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Thread: Winny Alone!

  1. #1
    biganfg's Avatar
    biganfg is offline Associate Member
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    Winny Alone!

    Supp peeps,

    look i am just doing some detective work, a mate of mine got a bad bach of winny and started drinking it within the next couple of days he started coughing up blood and his whole body cramped up hardcore and had to go hospital. The person he got it from got his head kicked in, but i later found that the same person purchases from the guy i purchased my winny from but i was okay with my batch. Now could that other bloke who is a complete tool have changed the substance of the winny or is it possible (this is my main question)that taking winny on its own could cause this too happen. I am just curious because i want to give this kid some good advice about how to take gear properly(because he doesn't listen), he is young and niave and has had some issues with his mother who is suffering from serious cancer and i don't want to see this kid get into any more phsycological s***.

  2. #2
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    No bro winny should not make you cought up blood. How much was he taking and for how long.

  3. #3
    biganfg's Avatar
    biganfg is offline Associate Member
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    I am pretty sure it was 50mg a day within a week of him drinking it he just started to cough up blood, i wasn't actually their when it started happening it got back to me after about a week.

  4. #4
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    he should get a blood test to see what the compound was. I dont think it was winny.

  5. #5
    biganfg's Avatar
    biganfg is offline Associate Member
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    In a cave in Melb, Oz
    Cool, i'll tell him to go get it checked out, but i doubt he will listen, every time i see him he wont stop talking about deca and winny and i tell him man get some test u will regret it, i'll b fine i'll b fine ats all he says.

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