Whats up guys,

I am new to this site as well as anything to do with juice. I was wondering if anyone could advise me further if I listed my stats, training and goals.
Here goes ...

Age: 22
Height: 5'9
weight: 195
BF: less than 10%

I work out 5 times a week with a personal trainer, and have for a while. I also train MMA - (well bjj and muay thai with a touch of krav maga). I have a few friends who juice, and they hooked me up with some test and deca . here is what they suggest which seems off to me, so i was hoping someone here could let me know for sure;

week 1-12: test e 250 -- @ 1 gram a week
week 1-10: deca 250-- @750 a week

they havnt spoke to me about pct or anti estr..

also, (i am not sure if this is the forum for this) both are orbit labs ( a canadian UG)..

let me have it boys