides cardio and diet.
02-09-2006, 01:35 PM #4Originally Posted by cforn
02-09-2006, 01:40 PM #5
Thanks for the advise but thats not the direction I will be taking. I want a boost.
02-09-2006, 01:42 PM #6
wats your bf??
02-09-2006, 01:46 PM #7
18% body fat
02-09-2006, 01:51 PM #8Originally Posted by cforn
don't want to sound like a d!ck but as i said with these stats and that bf% your not nearly ready to use aas imo.
02-09-2006, 01:51 PM #9
personally i would get down to around the 13-15% bf before i started anythin.
if you are dead set on doin this mate.
time on+pct=time off!!
02-09-2006, 03:24 PM #10Originally Posted by booz
02-09-2006, 03:32 PM #11Originally Posted by cforn
Prop/Var would be a good cutter.
Deca and Var may yiled gains, but some unwanted sides may arise. Deca will decrease ones natural testosterone levels at a small dose for 2-3 weeks. This, if not run wih a form of testoterone, will mean a decreased sex drive. Test needs o be included. There is a small minority that have run Deca only without the often side effects, but this is rare. This is why Deca, unless run with Test, isnt advised.
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