hello I am not new to this forum but lost my old handle, And have not been on in a while. I did some research and one of my educated friends set me up on this cycle. I have been in the gym strong for 3 years. My goals are to gain some muscle and to show more definition. I break my workouts down into 5 days in the gym and 6 days of cardio. I do Cardio on an empty stomach when i wake up in the morning. I try to eat 5 to 6 meals a day containing a total of around 300 grams of protien including shakes. I take a shake with breakfast after cardio and a shake after my lift. I am 5 foot 9 215 pounds with 12 percent body fat checked at our athletic center here at school. My cycle consists of 10 weeks of trenbolone acetate and the final 5 weeks of winstrol every other day. Im sure I have left something out. Please let me know what you think. Thank you.