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  1. #1
    Iceman69's Avatar
    Iceman69 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2006

    Recommended Caloric Intake for the following:

    Hey guys. I'm about to start my first cycle based on the "Cycles for Newbies" thread using 500mg of Test E per week for 10 weeks.

    I've been training hard for several years, and my diet is currently good enough to keep me at 6'3 220lbs pretty solid. I've obviously hit a plateau, which is what has primarily motivated me to hit up a cycle.

    My current diet looks something like the following:

    8am -
    Oatmeal with strawberries
    Orange juice

    11am -
    Protein shake - Myoplex deluxe, with 1 banana, 1 giant scoop of peanut butter, I use water (I can't drink milk unless it's soy)

    1pm -
    Chicken Breast, cup of fruit cocktail, water

    3pm -
    Steak and veggies

    Protein shake, similar to the above mentioned

    9pm - Chicken, Salad, glass of soy milk


    That pretty much keeps me at 220.

    I'm benching 245 for reps
    Squatting 275 for reps
    Curling 115 for reps
    Barbell rows with 175 for reps
    Triceps are just a tad stronger than bi's.


    My goal with this cycle is to get as close to 235lbs as possible. I'd be very happy just gaining 10 solid lbs and hitting 230.


    Any suggestions, recommendations are much appreciated for my cycle diet.

    I know I'll have to up the calories/protein but not sure exactly how much I'll need to.

    Thanks fella's

  2. #2
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by Iceman69
    Any suggestions, recommendations are much appreciated for my cycle diet.

    Post this in the diet section. This forum is dedicated to AAS questions, plenty of guys over there that would love to take a stab at this..............

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