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  1. #1
    vein-x's Avatar
    vein-x is offline Associate Member
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    2nd *MASS* Cycle

    I'm near the end of my first cycle, my winter mass cycle, and I'm hooked 200%. I'm going to take some time off cycle and then maybe run a strong cutter this summer (Prop/T3/Clen ) to cut some of the fat I put on while bulking. Anyway, here's what I was thinking for a serious mass cycle next Fall/Winter. I love being on, and haven't been off yet but I'm gonna bet when I get off (after PCT and all) I'm going to miss the 'GOD' feeling more than ever which is why I made this 15 weeks. Lemme know if it's too long...

    Weeks 1-15: Testosterone Enanthate @ 750-800mg/week
    Weeks 1-5: Dbol @ 50mg/ED
    Weeks 1-13: Deca @ 500mg/week (shot twice weekly with the Test Enan)
    Weeks 1-15: 50-120mcg T3 (for synergistic purposes and to keep fat gain to a minimum)
    (Am I missing a potent bulking drug?)

    Here's the reasoning.. It'll be my second real mass cycle (might run a strong cutter this summer) and I want to save Tren , Anadrol and some of the other more potent drugs for later cycles. I'm definitely running Deca and a higher dose of it because from what I hear/read if run at a potent enough dose with enough food, you don't have to stop training and the size doesn't stop coming either. I had a couple questions too:

    1- Obviously, how does that cycle look? I'm 6'2" 248 ~16% bodyfat with 1 solid cycle under my belt.

    2- I've heard recommendations of either 1000mg of Test Enan or 800mg of Test Prop in heavy bulkers. I personally liked the results from the 4-week kicker I ran to jumpstart my current cycle... but HATED the pain. I ended up shooting in my delts and that worked out because all the movement got blood to the muscle and massaged most of the pain out. But I think I'm a little nervous because my LAST shot of the jumpstart prop shots went rough. I tried to mix up the locations between the 3 heads for site rotation but I can still imagine the sting from that shot... uggh. Anyway, if you think there's really a night and day difference between Prop and Enan let me know. I just prefer not to do ED/EOD injections if Enanthate will do the job just as well with a slightly higher dose and MUCH fewer injections.

    3- Finally, you see the cycle I'm considering running. I want it to be a HEAVY bulker (5000-6000 calories/day) and plan on spending everything I have on it. Will running the T3 help as well as I've heard/read? Idealistically it'll help shed fat from the heavy calories, synergize the AAS AND help build muscle, but has anyone had experience with it for anabolic AND cutting effects? Does it work well? I put on some fat this winter bulking and the more I read the more it makes sense that an elevated metabolism would be one of the BEST things you could have for bulking. More nutrients to muscles, more feeling of well-being and cutting excess fat.

    Thank you VERY much for reading and any feedback at all. I tend to go into too much detail and post long threads, but I love talking about cycles (especially mine) and learning about new drugs. If you managed to read it all and have any advice, I'd highly appreciate it.


  2. #2
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    if you like the 'GOD' feeling bro... u gotta throw in some tren ace in there .... at about 75-100mg/ed u see amazing results .... personally for me when i bulk i use prop/tren/methandriol diprop,and dbol (naps).... which is basically a lean bulker, which i prefer the most, u get more muscle and also cut fat...

    basically the only difference i think between prop and e is u see drier gains from the prop, and u have less bloat as well... i prefer prop over e personally

  3. #3
    vein-x's Avatar
    vein-x is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    if you like the 'GOD' feeling bro... u gotta throw in some tren ace in there .... at about 75-100mg/ed u see amazing results .... personally for me when i bulk i use prop/tren/methandriol diprop,and dbol (naps).... which is basically a lean bulker, which i prefer the most, u get more muscle and also cut fat...

    basically the only difference i think between prop and e is u see drier gains from the prop, and u have less bloat as well... i prefer prop over e personally
    I see what you mean 100% on the 'drier gains' from Prop. But what I left out is Letro. I'll be running more than just what I posted (obviously) I need PCT and I'm getting Clen , Arimidex , Letro and maybe some Cialas in case of Deca dick.

    Any other opinions? GHOST made a really good point and as I said, I forgot to point out I'm running Letro and a few other non-AAS chems too.

  4. #4
    diezell's Avatar
    diezell is offline Senior Member
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    cycle looks good, i prefer anadrol over dbol . i just came off a similar cycle and loved the results.

  5. #5
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    damn man, that is a SICK looking cycle, i WISH i could do such a awesome cycle. how much you looking to throw down $ wise for that.

  6. #6
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    damn man, that is a SICK looking cycle, i WISH i could do such a awesome cycle. how much you looking to throw down $ wise for that.
    Hahah, thank you, and to answer your question: A good amount of money. If you want a realistic price I'm looking at between $800-1000 for all of it. I'll type of the ENTIRE cycle sometime soon and hopefully get some more reviews. It's more than what I've posted, so that explains the price. I'm really going all out like I said. 5-6k calories, 9+ hours of sleep, 500-600g protein.. the works. I'm going into health and training for a life career and in my perfect world, I'd go pro...

    Any other opinions on my setup?

  7. #7
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Hell yah man, me and you have the same plan's for a career and whatnot, but I wouldnt wanna go pro.

    How old are you?

  8. #8
    vein-x's Avatar
    vein-x is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    Hell yah man, me and you have the same plan's for a career and whatnot, but I wouldnt wanna go pro.

    How old are you?
    I'm 26 and glad to hear you're also headed down the health pathway in life. Great place to be in the long run..

    I plan on opening my own gym, having a solid list of clientele and running a gym like a gym should be run. I'm 200% hooked on juice now. Testosterone is the single most amazing substance in the world and I love it. As you can tell from my cycle, I've still got 200+ lbs to put on before I get on stage. I plan on finishing my current, running the above cycle and probably 3-4 more and then delving into the realms of HGH, insulin and IGF-1. I want to know everything there is to know about all three of the substances backwards and forwards before I even buy them.

    As I said, I'm glad you've chosen health for a career and it's also good to know more people than just I feel I have a solid cycle laid out. As promised earlier I'd type out my full cycle...

    Weeks 1-15: Testosterone Enanthate @ 800mg/week
    Weeks 1-14: Deca -Durabolin @ 500mg/week
    Weeks 1-5: Dianabol @ 40mg/day
    Weeks 16-17: Testosterone Propionate @ 150mg/EOD (bridge between cycle and PCT)
    Weeks 1-17: T3 @ 80-150mcg/day (for synergistic purposes and to maintain/drop the BF% level with 5000+ calories a day)

    Weeks 18-21: Nolvadex @ 40mg for the first 2 weeks and 20mg for the second 2 weeks
    Weeks 18-21: Clomid @ 100mg for the first 2 weeks and 50mg for the second 2 weeks
    Weeks 18-22: Clenbuterol @ anywhere from 50-150mcg/day (to retain all gains)

    Weeks 1-17: Arimidex @ 1mg/ED
    Weeks 1-17: Letrozole @ undetermined amount

    Weeks 23-34: DNP @ undetermined amount
    -cycled with T3 & Clenbuterol @ 150mcg/80mcg
    -cycled with ECA stack

    That should give you guys something to look over and hopefully give me a little feedback on...

  9. #9
    Bizz's Avatar
    Bizz is offline Associate Member
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    you know were you going...keep the hard work...


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